Honey and cinnamon are a famous "sweet couple" used for weight loss. A drink is prepared from these products, as well as anti-cellulite wraps. Content:
Drink recipes
- Ingredients for the drink
- How to cook
- Cinnamon honey water
- Ginger tea
- Green tea
Applying honey with cinnamon
- Contraindications
- How to take a drink
- How much tea to drink
- Honey and cinnamon wraps
Cinnamon is a spice that has become known to us thanks to the people of China. It contains many vitamins and minerals. Even before our era, honey from wild bees was used by the Slavs to treat colds and normalize metabolism. The combination of bee nectar and cinnamon is considered unique. Using the mixture, you can lose some weight and improve immunity.
Slimming Cinnamon and Honey Drink Recipes
There are many recipes for using cinnamon with honey. This mixture is used to make slimming tea, anti-cellulite body wraps and even anti-aging masks. It is worth noting that the drink made from these ingredients is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of strengthening the immune system, and for treating many ailments.
Ingredients for a cinnamon honey drink

According to nutritionists, this drink helps to improve metabolism and get rid of extra pounds. Of course, drinking should not be considered as the main way to lose weight, but in combination with diet and exercise, you will achieve excellent results.
Usually a mixture of cinnamon and honey is used, which is added to boiled water, but sometimes other products are added to these ingredients - ginger, lemon, green tea.
To get good results, you need to be careful when choosing your ingredients. With regard to cinnamon, it is best to purchase the spice in sticks. Grind the spice into a powder in a coffee grinder or mortar before use.
Be sure to purchase natural honey. To do this, carry out a few simple experiments right on the market. Put some nectar on a napkin and watch what happens to the drop. No wet spots or greasy marks should form around it. To check honey for starch or flour, dissolve a spoonful of the product in boiled water and drop an alcohol solution of iodine into the liquid. If the liquid turns blue, skip buying nectar.
How to make a weight loss drink

To prepare the simplest drink for weight loss, you will need the following ingredients: a spoonful of cinnamon, a spoonful of honey, 0.5 liters of boiling water. To prepare a healing elixir, you need to pour boiling water over the spice and wait until the liquid cools down. It needs to be warm. Add honey to the drink and stir.
Drink preparation rules:
- The basic rule when preparing a drink is to add honey not to hot, but to a warm solution.
- Usually cinnamon is poured with boiling water, this allows you to transfer all the beneficial substances of the spice into liquid. If you use honey with cinnamon to treat joints, then the spice should be poured not with boiling water, but with warm water.
- If you use ginger, put it in a thermos or cup along with cinnamon.
- Lemon juice is poured in at the end, when the liquid is barely warm.
Do not add too much spice, it stimulates the production of gastric juice and irritates the walls of the esophagus. For the purpose of losing weight, a neutral mixture of 1: 1 or 1: 2 (more honey) is usually used. If you are using the sweet couple to treat arthritis or bladder, then the amount of spice in the tea should be increased.
Drink this remedy 3 times a day before meals. As you know, taking liquid before meals reduces appetite, and cinnamon stimulates metabolic processes. This is why you speed up fat burning and food digestion.
The drink must be chilled and drunk cold. This is due to the fact that energy is spent on heating the liquid, thanks to which you will lose weight.
Honey water with cinnamon to cleanse the body

Cinnamon honey water is used to cleanse the body. Due to the elimination of toxins and old feces, weight is reduced, and waist and hips are reduced.
To prepare honey water, pour boiling water over a spoonful of cinnamon and let it stand for 20-30 minutes. Don't forget to cover the dish with a saucer. Then add a spoonful of honey and chill the mixture completely.
The mixture is brewed only once per day. Half is drunk in the evening and the other half in the morning. Store honey water in the refrigerator. There is no need to warm it up in the morning.
Honey water helps to lose weight, because when honey is added to water, we get a structured liquid that activates metabolic processes and binds free radicals. In combination with cinnamon, a cleansing elixir is obtained, which removes toxins from the intestines, which slow down the metabolism and absorption of vitamins.
Slimming ginger tea with honey and cinnamon

You can make slimming tea from honey and cinnamon. Usually, in addition to these components, ginger and lemon are added to the drink. It is believed that it is these ingredients that burn subcutaneous fat and activate metabolic processes. Dry and fresh ginger is used for making tea.
To make tea for weight loss, add a spoonful of cinnamon, a spoonful of grated fresh ginger to a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Close the thermos and let cool slightly. Add the juice of half a lemon and honey to the warm liquid. You need to take the drug 3 times a day before meals.
Don't rush to talk about results. It takes more than a week to drink tea for your belly to begin to shrink. The ginger, cinnamon and honey drink is taken before meals, so drink the first serving on an empty stomach. In the evening, have a drink 1 hour before bedtime.
Green tea with honey and cinnamon

Often, spices and bee products are combined with green tea. It contains antioxidants and caffeine. The healing properties of green tea are enhanced by cinnamon and honey.
To prepare the medicine, you need to pour a teaspoon of tea leaves with a glass of hot water. You do not need to pour boiling water. Add cinnamon and wait for the liquid to cool slightly. Add honey and strain the tea.
Take several times a day before meals. Keep in mind that honey is a fairly high-calorie product, so you shouldn't overuse it. The daily allowance for an adult is 50 g.
Features of the use of honey with cinnamon for weight loss
The method of application and the amount of cinnamon and honey in the drink depend on the task at hand. To fight bacterial infections, it is recommended to use 2 parts of spice and 1 part of bee nectar. In order to reduce weight, it is necessary to mix honey with cinnamon in a 1: 1 or 2: 1 ratio.
Contraindications to the use of honey with cinnamon

You should not immediately run to the store and purchase the ingredients for making the potion, since there are a number of contraindications to the use of the “sweet couple”:
- Obesity;
- Ulcer, gastritis;
- Increased acidity of the stomach, heartburn;
- Allergy to ingredients;
- Pregnancy;
- Heat;
- Anxiety and insomnia.
How to take a drink with cinnamon and honey for weight loss

You need to take medicinal tea with cinnamon and honey in a glass twice a day. The first intake is on an empty stomach, and the next is before bedtime. This elixir removes parasites from the body and "scrapes" slags and debris from the intestinal walls. Thanks to this, food is better absorbed and digested faster.
The most interesting thing is that cinnamon keeps food in the stomach for a while. This reduces the feeling of hunger. As a result, you will eat less, which will help you lose weight.
You need to take medicinal tea in courses. The fastest way to lose weight is the belly, and then the hips and legs. As soon as you notice that the weight is stagnant, stop taking the elixir. After 2 weeks, repeat the course.
To treat the heart and lower cholesterol levels, it is recommended to grease stale bread with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon powder. This kind of food should be eaten on an empty stomach.
Recent studies by scientists at the University of Copenhagen have shown that regular drinking of cinnamon and honey water can reduce arthritis pain. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of bee nectar and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of water.
With the help of a medicinal mixture, you can get rid of cystitis. With inflammation of the bladder, you need to use a drug with a teaspoon of false cinnamon 3 times a day and? a teaspoon of honey. This amount of ingredients must be dissolved in a glass of warm water.
How much to drink tea with cinnamon and honey

The consumption rate of tea with honey and cinnamon is 2-3 glasses a day. This is due to the fact that cinnamon promotes the secretion of gastric juice, so you can get gastritis by taking tea frequently. Ideally, you should drink a glass twice a day.
The more spice in the drink, the less often you should drink it. Usually it is enough 2 times a day to see the result in a few weeks. It is best to use tea and body wraps in combination. This will help you fight fat both inside and out.
If you store the elixir in the refrigerator, you should not warm it up before taking it. When honey is heated above + 50 ° C, a carcinogen is formed, which, with prolonged use, can provoke the growth of a malignant tumor.
Slimming honey and cinnamon wraps

It is possible to influence problem areas not only by drinking tea orally, but also with the help of wraps. Many salons now offer honey-cinnamon wraps, but you can do the procedure at home.
In order for the procedure to be beneficial, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Before wrapping, apply a scrub to problem areas and massage the body.
- Try to use a warm mixture.
- You can do household chores while wrapping.
- After the procedure, do not overcool, which is why it is recommended to do wraps in the evening before going to bed.
To prepare an anti-cellulite paste, place a large pot of water on the fire. Place a smaller container in it and put 3 tablespoons of honey in it. When the beekeeping product is liquid, add 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon. You will have a dark brown mixture with grains. It is necessary to wait until the sweet mass can be picked up without scalding.
Using a brush or plastic mitten, apply the mixture to your stomach, thighs, buttocks, and legs. Don't worry, the mass won't flow. When distributing the mixture, try to press on the body, rubbing the honey and cinnamon. Cover your body with cling film and put on your old tracksuit. The salons use a thermal blanket, but you can cover yourself with a warm blanket. You need to keep the wraps for 40-60 minutes.
Take a warm shower and finish off with cold water. After wrapping, the skin becomes soft and tender. It is recommended to do the procedure every other day. It takes 15 times to see the effect.
In salons, such wraps are complemented with essential oils of orange, tea tree and lavender. By adding a few drops of lavender oil to an anti-cellulite paste, you can relax and calm the nervous system. Citrus extract stimulates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat capsules and helps to reduce the "orange peel" on your thighs and buttocks faster.
How to make a drink with cinnamon and honey for weight loss - watch the video:

Thus, cinnamon with honey is a highly effective weight loss mixture with which you will cleanse your body and improve your metabolism.