How to use cinnamon for weight loss

How to use cinnamon for weight loss
How to use cinnamon for weight loss

Useful properties of cinnamon for weight loss, contraindications for use. Methods of use, result, real feedback.

Slimming Cinnamon is a natural remedy that can help you lose weight without harming your health. The spice normalizes the process of glucose processing, as a result, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood decreases, the metabolism is accelerated, and fatty acids are converted into energy.

What is cinnamon?

Slimming Ceylon Cinnamon
Slimming Ceylon Cinnamon

In the photo cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is a thin, fragrant wood rolled into 10 cm rolls. It is made from the inner bark of an evergreen shrub of the Laurel family. In addition to tubules, cinnamon is ground into powder and processed into aromatic oil.

Ceylon cinnamon has the brightest unusual aroma. It is described as woody, spicy, warm, sweet. The spice goes well with the taste of desserts, pastries, drinks, but at the same time it perfectly complements the aroma of some meat dishes. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine.

Note that the spice from the bark of the Chinese cinnamon tree is called cassia. Outwardly, it is similar to cinnamon, but has a rougher texture, a pungent and spicy taste, but a weak aroma. Its health benefits are different from cinnamon. Cassia improves digestion, stimulates blood circulation.

Cinnamon production is considered to be more labor intensive than cassia. Therefore, spicy Ceylon straws are more expensive and are not sold in every supermarket. They can be bought at health food stores, spice points of sale, and online manufacturers' websites.

Cinnamon sticks can be stored for 12-16 months. To do this, place them in a glass container in a cool, dark place. Break off pieces from the tube as needed, grind them with a mortar. Remember, cinnamon powder quickly loses its flavor, aroma and ability to lose weight.

Useful properties of cinnamon for weight loss

What does cinnamon for weight loss look like?
What does cinnamon for weight loss look like?

Cinnamon is used for weight loss due to its important property - the ability to control blood sugar levels. This quality of the spice was discovered in an experiment in which people of different sex and age participated. One group was given a sweet apple pie, and the other was given the same, but with the addition of cinnamon. After eating the dish, the doctors examined the subjects' blood. They concluded that cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon include not only weight loss, but also an improvement in a person's appearance. The spice contains a record amount of antioxidants. These substances neutralize free radicals that accelerate skin aging. Therefore, a losing weight person avoids the appearance of flaps on the face and stretch marks on the body.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon for weight loss

Allergy to cinnamon for weight loss
Allergy to cinnamon for weight loss

Despite its many positive qualities, taking cinnamon for weight loss can be harmful to the body. So, you can not add seasoning to all dishes of the daily diet. In this case, the body stops responding to the beneficial components of the aromatic tubes. In case of an overdose in a person, not only weight loss stops, but also nausea, headache, and vomiting appear.

The number of dishes with cinnamon should be limited to people who are sensitive to the taste and aroma of the seasoning. An allergy to a spice is manifested by reddening of the skin, itching or sneezing, increased lacrimation. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to take an antihistamine tablet, and subsequently exclude dishes with the addition of this spice from the diet.

Read your cinnamon slimming recipes carefully. Do not change the dosage of the seasoning. Remember, the rate of weight loss does not depend on the number of sticks eaten.

Ways to use cinnamon for weight loss

Slimming cinnamon with kefir
Slimming cinnamon with kefir

The aromatic spice goes well with various food products. Therefore, nutritionists have developed many ways to lose weight using cinnamon. With the correct dosage of funds, as well as with the transition to a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can achieve amazing results in dumping an extra century.

Effective ways to lose weight with cinnamon:

  1. With kefir … This natural fermented milk product is considered one of the healthiest low-calorie drinks. When properly fermented, it has a delicate, pleasant taste that goes well with the spicy aroma of cinnamon. At the same time, it enhances its properties and neutralizes the irritating effect. For this method of losing weight, you need products such as low-fat kefir, ground cinnamon, chopped ginger. To achieve a slimming effect, mix 1 cup of kefir with a pinch of cinnamon and ginger. Take the drink at night for 14-16 days. Make sure that the components of the product are fresh and of high quality.
  2. With bay leaves … The dried laurel leaf has a mild diuretic effect and also removes gas from the intestines. By getting rid of excess fluid, the body becomes more toned and slender. A drink made from cinnamon and bay leaf speeds up the process of losing weight, improves a person's appearance. The drink contains two components: bay leaf and cinnamon stick. To prepare the product, boil 1 liter of water, add spices to it (1 cinnamon stick, 5 laurel leaves). Simmer for 5 minutes, strain, pour into a glass container. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day after meals. If the drink seems too tart, refresh it with a lemon wedge.
  3. With honey … Despite its sweet taste and high calorie content, honey is often used in weight loss products. The fact is that its natural components are involved in many biochemical processes of the body and are almost not deposited in adipose tissue. A drink containing honey and cinnamon satisfies hunger and therefore is suitable for safe weight loss. To prepare it, you need still water, natural honey, and ground cinnamon. A slimming drink made from honey and cinnamon is not difficult to prepare. In one glass of clear, still water, dilute 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Divide into 2 parts. Drink one after breakfast, the other before bed.
  4. With apple … A cold drink made from apple and cinnamon is used for weight loss on hot summer days. It not only quenches thirst, but also accelerates metabolism, normalizes digestion, and removes excess water from the body. Fresh fruits are saturated with vitamins, natural acids, and minerals. Drink ingredients: still water, green apple, cinnamon stick. Cut the apple into large cubes without peeling or core. Place the fruit on the bottom of the carafe along with the cinnamon stick. Fill with cool water, refrigerate for 2 hours. The drink can be drunk in unlimited quantities if you feel thirsty or slightly hungry.
  5. With ginger … The combination of ginger and cinnamon is often used in weight loss recipes. These components significantly accelerate metabolism, cleanse the intestines, and remove excess moisture from tissues. The ginger root contains vitamins, trace elements, acids, essential oils. Therefore, the drink strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with useful substances. Slimming tea consists of ingredients such as water, tea leaves, cinnamon, ginger, honey (optional). Place 1 teaspoon of tea, freshly chopped ginger root, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon in a brewing container. Pour in hot water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. If the taste seems too bitter and tart, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Please note that cinnamon and ginger slimming tea helps to cope with the first signs of a cold.
  6. With pepper … This combination of spices is suitable for the preparation of external products. So, a wrap with pepper and cinnamon accelerates weight loss, improves the appearance of the skin. A sharp burning seasoning irritates the skin, activates blood circulation in problem areas. Thanks to this, stretch marks are smoothed, cellulite bumps are reduced. The wrapping agent consists of olive oil, cinnamon powder, ground red pepper. Mix 1 tablespoon each of cinnamon and pepper powder, add 2 tablespoons of oil, mix until smooth. Apply the mixture to problem areas, massage the skin well, cover with cling film. After 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water.
  7. With coffee … Taking cinnamon coffee can help you lose weight. A coffee drink slightly increases blood pressure, speeds up metabolism, and removes excess fluid from tissues. And cinnamon enhances the effect, saturates the body with useful substances. In addition, the seasoning improves the aroma and taste of the product. A hot drink contains ingredients such as water, ground coffee, brown sugar, and cinnamon powder. Place 1 teaspoon of ground coffee in the bottom of the copper pot. Turn on the heat and heat the ground grains for one minute. Then add sugar (1/2 teaspoon) and cover with cold water. After boiling, season with cinnamon (1/3 teaspoon) and remove from heat. Drink the drink in the morning, no more than 2 cups a day.

To lose weight and get rid of edema, you can prepare water with cinnamon. Hot drink warms, invigorates, cheers up. When cold, it refreshes, soothes, quenches thirst. In addition, it saturates with useful substances, accelerates metabolism, removes excess fluid from tissues. To make the drink, you need two ingredients: water and a cinnamon stick. Put one fragrant tube in a glass container, fill it with hot water, let it brew for 30 minutes. After taking the drink, the swollen stick can be refilled with boiling water. Leave one glass of slimming cinnamon water overnight to continue your weight loss while you sleep.

The results of using cinnamon for weight loss

Before and after losing weight with cinnamon
Before and after losing weight with cinnamon

In reviews, people talk about the result of losing weight with cinnamon. Many of them managed to achieve the figure of their dreams. But for this, they worked on their bodies in the gym, and spice products helped to cleanse the intestines, get rid of edema, stretch marks and cellulite.

Remember to add cinnamon to your daily diet to see results. If you drink drinks several times a month, you will not be able to lose weight.

However, exceeding the daily norm (5 grams) can damage the mucous tissue of the digestive tract, develop hypersensitivity to the seasoning.

Real reviews of cinnamon for weight loss

Reviews of cinnamon for weight loss
Reviews of cinnamon for weight loss

Reviews of real people indicate the effectiveness of losing weight with cinnamon. Women and men of all ages write about their transformation and give advice to those looking for ways to lose weight.

Veronica, 35 years old, Kaliningrad

I tried to lose weight on apple-cinnamon lemonade. A friend told me how to make a drink, how to take cinnamon for weight loss. I liked that the drink is made very simply and at the same time has a pleasant refreshing taste. I drank it at home, at work, on a run. As a result, I managed to lose 2 kg in a month. At the same time, I did not change the usual rhythm of life.

Nadezhda, 29 years old, Lipetsk

My sister told me how to achieve weight loss results with cinnamon. I mixed the seasoning with water and drank it overnight. Every day I made a new portion so that the drink was always fresh. Oddly enough, in the morning I did not see any swelling under my eyes. On the contrary, the cheekbones have become more expressive, and the skin has acquired a healthy tone. I lost only 1 kg a month, but I am still happy with the result, since with my body type it is impossible to achieve weight loss without sports.

Lena, 37 years old, Moscow

Cinnamon with kefir at night is the best way to lose weight. I use it quite often and it has never let me down. In addition, this drink is very tasty, especially if you make kefir at home. After a few tricks, I always have a bowel cleansing. I not only fit into all my dresses, but also feel an extraordinary lightness in my body.

How to use cinnamon for weight loss - watch the video:
