Do you feel how jealousy is poisoning your soul and causing discomfort? Then this article will help you get rid of this excruciating feeling and give wise advice on how to become a successful and confident person. We all strive to be successful, beautiful and happy. And the world is so arranged that we always look up to someone, and it so happens that we are not completely satisfied with our lives. Then we look with envy at other people's achievements and torment ourselves with the question: "Why is it wrong with me?"
The feeling of envy has always been considered a negative emotion and a person, jealous of others, only programs himself for failure. Envy is a destructive feeling, while a person is overwhelmed with anger, he experiences anger, resentment and irritation towards the object of comparison. There is also another envy in our subconscious, this is the so-called "white envy". This is when a person sincerely rejoices at the happiness of others, and from other people's victories he gets motivation to do everything to achieve what he wants.
Usually, a person who experiences a feeling of envy is a weak-minded person and with his feeling he seems to be trying to justify himself and do nothing. All envious people are by nature very lazy. They do not make efforts for their own happiness and are sure that failure is their fate.
Reasons for envy
- Speaking about the reasons why people envy others, there is an opinion in psychology that this character trait is inherent in a person at the genetic level. And even if you try to psychologically help such a person, envy will still remain deep in the subconscious.
- Very often, envy arises from the fact that we do not value everything that we have. The feeling of greed absorbs our positive emotions, and we forget to enjoy even the smallest things.
- There is such a group of people that they want everything from life at once. And when their desires do not match their capabilities, they experience envy and aggression towards more successful people. In the future, they blame others for their failures, they are sure that others succeed easily and undeservedly.
- Low self-esteem plays a big role in the appearance of envy. Insecure individuals are always malicious envious people. At the slightest setback, they always give up and look with charity at the achievement of others.
6 ways to get rid of envy

To stop being jealous of others, it is important to realize that the feeling of envy destroys your consciousness and you need to start doing everything to get rid of this feeling that eats a person from the inside.
- Learn to admire someone else's success, praise a person for his success. Thus, your feeling of envy will grow into a feeling of joy for your neighbor.
- Let envy be your motivation. Instead of feeling angry and aggressive towards the person, try to be better, follow the example of how others, thanks to their perseverance, come to success.
- Enjoy what you have. Surely there is something to brag about in your life, you just don't notice it. If you envy a person that he is very rich, then in the end there are human feelings and they cannot be measured by any money.
- The best way to stop being jealous is to do it. After all, life passes, and you can be left with nothing while you look with charity at the success of others. Make your own plan of action and get what you want.
- As you know, all material thoughts and feelings of envy often arise due to the fact that we do not know how to dream. Instead of believing in ourselves and using all the methods to improve our lives, we see ourselves as failures. In this case, psychologists advise using the "visualization" method, you need to imagine everything that you would like, so your brain will be programmed for good luck.
- Letting go of feelings of self-pity can help you stop being jealous of others. Feeling sorry for yourself means admitting yourself to be weak and convincing yourself of your own powerlessness. In fact, this feeling gives rise to selfishness, and if a person is selfish, then of course he is an envious person. Feeling self-pity, a person thus protects himself from mental pain.
Remember that self-pity is the first sign of a failure, and in your case, all negative emotions need to be eradicated.
Our life does not always give what we expect from it. But despite this, you need to persistently and persistently achieve your goal, because success loves the persistent. If you feel that you are "allergic" to someone else's happiness, then stop before it's too late. Because all negative feelings will one day lead to serious illness. Know how to switch when negativity suddenly rushes over you, and remember that envy will not make you successful, but will only darken your mind.
Video with tips on how to get rid of envy:

Be happy, and let your soul overwhelm only "white" envy!