Prevention of joint diseases

Prevention of joint diseases
Prevention of joint diseases

If you care about the fate of your joints, be sure to read this article. It contains the most effective ways to strengthen joints and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal drug.

Chondroprotectors for joints

Glucosamine Chondroitin for Joint Strengthening
Glucosamine Chondroitin for Joint Strengthening

We are talking about Glucosamine and Chondroitin. It is better to use them together; in combination, they act more impressively. These are two complementary remedies that together increase their ability to combat joint disorders.

Glucosamine is actively involved in the formation of ligaments and cartilage. It is essential for connective tissue and tendons. The dietary supplement is perfectly absorbed even when the absorption of nutrients is impaired due to diseases of the digestive system. Chondroitin is another excellent anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

Chondroprotectors must be taken in courses and regularly, at least twice a year. If we talk about the dosage of glucosamine, then every day it should be 1500 milligrams. As for chondroitin sulfate, here the indicator is different - 100 milligrams. The duration of treatment can be different, the doctor will select the optimal cycle for you.

Nutrition for Joint Recovery

Turmeric for strengthening blood vessels
Turmeric for strengthening blood vessels

During the day, the diet should be varied. It is necessary to supply the body with vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. This will have a positive effect on the general condition of the joints.

It is good to eat calcium-rich low-fat dairy products. It is imperative to eat fish, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to this, the risk of developing joint diseases is significantly reduced. Particular attention should be paid to liquids. During the day, it should be consumed at least one and a half liters. This applies to non-carbonated mineral water.

What is good for joints?

  • Vitamins. Supplements such as vitamins C and E have been successfully used to improve joint function. They relieve pain in arthritis, as well as in traumatic abrasion of cartilage.
  • Turmeric. It is a condiment used to make a variety of treats. The herb contains natural antioxidants. Great helper for joints.
  • Gelatin. This is a type of protein that is an active assistant for the regeneration of cartilage. Taking collagen from animal bones as a dietary supplement can dramatically improve joint health. The course of treatment is a maximum of three months, and the dosage is 10 mg ten per day.
  • Fats. Acids play a very important role: linoleic and gamma-linolenic.

Joint treatment

Acupuncture to strengthen joints
Acupuncture to strengthen joints
  • Ointments, which include comfrey extract … Very effective remedy for joint problems.
  • Olive oil. This is a miracle remedy that will be an excellent prevention of arthritis. Eat olive oil regularly and your joints will be in perfect condition.
  • Acupuncture. With the help of acupuncture, it becomes possible to relieve a lot of painful sensations in the joints. This method is much more effective than taking pills or special ointments.

You need to be very careful about your health. After all, this is the most important gift in a person's life. In case of any painful sensations, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Self-medication can make a difficult situation worse.

Do not forget to consult your trainer - he will create the most suitable training scheme that will be gentle on the joints.

Video on how to strengthen joints at home:
