Types of rose gardens, rules for placing plants in a flower bed, choice of seedlings and planting technology, time of work and recommendations for equipping a flower garden. A rose garden is a perennial flower garden in which roses are the main plant species. The formation of a flower bed requires a serious study of many issues related to the selected variety of flowers and the agrotechnical features of their cultivation. Useful information on this topic can be found in our article.
Features of the formation of the rosary

For the rose garden, choose an area where trees have not grown before, capable of taking out all nutrients from the soil. These include hawthorn, pear, cherry, etc. Even after fertilization, pathogenic microflora, harmful to roses, will remain in the soil.
Flowers are very fond of light. They should be in the sun for at least 6 hours a day and only 3 hours in partial shade. This is a prerequisite for successful crop cultivation. In conditions of insufficient illumination, roses develop poorly, poorly resist diseases. Being constantly in a shaded place, the stems will reach for the light and grow lopsided and unaesthetic.
To determine how long the flowers will be illuminated in a given location, drive in a peg and observe it. The best option for roses is when they are in partial shade from noon to 3 pm, until 12 pm and after 3 pm in the sun.
Therefore, plant them away from bushes and trees that create long shadows. It is also recommended to place taller specimens behind others so they will not obscure shorter plants. A rose garden on the south side of the fence is considered a good option.
Choose a location where the sun's rays hit the crop in the morning so that the dew dries quickly. In this way, the likelihood of fungal diseases can be reduced.
The flower grows poorly in high humidity conditions. Therefore, plant it on elevations where groundwater does not reach. Avoid areas where puddles form in spring.
If groundwater is located close to the surface (no more than 1 m), drain it. In a small area, it is recommended to remove the soil to a depth of 70 cm and pour a layer of 10-15 cm of rubble, broken brick or construction waste, and cover it with fertile soil on top. If a large area is planted, drainage can be done in the individual plant holes.
The rose garden on the site should be well ventilated so that the flowers do not hurt. If you have a blind fence or dense bushes, determine in advance a place where air circulation is constantly present. Without it, in spring and summer, plants will be affected by fungal diseases, they will be attacked by insects. The distance between the blind fence and the bush at its maximum size should be at least 60 cm.
However, constant drafts also adversely affect roses. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the middle between strong air flow and stagnation.
Growing gorgeous flowers requires nutrient-rich soil. The fertile layer should be at least 40 cm deep, loose, slightly moistened. The ideal option is considered to be light loam with an acidity level of 5-6 pH. Clay is categorically not suitable. If it is present, dilute it with peat and sand and make drainage that will remove excess moisture from the site. Roses also do not take root on dry sandstone, so a mixture of clay and humus should be added to it.
Add fertilizer to the soil as needed, according to professional recommendations, but not more. Excessive fertilization can disrupt the chemical balance of the soil. Compost, peat, humus are suitable from organic substances, which contribute no more than 10 kg per 1 m2… You can also use mineral supplements - ammonium nitrate, superphosphates, potassium chloride.
In the hot season, flowers require 90-110 liters of water per week. If you water with a smaller amount, excess salts are formed in the soil, and the exchange of nutrients in plants will deteriorate.
When placing a rose garden, consider the characteristics of each variety. Plant curly near the house or gazebo. Roses with a lot of flowers look good against the background of water bodies. A flower bed finished with decorative stones is suitable for low flowers.
Rose garden technology in the country
A rose lives for a long time - from 7 to 15 years, some species - up to 25. Before making a rose garden, study all the nuances of planting and caring for flowers so that the plant has enough strength for such a long period. Below are the main points that you need to pay attention to when forming a flower bed.
Selection of the shape of the rose garden

The size and shape of the flower bed should correspond to the area of the site, and the size of the grown plants should correspond to the area of the rose garden itself.
The most popular flower gardens are as follows:
- Rabatka … Roses are planted on the sides of the path, on one or both sides. This system looks good in large gardens. At the end of the bed, a beautiful element is often installed - a sculpture, a fountain or a pergola. To create wide discounts, you can plant shrubs, for small borders - polyanthus roses.
- Flower bed … The composition forms several rows (up to 4 m long) of plants of any varieties. Along the edges are low species (dwarf roses, ground cover flowers), in the middle - high (standard rose). Spread the seedlings very tightly to look like a carpet.
- Solitaire landings … This is the name of single bushes of attractive shapes with a large number of beautiful flowers (shrubs, climbing and standard roses). The stems are tied to pegs so that they do not bend. Single hybrid tea varieties are often grown in small areas.
- Hedge … The flower garden is formed by roses that rarely get sick, are not afraid of frost, and are resistant to pests. For the formation of such a flower bed, a wrinkled rose, which blooms for a long time and abundantly, is suitable.
All flower gardens are divided into the following types: regular and landscape. Each has its own characteristics:
- Regular … They are formed in the form of regular geometric shapes - round or rectangular, which are bounded around the perimeter by decorative chips made of marble, brick or gravel. Often, fences and a grassy lawn are used to emphasize the contour.
- Landscape … They form large groups of plants planted without definite rules, under the influence of creative imagination.
The placement of roses in a flower garden is also influenced by the convenience of caring for them. It must be remembered that only the first two rows are available for weeding and cutting, and if the area is large, it should be divided into fragments. The presence of tracks that allow you to serve 4 rows is required. If you have a lawn, place flowers at some distance from the edge of the lawn so as not to damage the plants when mowing the grass.
What seedlings to take for a rose garden

The standard scheme for placing flowers is as follows: undersized ones are placed closer to the path, then medium-tall ones, the farthest ones are climbing, next to which supports are dug in.
Brief characteristics of seedlings:
- The first row can be filled with plants with a large number of flowers and graceful foliage, creeping and bush varieties with drooping shoots - Pink Spray, Snow Carpet, Nozomi, etc.
- Flowers with a height of 80-90 cm are considered to be medium-high. These include single plants on a long stem (hybrid tea varieties), abundantly flowering (Floribunda rose, a group of scrubs), etc.
- Climbing varieties include varieties that can grow up to 5 meters up. They are climbing and crawling. The most famous varieties are: New Davn, Ramira, Salina.
When buying plants, pay attention not only to the variety of the flower, but also to its condition.
Perform the following operations:
- Choose seedlings with several evenly spaced branches without damage, with dormant buds.
- Examine the roots of the seedlings. They should be firm and flexible, with suction roots appearing.
- After cutting, white wood is visible, which indicates the absence of disease.
- If the tips of the roots are frozen, they can be trimmed. Plant strongly frozen plants in open ground for several days so that they move away.
- Remove the damaged areas of the roots. Cut off the rest, leaving shoots 30 cm long. It is not recommended to plant roses with roots less than 25 cm long.
- Shorten the aerial part, leaving 2-3 strong shoots.
- Remove all leaves from the cuttings.
- Soak the roots in a clay / dung mixture for a few minutes to provide additional nutrition to the roots.
Timing for planting seedlings

The timing of planting depends on many factors, the main of which are the conditions for wintering and growing seedlings.
Gardeners recommend the following:
- If the plants were stored in refrigerators and basements during the cold season, they are planted in early May, greenhouse roses - in early June. May plantings are covered overnight with non-woven material so that accidental frosts do not affect the growth and development of the flower.
- Potted seedlings can be planted throughout the growing season, but not in extreme heat. The main thing is that a good root system is formed by the fall.
- If the roses bloom in the container, they are left until autumn, otherwise the flowering will not last long.
- Plants with exposed roots at home are difficult to store for long periods of time. For this, there must be a low temperature and bright lighting. If these conditions are not met, the seedlings will begin to grow rapidly, but the shoots will be very weak. Therefore, the procedure must be performed before mid-July, so that they have time to take root by the fall.
- Many varieties can be planted in the fall. Immediately you need to think about protecting the plant from frost. To do this, they are completely covered with sawdust or peat.
Rules for planting seedlings in the rose garden

Before starting work, determine the planting density, which depends on the size of the plant in the "adult" state. Miniature varieties reach 25-50 cm in width, hybrid tea - 60-100 cm, park varieties - 1-1.5 m, tall flowers - 2-3 m.
When determining the number of roses, it is necessary to take into account their permissible number per 1 m:
- Tea-hybrid - 5-6 pcs.;
- Groundcover - 3-5 pcs.;
- Shrabs - 4-6 pcs.;
- Miniature - 10-12 pcs.;
- Shrub -1 pcs.;
- Wicker - 1 pc.
To create a rose garden in the country with your own hands, you should prepare in advance. Start preliminary work 2-3 months before the procedure. Clean the site of debris and dig it up. Apply fertilizer to the soil, and by autumn you will have a soil that is optimal for planting flowers.
Dig holes. Their depth should be 10 cm longer than the roots, usually 50-60 cm will be enough, however, if there is a need for drainage, go deeper by 70 cm. The width of the hole depends on the variety of the rose and ranges from 0.25-1.5 m.
If the groundwater is less than 1 m deep, fill the pit with gravel, small stone, or expanded clay for drainage.
Planting technology depends on the growing conditions of the seedlings. If the roses are open-rooted, do the following:
- Pour soil into the bottom of the hole. Place a plant in it and make sure that the roots do not rise up or bend into a loop.
- Make sure the flower is upright and the grafting sites are 3-5 cm deep.
- Cover the roots with soil, compacting slightly to eliminate any voids, and then water.
If the seedlings are sold in pots, there is no need to inspect the roots. The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- Pour water over the soil in it so that the lump does not crumble when you remove it.
- If the container is plastic, cut open and remove the contents by the stem.
- Lower the plant together with a lump of soil into the hole. The hole should be wider than an earthen coma in the palm of your hand, and its walls should be previously loosened.
- When covering with soil, shake the stems periodically to straighten the roots. After filling the hole, compact the soil and pour water over it.
Trim the aerial part of the seedlings. For small plants, leave 2-4 buds on top, depending on the variety. Some roses (park, climbing, ground cover) do not need pruning. Only defective processes are removed from them.
Shade the roses for the first time to keep the roots moist longer. Further care consists in periodic watering and loosening of the soil. For winter, cover the shoots with sawdust to protect them from frost.
How to make a rose garden in the country - watch the video:

When creating a rose garden with your own hands, you must comply with all conditions that ensure the normal growth and development of plants. Only in this case will the flowerbed please. Therefore, all measures for arranging a flower garden should be directed only for the prosperity of roses.