Delicious, healthy and satisfying - this is what the perfect breakfast should be. But it is equally important that it was not difficult to prepare it. A yogurt, oatmeal and bran smoothie won't take up much of your time. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Everyone knows that oatmeal in the morning is the best dish for health and slimness. The product has a lot of nutrients and fiber. Thanks to this, after its use, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time. In addition, oatmeal is not contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus, who have impaired carbohydrate metabolism. But in order to diversify your menu for breakfast or lunch, and not to constantly cook porridge from it, you can experiment and cook different new dishes. Such a tasty and healthy dish will be yogurt, oatmeal and bran smoothies. It is healthier than ordinary porridge, and saturates it with nothing worse, since it has a thick consistency.
You can prepare such a cocktail not only for breakfast, but also during the day, replacing them with quick snacks. The smoothie contains yogurt, which should not be replaced with ice cream, cream, sour cream. Since such a cocktail is threatened with excess weight gain. Milk, kefir, cottage cheese are suitable, products that are simultaneously nutritious, not particularly high in calories, while giving the body the necessary portion of proteins and calcium. If you want to make the drink thinner, use fruit juices instead of yoghurt, preferring freshly squeezed juices. they are as useful as possible. And store juice is heat-treated and sugar is added to it.
See also how to make a pear smoothie.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 149 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 15 minutes

- Natural yogurt - 200 ml
- Bran - 1 tablespoon
- Instant oat flakes - 75 g
- Honey - 1 tablespoon
Step by step preparation of a yogurt, oatmeal and bran smoothie, recipe with photo:

1. Pour oatmeal into a blender bowl.

2. Then add any bran: oat, buckwheat, wheat, rye …

3. Pour the chilled yoghurt over the food and add honey. If honey is allergic or cannot be consumed, then replace it with sugar or add some sweet berries / fruits / dried fruits.

4. Lower the hand blender into the bowl of food.

5. Whisk the food until smooth so that the oatmeal is completely chopped up. Usually instant oatmeal is steamed or soaked in water, milk, kefir for 10 minutes. Therefore, let the yogurt, oatmeal and bran smoothies stand this time so that the oatmeal swells a little.
If you don't have a blender, use a coffee grinder to grind the flakes to a flour state and combine with the rest of the products. Then the smoothie will have a delicate consistency, as when using a blender.
Do not store yogurt, oatmeal, and bran smoothies. It is most useful freshly prepared. Therefore, it is not worth preparing it for future use, especially since it can be done in a matter of minutes.
See also the video recipe on how to make an oatmeal smoothie.