How to pump up brachialis?

How to pump up brachialis?
How to pump up brachialis?

Very often, athletes do not pay enough attention to the brachial muscle - the brachialis. You will learn how to develop it from the article. The content of the article:

  • What is brachialis
  • How to develop brachialis
  • Brachialis exercises

What is brachialis?

Anatomical image of the brachialis
Anatomical image of the brachialis

The brachial muscle, or brachialis, plays a very important role in the development of the entire muscle group of the arms. To be convinced of this, it is enough to compare photos of famous bodybuilders of the past and modern stars. Now the brachial muscle is much more developed, and in some athletes it can even exceed the biceps in size.

It is the biceps and triceps that many athletes pay increased attention to, forgetting about the brachialis. And completely in vain. An example is Jean-Claude Van Damme. His arms are not that big, but the brachialis muscle is superbly developed. Those athletes who like to wear T-shirts should pay special attention to the brachialis.

If you bend the arm so that the thumb is pointing up, then the biceps is in a weaker position. The entire load in this position of the arms falls on the shoulder muscle. It is important to note that even with strong "hammer" loads, the brachialis does not undergo great hypertrophy. Athletes who think differently should include spider curls in their training program. The result of the development of the shoulder muscle will pleasantly surprise you.

How to develop brachialis

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

It should be noted right away that without the use of anabolic drugs, it is quite difficult for athletes to develop the brachial muscle well. Of course, if there is a genetic predisposition, then the matter is different. Moreover, the brachialis, located on different hands, reacts differently to the training process. So, for example, in most athletes, the brachialis of the right hand perceives "spider" flexion well. At the same time, the left one contracts much better when the hand is in the head area.

The problem of the development of the shoulder muscle concerns not only beginners, but also many professional athletes. This is largely due to the erroneous definition of an imbalance in muscle development. Very often, athletes, including professionals, believe that the reason lies in the biceps.

An imbalance in biceps and shoulder training can cause pain. This will negatively affect freedom of movement when training biceps. The development of the brachialis also occurs when training the muscles located on the back. You will be able to make some progress in building the volume of the shoulder muscles. With a load on the muscles of the back, you may experience pain in the brachialis - this indicates that "the process has begun."

Brachialis exercises

Flexion of the arm for biceps
Flexion of the arm for biceps

In total, 4 exercises have been developed that can develop the shoulder muscle. Two of these involve the back and hammer curls of the arm. They can be done both on blocks and use free weight. In this case, it is worthwhile to experiment with the angle of rotation of the brush. A certain load acts on the brachialis in different positions, and the most effective position can only be determined experimentally.

The next two exercises are spider curls and overhead curls. These exercises are based on creating a special position for the biceps, when most of the load falls on the shoulder muscle.

It should be noted that each athlete's brachialis will respond differently to these exercises. In some, more progress will come with a certain position of the hand, while in others, the rate of development of the shoulder muscle will mainly depend on the position of the biceps. However, it is best to use all of these exercises. This will help you figure out which ones are best for you. In addition, it is very important to be able to properly contract the brachialis. It will be more effective if you start swinging your arms one at a time, rather than simultaneously.

Video on how to pump up brachialis:
