Sports nutrition for relief

Sports nutrition for relief
Sports nutrition for relief

After reading the article, you will find out what sports supplements you need to include in a fat burning complex in order to achieve one hundred percent results. The content of the article:

  • Pre-workout complex
  • Protein for relief
  • Amino acid complex
  • Which fat burner to choose
  • Vitamins and minerals

For a long time, sports nutrition developers have tried to obtain supplements that would help athletes whose goal is a pumped-up torso, beautiful relief and venous pattern. Finally, such sports nutrition has been developed.

But it is equally important to correctly formulate a complex that would combine these supplements. In this article, we have collected the most effective supplements that work together to maximize the benefits.

Muscle Relief Sports Supplements
Muscle Relief Sports Supplements

If you are the owner of moderately noticeable fat mass, then this food is for you. It will help you lose weight, remove a little excess weight and body fat, so that a beautiful body relief finally sees the light of day.

There is a definite tendency for athletes to start with bodybuilding and then move on to work on relief. I would also like to note that the complex of sports nutrition for relief presented in this article is safe for health. The risk of side effects is minimized, and may be associated, perhaps, only with individual intolerance.

Sports pre-workout complex

The pre-workout complex includes arginine, which helps to improve blood circulation and nourish the muscles, and creatine, which helps to grow muscles, improve the venous pattern and muscle relief of the athlete.

The pre-workout complex will help the athlete to train more intensively, burn fat, and gain vigor. You need to consume it thirty minutes before training. Alternatively, you can replace your pre-workout meal with MHP's Trac Extreme-NO or Xpand Xtreme. On a free day, drink creatine monohydrate to increase insulin. As we know, it improves muscle definition.

Pre-workout sports complex
Pre-workout sports complex

Protein for relief

For the relief, we need a fast protein, whose task is to preserve the muscles. Protein is a key ingredient in the relief diet, and in this complex in particular.

Before taking fast protein, you need to know your daily protein requirement. Only then will you be able to determine the serving size and dosage. You need to take such a protein after sleep (it helps to suppress morning catabolic reactions), and an hour before training. If you still have protein, use it as a sports support when not eating.

We also need a complex protein Syntha-6 and a slow protein, which is absorbed and absorbed by the body very slowly. We know that the body needs amino acids at night. Slow protein will help satisfy your "amino acid hunger". To do this, take it before going to bed.

Protein for muscle relief
Protein for muscle relief

Amino acid complex

As for the amino acids in the complex, Intra Fuel is best suited. It is a complex of amino acids that have branched chains. The purpose of using these amino acids is to preserve muscle tissue. Nutrition works especially well during times of stress.

The main feature of the amino acid complex is its anti-catabolic effect. With it, the muscles acquire protection from decay. In addition, such food also suppresses appetite. It contains antioxidants, vitamins necessary for the body, minerals, without which it is simply impossible to get a beautiful relief. You need to use a complex of amino acids during training.

Amino acid complex intra-fuel
Amino acid complex intra-fuel

Which fat burner should you choose?

We recommend choosing L-carnitine for this complex. You can buy, for example, Power System L-Carnitin, which is one of the safest fat burners today. It protects muscles from destruction, protects the cardiovascular system. Research has shown that it has almost no side effects. An equally important effect of a fat burner is the transport of fat molecules. You need to take a fat burner before training and in the morning after you wake up. It is also important to ensure that the product is taken exclusively on an empty stomach. If you want the relief to be as clear as possible, you can opt for thermogenics.

fat burner power-system
fat burner power-system

Vitamins and minerals

Men-athletes should stop at Opti-men, and women-athletes - at Opti-women. This is the same vitamin complex that will help maintain metabolic reactions, improve muscle growth, and accelerate fat burning.

These supplements have been specially formulated to be athletic support and help you burn excess fat. One capsule 3 times a day will be sufficient. Take your vitamins after you eat.

Remember that without a diet and the right workout program, the relief nutrition complex will be useless. You can also use cortisol blockers to help suppress catabolic reactions (which are what promote fat storage and muscle breakdown). Three times a day, one capsule is the optimal dose for getting relief.

Vitamin complex for athletes
Vitamin complex for athletes

We also recommend taking Omega-3s, which are rich in amino acids. These supplements not only protect blood vessels, but also lower cholesterol, maintain muscle tone. Many athletes have recently taken special anabolic complexes to help maintain testosterone levels. It is worth looking into this supplement if you want to preserve muscle.

Video about sports nutrition for relief:
