Chaga birch mushroom: composition and effects on the body, useful properties and contraindications for use. In what form is it introduced into the diet and how to prepare the pulp for consumption.
Chaga birch mushroom is a macromycete from the genus Inonotus and the department of Basidiomycetes. Botanical names: inonotus or beveled tinder fungus. The sterile form, on which spores do not ripen, is called chaga, in common parlance - birch mushroom, birch lip or black hoof. Polypore grows not only on birch, but also on elm, maple, beech, mountain ash and alder. For the mycelium to form, the tree must already begin to rot. Chaga grows slowly, in 3-5 years it reaches a size, depending on climatic conditions, from 5 cm in diameter, and in 30-40 years it increases to 40 cm. white streaks. The surface of the growth is black with numerous cracks. As the chaga grows, the tree gradually dies.
Composition and calorie content of chaga birch mushroom

For the first time, the German scientist G. Dragendorf became interested in the composition of the mushroom in 1864. Further research was continued only after 100 years.
The calorie content of the chaga birch mushroom is 20 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:
- Proteins - 2.1 g;
- Fat - 0.8 g;
- Carbohydrates - 1.2 g.
Properties of the constituent elements of chaga pulp:
- Hydroxycarboxylic and carboxylic acids inhibit inflammatory processes.
- Humic acids are natural antiseptics and prevent the development of dermatological diseases.
- With a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1), metabolic processes are disrupted, carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood and tissues, and vitamin deficiency develops. The mysterious beriberi disease is caused by a B1 deficiency.
- Glycine stimulates the formation of new cells, including the brain, and the production of macrophages, thereby increasing the immune status, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
- Glutamic acid carries ammonia to the liver, where it breaks down into glucose and urea, is responsible for the function of the digestive organs, and prevents brain disorders.
- Aspartic acid accelerates the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, the creation of an organic reserve of glycogen.
- Tyrosine normalizes the work of the hormonal system, in particular the adrenal glands, pituitary and thyroid glands, stimulates the production of all types of blood cells and the synthesis of melanin.
- Tyrosine increases the tone of the body.
- Threonine normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses from the peripheral parts of the body to the brain, stops the development of depression.
- Leucine is responsible for building muscle tissue and stimulating regeneration in the event of damage.
- Methionine has antioxidant properties, removes metabolites and heavy metals from the liver, and participates in the formation of hair structure.
Useful properties of chaga birch mushroom

The benefits of the birch mushroom are so pronounced that they are actively harvested on an industrial scale.
Introduction to the diet of drinks with chaga pulp:
- Stimulates the work of the urinary and biliary systems, has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
- Normalizes blood glucose levels, prevents insulin secretion or sugar absorption;
- Has an antispasmodic effect on muscle tissue and vascular walls, alkaloids in the fruiting body act selectively and stabilize the state of the myocardium;
- Normalizes water and electrolyte balance in the body;
- Has a hemostatic effect due to the large amount of tannins;
- Regulates digestive functions, tannins help get rid of chronic diarrhea;
- Accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level, increases the supply of oxygen to peripheral tissues;
- It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to phytoncides in its composition, it blocks the vital activity of pathogenic flora;
- Stops relapses of inflammatory processes in the presence of infectious foci in the body;
- Improves skin color and prevents the appearance of increased pigmentation;
- Inhibits the growth of neoplasms of a different nature and stops malignancy;
- Stabilizes heart contractions and brain function;
- Prevents hypertensive crises, gently lowers blood pressure;
- Stimulates the immune system and helps to recover from viral diseases during the epidemic season.
It is impossible to get poisoned with chaga growing in ecologically unfavorable areas. It does not accumulate toxic compounds, so the mushroom can be safely purchased on the market. The main thing is to cut it off this season, otherwise there will be no benefit from using it.
Harm and contraindications to chaga birch mushroom

The pulp of the mushroom has such a pronounced medicinal effect that abuse or illiterate introduction into the diet can cause side effects, the symptoms of which will resemble intoxication. Nausea, headaches, rashes, and intestinal upset appear.
Contraindications to the use of birch chaga mushroom are as follows:
- Chronic colitis and enterocolitis;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Allergy to ethyl alcohol;
- Individual intolerance to mushrooms.
The use of chaga is not combined with the intake of penicillins and the infusion of glucose.
When introducing chaga into the diet, you will have to give up alcohol, coffee, chocolate, meat and fish, oils and fatty foods and switch to a diet that includes vegetable, dairy, fermented milk products, with the exception of sour cream and butter.
Chaga birch mushroom drink recipes

Chaga is not eaten, but teas are prepared from the fruiting body to improve health. For this, only the inner dense part of the mushroom is used, and the outer, loose part is cut and carefully cleaned. Preference in home cooking is given to young mushrooms harvested in spring, at the time of the trees' resurfacing. Such fruiting bodies are called shulta or shulga, they are saturated with birch sap, therefore they have a pleasant sweetish taste.
In all recipes with birch chaga mushroom, poured pulp powder is poured with boiling water in the proportion - 1 tablespoon per 1 glass.
Beverage preparation methods:
- Simple tea … The powder is brewed with boiling water, wrapped in a towel and allowed to brew for 5 hours. Drink in equal portions per day. If a mature mushroom is used, then it is advisable to boil the mixture for 5 minutes before wrapping up the container with future tea.
- Tea for seasonal colds … Chaga is brewed according to the first recipe, then part of the drink that is planned to be drunk is poured and a slice of lemon and about a teaspoon of honey are added.
- Propolis tea … A tablespoon of crushed pulp is poured with water at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, a lump of propolis (approximately 4 mm in diameter) and honey (no more than a tablespoon) are added. Stir well to dissolve the propolis, then reheat to 50 ° C and pour into a thermos. After 6 hours, filter and drink in the morning, 40 minutes before breakfast.
- Anti-cancer tea and to boost immunity … Mix in a tablespoon of bio-raw materials: pounded chaga pulp, cinquefoil and kelp. Pour the herbal mixture into a thermos, pour 1 liter of water heated to 50 ° C, leave to infuse for 4 hours. After insisting, filter the drink, add a tablespoon of mint and let it stand for another 15 minutes. 1 liter of the drink is drunk in 2 days, stored in the refrigerator. Before each meal, it is warmed up and a teaspoon of honey is added to each portion. The drink is drunk 20 minutes before meals for 2 months.
- Tea for the treatment of prostate adenoma … First, an infusion of burdock root is prepared by boiling a tablespoon of bio-raw materials with boiling water. Boil for 4-5 minutes over low heat, insist for 3 hours in a thermos. Then a tablespoon with a slide of chaga powder is poured into a thermos and insisted for another hour. Take a quarter glass before meals for 3 weeks.
- Infusion to enhance immunity … Cut the fresh mushroom into pieces, separating the porous part, and soak in cold water for 5 hours. The water is not drained until refrigerated. The pulp of the mushroom is taken out, then ground and steamed with boiling water. The volume of boiling water should be 5 times more than the mushroom pulp. For 48 hours they put a container with bio-materials in a dark place, in an apartment it is best in a pantry. Filter, dilute with water in which the mushroom has been soaked. Daily portion is 3 glasses. They drink, focusing on their own convenience, 40 minutes before meals or 1, 5 hours after.
There are more useful substances in the infusion than in tea, they did not have time to break down during boiling.
When treating chronic diseases or neoplasms, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the addition to therapy. Chaga may not always be combined with the drugs of the main therapy.
Interesting facts about chaga birch mushroom

Before the formation of the fruiting body of the chaga, the wood becomes infected with the parasite fungus Inonotus obliquus. It gets into the cracks of the damaged bark, white rot develops. Yellow stripes and spots appear on the wood, the annual layers begin to separate from each other, become loose, so a favorable substrate is formed for the development of tinder fungus. If, at this stage, chaga spores are introduced into the decaying area, the tree begins to collapse, despite the formation of a protective ring. The spore body of the fungus is formed around the entire trunk.
For medicinal purposes, chaga was used even before our era, but the first mentions are found in the annals. Descriptions dating from the 11th century tell about the miraculous healing with the birch mushroom of Vladimir Monomakh, doctors of that time diagnosed cancer. In the 19th century, chaga was used to treat joints and cancer, but then research was suspended.
The fruiting body is cut only from living trees, more often from freshly cut trees. If the wood dies, the biological properties of the pulp are destroyed. The time of year for harvesting does not matter, however, it is recommended to cut off the fruit bodies in the spring, when they are enriched with resinous compounds and nutrients from trees that awaken from hibernation in spring.
You can confuse chaga with a tinder fungus, which is colloquially called a cow's hoof. The latter is always formed and lighter in color. The fruit body of a useful mushroom looks like growths of irregular shape.
The higher the body of the fungus is located to the top of the trunk, the more useful compounds it contains. Pieces of chaga are beaten off with a sharp hatchet, the loose inner part in contact with the tree is left. The black hard bark, which covers the top of the fruit body, is immediately cut off. The inner brown part is cut into identical cubes with sides of 4-5 cm for easy drying.
It is best to dry naturally, under the sun, spread out in a well-ventilated area. Direct sunlight should be avoided, otherwise the beneficial properties will not be preserved. In summer, chaga is laid out under a canopy, in the shade, and in winter - near heaters or batteries. The pulp dries up in 3-4 weeks.
If dried in the oven, then the process takes 9-10 hours. In this case, the cubes of the chopped mushroom are laid out on baking sheets covered with parchment, the oven is heated to no more than 50 ° C, the door is slightly opened and periodically stirred.
If modern home dryers are used, then the maximum heating temperature is 40 ° C. Drying will continue for about 7 hours, the trays must be constantly changed in places so that the fruit bodies dry evenly.
On the basis of chaga extract, the medical preparation Befungin is made for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease with high acidity, as well as immunomodulators, of which the most famous are Chagovit tincture and Extrabesungin dragee. Outside the pharmacy chain, they offer balsam Berezka.
When stored, chaga is placed in paper bags or cardboard boxes. To prevent nutrients from being destroyed, a constant flow of air is required. The shelf life of the birch mushroom is 1.5-2 years. Grind the pulp just before use.
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