From this article, the fair sex will learn how to create an effective training program, taking into account the characteristics of the female body.
Musculature in women

Often women at the beginning of training are afraid to get not a fit figure, but a body with powerful muscles. We hasten to reassure the fair sex: muscle tissue in women will not increase, as in men, for two reasons. The first is less testosterone in the blood, and the second is a calorie deficit.
Often, beginners do not understand the difference between muscle size and shape. Shape is the outer shape and location in relation to the muscles in relation to each other. When shaping the body with the help of sports, it is necessary to understand that the shape of the muscles is a genetic phenomenon and cannot be changed in any way.
For example, in order to become the owner of firm, bulging buttocks, a woman needs to increase the size of muscle tissue. Please note: resize, not shape. Actually, this is what the training is aimed at. The main problem for women when training is a low load. For many, it is so small that there are practically no promotions.
Women's training program

During training, women should train all parts of the body. On average, a 5-exercise workout with 5-6 sets and repetitions of 10 to 15 times takes about an hour, taking into account breaks during training. If the breaks are shortened, then, accordingly, the time of the entire workout is shortened.
Because it uses a lot of repetitions and many work sets, this type of workout stimulates an increase in the amount of glycogen in the muscle tissue of women. Also, with such a workout, excess carbohydrates consumed will be debugged in muscle tissue.
For lower body workouts for women, we recommend using squats. There is no specific exercise for the chest girdle to avoid reducing the size of the bust. But in order to increase the tone of the pectoral muscles, we advise you to use the exercise press with a narrow grip. Over time, the amount of exercise should be increased. It is also necessary to shorten the breaks between sets to increase energy expenditure and oxygen demand.
After ovulation, it is necessary to use a light form of training and carefully monitor the volume of carbohydrates consumed, since it is during this period that the body is most prone to the accumulation of adipose tissue. During menstruation, it is better to reduce the intensity of training, for example, remove abdominal exercises. And you can generally exclude training on these days. Often, beginner athletes are interested in what is better: aerobics or a gym. Let's answer briefly - a gym. It is in the gym that you will spend your time most effectively with the aim of losing fat and shaping your figure. After the exercise machine, the metabolism is accelerated by a day or more, and after aerobics classes - by only 2-3 hours.
Video about the women's training program:
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