How to get rid of sunburn quickly?

How to get rid of sunburn quickly?
How to get rid of sunburn quickly?

If you have a problem such as an unsuccessful or ugly tan, do not worry, because the situation can be corrected. Find out what products and methods are available to remove sunburn and lighten skin.

Someone wants to get a chocolate skin tone as quickly as possible, but others want to get rid of tanning and are ready to use any means and means for this. And this is quite real, the main thing is to use only safe methods that will help you find snow-white skin, but not harm it.

Why get rid of sunburn?

Girl sunbathing on the beach
Girl sunbathing on the beach

There are several reasons why you may have a strong desire to get rid of your tan and regain a snow-white skin tone:

  1. Uneven tan. This situation occurs quite often, when one part of the body is much more tanned than others. There are cases when, after sunbathing, ugly and highly visible traces of accessories or clothes remain on the body. It looks not only very ugly, but also quite ridiculous.
  2. The tan comes off unevenly. For someone, the tan literally "sticks" with an even layer and a beautiful chocolate skin tone remains for a long time. But others were much less fortunate. And as a result, tanned skin begins to peel off, ugly white spots appear on the body. In this case, it is better to immediately take appropriate measures to help remove the tan.
  3. Ugly skin color. Despite the fact that the sun is one, it affects each person in a different way. For example, residents of southern countries easily and quickly get a seductive chocolate shade, while in northern residents, after sunbathing, the skin takes on an ugly gray tint. A similar phenomenon is the result of differences in the reaction of the skin to ultraviolet rays, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the peoples.

Can I get rid of sunburn quickly?

Body of a girl with and without a tan
Body of a girl with and without a tan

Darkening of the skin is the result of its reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Under the influence of the sun, the active production of the dark pigment melanin is triggered. It begins to accumulate in special cells that are located in the upper layers of the dermis.

Periodically, the skin is renewed due to the removal of dead skin particles. This process can be accelerated and the exfoliation of old cells is much faster. To replace them, the formation of new cells begins, but they no longer have melanin, which provides darkening of the skin.

To remove sunburn and obtain an even skin tone, you can use both modern salon procedures and home remedies, the effectiveness and safety of which has been proven over time.

Salon methods to remove sunburn

Tanning girl removed in salon
Tanning girl removed in salon

Today, there are several effective procedures carried out in beauty salons that help to lighten the skin and even out its tone. The most popular are:

  1. Laser skin lightening. During the procedure, unique laser beams of a specific length penetrate the skin. Energy accumulates, as a result of which the cells that accumulate melanin are literally destroyed. This leads to the onset of skin lightening. Several treatments may be required to obtain the desired result, and depending on the skin tone.
  2. Phototherapy or photocorrection. This method is based on the effect of photo waves. Unique impulses have a direct effect on melanin - it begins to accumulate heat, then its gradual destruction occurs. After the procedure, the skin may darken a little, but then the process of skin renewal and lightening starts.
  3. Skin peeling. Beauty salons offer mechanical and chemical acid peels. These procedures allow you to obtain a uniform and rapid removal of the upper layers of the dermis. As a result, the skin regains an even and natural color, its tone evens out, and a slight rejuvenating effect is provided.

Treatments for removing sunburn at home

A woman sitting in a sauna
A woman sitting in a sauna

Proven home remedies can also be used to remove sunburn not only on the face, but also on the skin of the body. These include:

  1. Bath or sauna. The action of high temperatures and moisture speeds up the process of skin cell renewal several times. As a result, the skin tone and relief are evened out. If you regularly visit the bathhouse (every day or every other day), in just a few weeks you can almost completely get rid of the sunburn.
  2. Massage. During the massage, it is imperative to use a special glove, which has a slightly rough surface. It is thanks to its effect that metabolic processes are accelerated, cell regeneration and their further exfoliation begin. It is recommended to carry out such procedures every day, which will help speed up the obtaining of the desired result.
  3. Taking a bath. Water procedures should be carried out every day, and in some cases, twice a day. It is imperative to use a washcloth, which accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead cells and the beginning of their regeneration. However, you need to use a fairly tough washcloth, which actively rubs the skin during each bath.

How to quickly get rid of sunburn with cosmetics

A girl puts a sun mask on her face
A girl puts a sun mask on her face

You can use specialized cosmetics that have a whitening effect at home on your own. They are produced not only in the form of a cream, but also a mask or a gel. In most cases, they contain unique fruit acids, which have a peeling effect.

You need to use such funds regularly until the desired result is obtained. However, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the attached instructions, since such drugs have certain contraindications.

Various types of scrubs containing abrasive particles, for example, crushed grape or apricot seeds, granular polymers, and sea salt, help to quickly remove sunburn. Scrubs also contain acids. It is recommended to use scrubs several times a week, but they can be used more often to remove sunburn.

Traditional medicine for getting rid of sunburn

A girl holding lemon slices in her hands
A girl holding lemon slices in her hands

The most effective methods in the fight for white skin are:

  1. Dairy products - curdled milk, whey, kefir, natural yogurt. They contain unique lactic acid, which removes hyperpigmentation. You need to make masks every day and leave the product on the skin for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Blue or white cosmetic clay. Clay powder is taken and diluted with water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. The composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin and left for 30 minutes. This whitening mask should be done every day.
  3. Lemon juice is an effective and natural whitening agent that can help you quickly get rid of an ugly sunburn. You can use the simplest option - several times a day, the skin is wiped with lemon juice.
  4. White cabbage finely chopped and used every day to make whitening masks. You can also wipe your skin with cabbage juice.
  5. To remove sunburn on the face, you can use hydrogen peroxide, to which is added chalk, crushed to a powder state and talc. Chalk can be replaced with baby powder. The result should be a mass that resembles thick sour cream. The mask is evenly distributed over the skin, rinsed off after 10 minutes. At the end, you need to wash yourself with warm water. However, this product is not recommended for thin and sensitive skin.
  6. A useful and effective remedy is natural coffee scrub … Ground coffee beans are taken and mixed with olive oil and natural honey. The composition is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements, then you need to take a shower. It is recommended to carry out such procedures every day or every two days.
  7. Sea salt can also be taken as a scrub. It should be rubbed into the skin with your hands, a washcloth or a massage glove, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water.
  8. For skin whitening, it is recommended to use apple or table vinegar 9%. The product is used twice a day to treat the skin.
  9. Masks made from fresh parsley also have an effective whitening effect. In a blender, greens are crushed and the composition is applied to the skin. After 30 minutes, you need to wash with warm water.
  10. Benefits juice of tomatoes and cucumbers. Vegetables can be chopped and used as masks together or separately.

Helpful Tips to Get Rid of Tanning Quickly

Tanned girl with face cream
Tanned girl with face cream

To quickly get rid of the sunburn and not harm your own skin, you should adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  • after using any whitening product, apply a moisturizer or soothing cream to the skin;
  • the composition is preliminarily tested for sensitivity, since some funds are capable of provoking severe allergies;
  • do not try to get rid of sunburn in a couple of days, because such actions can seriously harm your skin;
  • after whitening, the skin must be well protected from the effects of ultraviolet rays - sunscreen must be used before going outside.

To get rid of sunburn, you need to strictly adhere to the above recommendations and carry out whitening procedures regularly. But you should first consult with a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation.

What to do if your skin is burnt in the sun: