Red currant

Red currant
Red currant

There is no reason to argue about the benefits of red currants - almost every summer resident tries to grow it. Today we will tell you a lot of interesting facts about her that will interest everyone who cares about the health of their loved ones. The content of the article:

  • What is the difference between red currant and black
  • Chemical composition and calorie content
  • Beneficial features
  • Video about benefits
  • Harm and contraindications

Red currant (garden currant, common) is a small deciduous shrub of the Gooseberry family. Its fruits ripen in late June - mid-July. Western Europe is considered the homeland. Initially, the most widespread was the red currant, rather than its "black" sister. It is known that in Russia red currant was grown only as a medicine and in much larger quantities than black: at the beginning of the 18th century in the Upper Red Garden, which is near the Kremlin, there were 410 red bushes and only 20 black currant bushes.

Read what are the benefits and harm of black currant

What is the difference between red currants and black currants?

What is the difference between red currants and black currants
What is the difference between red currants and black currants
  • Compared to black, red currant almost does not smell, it tastes more sour, with large seeds.
  • Black currant is the champion in the amount of ascorbic acid (up to 570 mg%), strawberries are in 2nd place, followed by raspberries.
  • In red "ascorbic acid" it is 4 times less than in black, but it takes the first place in the content of vitamin A - and in this list it is followed by black currants, then strawberries.
  • Unlike its "black" sister, the red one is less susceptible to pests, better tolerates cold. In black currant, branches live up to 7 years, in red - 12 years, and they can be formed like a tree, while cutting out the lower branches.
  • The red berry reproduces by dividing the bush, the black one by cuttings.
  • Red juice produces 10% more juice than black juice.
  • The calorie content of red and black currants is almost the same: 39 and 38 kcal.

Red currant composition: vitamins and calories

Calorie content of red currant
Calorie content of red currant

It contains a lot of provitamin A, vitamins E, PP, C, H (biotin), B9, B1, B5, B6, B2, beta-carotene. There are also organic, unsaturated, saturated fatty acids, ash, dietary fiber, minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium.

Calorie content of red currant

per 100 g - 39 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0.6 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 11.0 g

Useful properties of red currant

Useful properties of red currant
Useful properties of red currant

The beneficial properties of red currants are due to the presence in a huge amount of provitamin A, which is necessary for bones and good vision, healthy hair, skin and the immune system. It is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant and is responsible for the growth of new cells. In other words, daily consumption of sweet and sour berries prolongs our youth! They contain a unique substance oxycoumarin, which has a positive effect on blood clotting. That is, these fruits serve as an excellent prevention of heart attacks and act in the most positive way on the state of cardiovascular activity.

Patients with atherosclerosis need to include this product in their daily diet. This is because there are pectins that remove harmful cholesterol and thereby prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

For people who want to lose weight, in addition to pectins, dietary fiber is of great benefit. Due to the low calorie content, red currants can be eaten as much as you like and not get better. That is why it is included in the menu of many diets as an indispensable source of vitamins and minerals. And in cosmetology, currant masks are recognized as one of the most effective due to the beneficial properties of the berry: they tighten, cleanse the skin of the face, give a radiant and healthy look.

Various desserts are prepared from red currants, canned, compotes, jellies, preserves, fruit drinks, juices, kvass are made, dumplings are made, used to add to salads, sauces and even soups. It has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, acts as an analgesic and antineoplastic agent. Just a handful of fruits will help normalize digestion and improve appetite. The benefit is that it is indicated for constipation, allergies, menstrual irregularities, colds, anemia, diabetes mellitus, chronic fatigue and loss of strength. It is advisable to use berries along with twigs. To do this, one twig is steamed in a glass with boiling water, insisted and cooled. Take a healing infusion of 100 g three times a day.

Useful properties of red currant infusion

Infusion of currant fruits, like no other remedy, will help with chronic constipation. For this, the fruits in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. brew with a glass of boiling water, then insist for four hours, filter and the infusion is ready.

Healing currant leaves are also used for its preparation. They are recommended for hypovitaminosis, cystitis. The infusion is done as follows: currant leaves are poured with a glass of water, then warmed up in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink for 1 week.


What is the use of red currant juice? This is a wonderful refreshing and restorative drink that quenches thirst well in a hot summer. Not everyone knows that juice helps with nausea (which is important for toxicosis), stops the gag reflex, improves intestinal motility, and removes salts along with urine. Hemostatic, choleretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect is inherent in it. Prescribed for uric acid stones, spastic colic and other ailments.

Video about the benefits of red currant, how to choose and save it, as well as differences from black:

Red currant harm and contraindications

Despite the tangible benefits, one cannot fail to mention the harm to health. The product is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis, as it causes exacerbations. Red currant should be discarded with hemophilia and low blood clotting.

Surprisingly, these fruits do not harm allergy sufferers - in comparison with many fruits and berries, red currant is not an allergenic product, on the contrary, it is even prescribed for various dermatitis. Of course, it is advisable to consume it fresh and undamaged - it contains more beneficial properties. If this is not possible, then frozen berries are an alternative. To do this, they are washed, dried, spread thinly on a baking sheet, then frozen. After that, they are divided into portions, placed in polyethylene and stored in the freezer for six months or a year.