Big muscles or what is Synthol?

Big muscles or what is Synthol?
Big muscles or what is Synthol?

Iron lovers are ready to disappear in the gym for days. They find it difficult to keep their bodies in good shape, but they want to build an ideal figure. But for them, the ideal is mountains of muscle mass. The pursuit of large muscles has sparked a demand for drugs that can help in this difficult endeavor.

Synthol: history of appearance

At the dawn of the 80s, bodybuilders actively used Exiclene. It is an anabolic drug with a low level of activity that can cause muscle enlargement due to an irritable reaction. The drug was administered intramuscularly, its action lasted for a day. Athletes reported intense pain, but the desire to accentuate the bump was stronger.

Chris Clark, actively studied the reaction of nuclear fusion and dreamed of creating a more powerful and painless drug for everyone who wanted to demonstrate the relief of their body. In the 90s, his experiments were crowned with success, Synthol appeared (he borrowed the name in the field of chemistry). Over time, it was necessary to rename the drug, since the original name was patented by others. The chemist has long pondered a name that will attract the attention of all bodybuilders. It was obvious that the athletes were swinging diligently to take the stage and demonstrate their "beauty" to everyone. This is how the name appeared - PUMP-N-POSE or, in other words, "swing and pose". But among the people, the first name stuck most of all.

Why use Pump and Pose?

Why use Synthol
Why use Synthol

According to the documents, the drug passes like posing oil. This sounds paradoxical. This is just a red herring, allowing you to save on the passage of unwanted instances. In fact, any drug administered intramuscularly is considered a drug. Imagine what kind of documentary red tape it would have to go through to get the drug across the border. Of course, manufacturers receive the substance under sterilized conditions, all technical requirements are met. It is only on the PUMP-N-POSE packaging called the oil for athletes.

The composition of the substance is kept secret, but the formula has been partially solved. So, large muscles are obtained through the interaction of such raw materials:

  • Benzyl - alcohol, about 7.5%.
  • Local anesthetic (lidocaine), about 7.5%.
  • Medium chain triglycerides (oils), about 85%.

The latter substance has long been used by athletes as food additives. They resemble oil, only they are not deposited in subcutaneous fat, but are used by cells like carbohydrates. Bodybuilding stores sell Medium Chain Triglycerides (Medium Chain Triglycerides) oil. Most of the craftsmen sterilized such oil, and boldly injected it into their own hands. The result is like taking PUMP-N-POSE. But such a procedure can end badly for the athlete. It is better to buy an original remedy for muscle "tumor".

How PUMP-N-POSE works

Big muscles or what is Synthol?
Big muscles or what is Synthol?

How long is Synthol in muscle mass? Since it is produced from fatty acids, the metabolism of which is fast, the decomposition of the substance occurs in 3–4 months. It is a myth that PUMP-N-POSE can stay in the body for 3-5 years!

The effect lasts for a long time due to the fact that athletes stretch the muscle fascia (the connective membrane that covers the organs, in our case the muscle). Exercises give a short-term result from pumping (bursting effect on the muscle fascia). Pump-n-Pose allows you to stretch the shell of muscle mass for several months. Due to this, voids are formed, bodybuilders actively pull iron to fill the space with muscles. Athletes love this method because of its effectiveness. For example, the volume of the biceps can be increased by a few centimeters in 2 months. The main thing is to properly build muscle tissue and inject the drug.

How to enter Synthol?

How to enter PUMP-N-POSE
How to enter PUMP-N-POSE

In order to properly influence your relief, you need to study the anatomy of muscle tissue. Biceps are two bundles (external and internal) of muscles. The injection must be done into each head. Let's look at another example. The deltoid muscle has three bundles: posterior, lateral and anterior. Therefore, three injections must be made in each shoulder.

The injection is given every day. It is important to change the puncture sites. Otherwise, the beam will acquire an unnatural appearance. The uniformity of the injection of the drug will provide you with a beautiful muscle shape. You can calculate the injection injection algorithm yourself. Here's an example if you want to get your biceps in shape:

  • From day 1 to day 10, you will need to make two injections in one hand, 1 ml each.
  • From 11 to 30 days, 2 ml should be injected into each biceps bundle.
  • From 31 to 40 days, 3 ml must be injected into each head.
  • Then 1 ml is injected twice a day into each biceps bundle for 30 days.
  • Within 1 month, 1 ml is injected per week, two injections into the arm.

Such a scheme is recommended for the first use, but if the volume of the biceps is at least 45 cm. After this course, a break is taken and then an individual selection of the injection injection program takes place. If the hand is less than 40 cm, then Synthol is not recommended at all, since the effect will be terrible. You will be unnaturally bursting, such hands look ugly and ridiculous.

The problem for novice athletes who decide to try PUMP-N-POSE is muscle seals. They should not be, so watch the injection process and adhere to the rules:

  1. Massage the injection area after the injection. It is necessary to knead each muscle head.
  2. Choose a needle that is thin but allows the oil to pass freely.
  3. It is best to give the injection before training.
  4. Inject Synthol fluid slowly.

If the seal does appear, take a break until the problem area is completely absorbed. And more - it will hurt! You need to get used to this procedure. It usually takes at least 10 days. The main danger of Synthol - This is a blockage of blood vessels when the drug enters a vein. You can check where the needle went in with a simple method. Pull the plunger of the syringe (slightly), if the blood does not gush, then everything is fine.

The price of the original injection is 100–130 USD per 100 ml. It is better to beware of fakes, otherwise the result will not please you.

Video about the review of Synthol - what it is and what results can be achieved:

Photos of bodybuilders that pricked Synthol:
