Learn how to improve blood circulation in the brain and how to train the capillaries to relieve spasms of the cerebral vessels. Vascular dystonia or impaired blood flow can be genetic, but most often this problem occurs due to an improper lifestyle. Excessive nutrition, smoking, drinking large quantities of alcohol, lack of physical activity are the main reasons for narrowing the lumen of blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. To normalize blood flow, not only medications can be effective, but also special exercises to improve blood circulation.
Exercises for training capillaries

Thanks to small vessels, which are called capillaries, each cell of our body receives the necessary nutrients and is freed from waste products. Scientists have found that the total length of the capillaries in our body is more than 60 thousand kilometers.
If narrowed vessels appear on the path of blood movement, then metabolites cannot be removed from the cells and this becomes the main reason for the development of various ailments. Japanese scientist Katsuzo Nishi studied the human circulatory system for a long time and created a whole system of exercises to improve blood circulation.
The simplest way to normalize blood flow is through exercise such as vibration. It should be done immediately after waking up and you don't even have to get out of bed to do this. Just lift your limbs up and shake them for two minutes. These movements should be frequent and small in amplitude. As a result, the capillaries undergo vibration massage, and the redistribution of the lymphatic fluid takes place, cleansing the body of toxins.
The second simplest exercise for improving blood circulation in the system of the Japanese scientist is called the "goldfish". Remaining in bed in the morning, put your hands under your head in the region of the fourth vertebra, pull your legs towards you. After that, tense your whole body and begin to perform vibrating movements, imitating the fish. This movement not only improves blood flow, but also increases the tone of the nerve fibers located in the spinal column. This simple exercise for blood vessels should be regular and exercise must be performed in the morning and evening.
Exercises to improve cerebral circulation

Among the main reasons for the appearance of cerebrovascular spasms, scientists distinguish vascular dystonia and blood flow disorders. The symptoms of this ailment are known to many people:
- persistent headaches and changes in blood pressure;
- impaired speech and coordination;
- tinnitus;
- increased fatigue and a drop in performance.
Vascular spasms in the brain can appear due to stress, changes in atmospheric pressure or chronic diseases of the spinal column. To minimize the risks of developing vasospasm, a person must strengthen blood vessels. To do this, doctors recommend switching to proper nutrition, observing the daily regimen, performing specially designed exercises to improve blood circulation and using medicinal plants.
To improve blood flow in the brain, during morning exercises, it is necessary to perform several special movements, for example, bends to the sides, head turns, somersaults, and coups. If at this moment you begin to experience discomfort, then the gymnastics must be interrupted.
Now we will look at a simple set of exercises that will help you normalize blood flow in the brain:
- Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Begin to perform head rotations clockwise and backward. The duration of the exercise is two minutes.
- Without changing the starting position, raise your hands up and interlace your fingers. Begin to bend forward with 8 reps.
- From a standing position, swing your legs to the sides.
- This exercise is similar to the previous one, but it is necessary to bend the knee joints.
- Take a supine position with your limbs extended along your body. Without bending your knee joints, raise your legs as high as possible, and support your lower back with your hands. The "Birch" stand should be held by you for five minutes.
Exercises to improve circulation in the legs

A person pays for his ability to walk upright by a high load on the veins of the legs. If the blood vessels in the lower extremities are weak, blood stasis and subsequent serious vein problems are possible. To avoid this, you need to walk. There are very effective exercises for improving circulation in the legs, which should ideally be done in water.
If you have the opportunity, start visiting the pool. Otherwise, you can simply pour plenty of cool water on your feet. As a result, the blood vessels are stimulated, and they begin to actively expand and contract. The tone of the walls of the veins increases, and they become more elastic. Here's a simple set of movements to keep your veins in good shape:
- Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. From this starting position, bend forward, trying to reach the ground with your fingers. Make sure that your legs do not bend at the knee joints during the exercise.
- Sit on the ground with your legs as wide as possible. In this case, the hands should be at the level of the chest. Bend forward, reaching for the ground with folded hands. At the same time, the legs should not bend, and after every 8-10 repetitions, rest for 60 seconds.
- Stand on your knee joints and stretching your arms out to the sides, begin to walk on your knees in different directions. If you are very tired, lie on the ground and rest.
Jogging has a positive effect on the vessels of the legs. It is important not to overload the body by correctly dosing the intensity and duration of your runs. In this case, the benefits will be very large. However, there are several contraindications to such training:
- eating food before class;
- hum or noise in the ears;
- feeling of weakness in the legs;
- low blood pressure.
If during a run you feel discomfort or are very tired, then it is better to return home, and then do some breathing exercises. It is possible to increase the load only after the body has fully adapted.
Exercises for the cervical spine

The neck is the most important part of our body, because there are concentrated the main arteries through which blood flows to the brain and spine. Weak neck muscles make us constantly tense to keep our head straight. As a result, blood vessels are compressed and nerve endings are compressed. All this leads to impaired blood flow, headaches and other troubles.
By strengthening the muscles of the neck, you will restore the working capacity of the blood vessels and you can forget about many problems. We recommend turning, rotating and tilting the head. However, it is important to remember that these movements should be smooth, and it is also important to breathe correctly. Chinese gymnastics, in which there are no sudden movements, can give excellent results. You can do the circulatory exercises anywhere, even at work.
Let's take a look at a set of simple movements that will help you improve blood flow to your neck:
- Stand against the wall, pressing all parts of your body tightly to it. During inhalation, it is necessary to press into the wall with all your might, while straining the muscles of the neck. Hold your breath and hold the position for five or six seconds.
- Sit on a chair with your palms on your forehead and press firmly with them, forcing your head to lean back. In this case, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the neck and resist the movement of the head. In this position, you need to hold on for 5 or 7 seconds, while holding your breath. Then rest for a quarter of a minute and do the exercise again. A total of 3 to 7 repetitions should be done.
- This movement is similar to the previous one, but the head must be tilted to the sides. We recommend doing the exercise several times a day.
- Begin to slowly turn your head from one shoulder joint to another and pause at the end points of the trajectory. In total, you need to do 8 to 12 repetitions.
Exercises for training blood vessels and heart muscle

To maintain high performance of the heart muscle and blood vessels, it is necessary to carry out regular training. First of all, we are talking about elderly people, whose physical activity is low. Moderate exercise and adequate oxygen are essential for the elderly.
Start classes immediately after waking up. To make the blood circulate, rotate with your feet and hands. Then move on to bends, body twists and squats. It is very important at this point to control your heart rate. When the pulse of an untrained person is in the range of 90 to 100 beats per minute, the body cannot get enough oxygen.
Here's a simple set of exercises to improve circulation:
- Stand on your toes and walk with your knee joints high.
- Place your feet at the level of your shoulder joints, raising your arms up and joining them in a lock. Tilting the body to the left, the leg of the same name is retracted in the same direction. Do the exercise 8-9 times in each direction.
- Spread your arms out to the sides and start tapping the opposite shoulder joint with your palms. In this case, the body must be straightened. If unpleasant sensations do not arise in the area of the heart muscle, then increase the pace of patting, bringing their number to 50.
- Bring your arms down, squeezing your legs tightly. Make a full circle with your hands, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. The number of repetitions ranges from 10 to 50.
- Take a supine position with your knees bent at right angles. After that, do the exercise "bicycle", and breathing should be even without delay.
- Without changing the starting position, the straightened legs must be raised to a height of 40 centimeters above the ground. Cross your legs with your legs, and the number of repetitions should be between 20 and 25.
Cardio exercises, such as cycling, swimming, walking, etc., are excellent types of cardiac muscle training. Just remember that the load should be increased gradually. In training the heart, it is not the number of exercises or repetitions that is more important, but the regularity. If you do it from time to time, then you should not count on positive results.
What exercises you need to do to improve blood circulation, see here: