How to make a ceiling "Sun" from plasterboard

How to make a ceiling "Sun" from plasterboard
How to make a ceiling "Sun" from plasterboard

Features of a ceiling in the form of a plasterboard sun, what materials and tools are needed for installation, technology for creating a sun, the best way to make a ceiling of two levels. You can also mark out the rays of the sun using threads and self-tapping screws, without drawing directly on the ceiling. We fasten the profile that sets the direction to the thread.

Assembly technology "Sun" from plasterboard

Ceiling frame sun plasterboard
Ceiling frame sun plasterboard

First of all, we assemble the structure of the future "sun" on the ceiling strictly according to the markings applied earlier. We carry out the work in the following order:

  • We install special tapes to "hold" the frame. It is important to remember that the distance between them should be such that there is no sagging between the drywall sheets. As a rule, drywall sags precisely because of poor attachment to the base. It can also cause joint cracks and unevenness. We nail the tapes to the base using dowels.
  • We mark the initial level for the profile of the ceiling structure, for this we use the laser level.
  • After that, we begin to install the guides around the perimeter of the room, observing the intervals of 400-600 mm. For their installation, we need a dowel.
  • From the PP profile, we collect two hexagons of different sizes (one is larger, the second is smaller). We need a small hexagon for the inner sides of the sun's rays.
  • We put jumpers in the small hexagon so that it is possible to secure it in a high-quality manner in a circle.
  • We fix both the small and large hexagons on the ceiling, setting everything at the intended level. We cut out the parts from drywall that need to be planted on the profile. Do not forget to make a hole for the electrical wiring if you plan to install the chandelier in the center of the sun.
  • After the work done, we collect the lower level and bring it to the frame of the circle in the center. We need the main ceiling level to be 15 cm (+/- 1-2 cm) and the sun 5 cm.
  • We sew up the structure with plasterboard sheets and cut through niches. Then we sew the ends into them.

The easiest way to assemble the structure is to have drawings or a photo of the sun on the ceiling at hand.

Installation of the main plasterboard ceiling

Cut drywall sheet
Cut drywall sheet

After the main work on creating the sun on the ceiling is completed, we proceed to the installation of the structure of the ceiling itself. We carry out work according to the following instructions:

  1. We fix the hangers on the base of the ceiling with metal wedge anchors. We keep the step at 40 cm.
  2. The carriers that are directed to the initial frame (along the perimeter of the room) must be placed with a gap from the wall. This will help us avoid future destruction of the ceiling.
  3. We insert the guides into the existing suspensions, attach them with metal screws on each side of the profile. We check the horizontalness using a level.
  4. We cut out the transverse profiles using scissors, then insert them between the guides. We fix the profiles with construction crabs.
  5. We cut out the necessary parts from drywall sheets that will come into contact with the "sun" structure.
  6. We sheathe the supporting frame of the gypsum board on the ceiling. At the same time, we must process each building sheet with a primer mixture on both sides. We maintain a distance of 2 mm from the wall so that the drywall is ventilated.
  7. We fasten the sheets to the profiles using self-tapping screws. The step is 20 cm. It should be remembered that the caps should not be "sunk" into the material during screwing in. For this, it is best to use a screwdriver that has stops.

Finishing work on the ceiling "Sun" from plasterboard

Plasterboard sun on the ceiling
Plasterboard sun on the ceiling

After the ceiling "sun" of plasterboard is ready, it is necessary to carry out finishing work. First of all, it should be properly putty and painted in the desired colors.

We carry out work according to the following scheme:

  • Fill the joints between the building sheets with a joint compound. Be sure to attach a fiberglass mesh to the seams, and level the surface with a wide spatula.
  • We give the materials time to dry, sand the joints with sandpaper. The same work needs to be done with gaps between the drywall sheets and the wall itself.
  • With the help of finishing putty, we process the attachment points of the self-tapping screws. And we also grind them after the material is dry.

After the building materials are dry, we start painting the sun and sky. For this, unobtrusive pastel colors are best suited. The sun is recommended to be painted in pale yellow, the "sky" - in blue. If you have a penchant for art, you can draw clouds and clouds in the "sky". We apply each color sequentially in two layers. In the end, be sure to cover the ceiling with a protective varnish.

After painting, we fix the lamp in the middle of the sun structure, and also place LED strips around the structure perimeter, if desired. How to make the sun on a plasterboard ceiling - watch the video:

The creation of the "Sun" ceiling requires certain skills, but following this scheme, you can make it yourself. We looked at how to make the sun from drywall, as well as what materials you need to purchase. Such a ceiling will delight every child, fill the room with comfort, warmth and light. In addition, such a design solution does not require large investments and is distinguished by its reliability and durability.
