To maximize your back, you need to do a lot of special exercises. Thanks to the pullover on the block, it is possible to work out the muscles that are not finalized with the help of other workouts. Therefore, an ideal execution technique is needed here - you can familiarize yourself with it by reading the article. There are also helpful tips for classes. In order to maximize the development of your back muscles, there is a very effective exercise in bodybuilding - we are talking about a pullover on a standing block. Various muscles are involved here. Some say that this is an exercise for the chest, others believe that for the back. It is safe to say that the pullover on the block is a versatile tool that helps to develop muscles in the upper body.
If in the modern world it is quite rare for athletes to perform this exercise, then before new powerful simulators were invented, many guys made just pullovers - in this way they enlarged and developed the chest.
The benefits of a pullover on the block

Through such exercises, it becomes possible to expand the chest. Other main ways of doing this exercise are:
- With a barbell.
- With dumbbells.
Everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves, but as a rule, many choose to work on the simulator.
The basics of teaching the correct execution of a pullover on the block
The main thing to do in the first place is to properly position the body in relation to the block trainer. In order to provide the necessary load for the broadest dorsal muscles, certain factors must be considered. In this case, it is possible to ensure that the rest of the muscles will be practically not involved - they will rest during the exercise.
- The angle of inclination is very important.
- Distance to the machine is important.
- Correct elbow flexion is essential.
Technique for doing exercise pullover on the block

- It is necessary to face the block.
- In advance, you should attach a straight handle to the block and grab it with your hands from above - this way it will be more convenient.
- Bend at the lower back and straighten your back. You should be half a step away from the block.
- Thanks to the correctly selected angle, it becomes possible to achieve muscle contraction in the lower back until a strong burning sensation occurs.
- In order to maximally load the muscles of the back, arms slightly bent at the elbows should be put forward - the angle relative to the axis should be 20 degrees.
- Return to starting position. Then you should lift the weight off the block. If you are tall, then kneel down to take the starting position.
- When doing a pullover on a block, it is very important to bend in the lower back and keep your back as straight as possible. Direct your gaze upward to maintain the desired angle of inclination of the body.
- Inhale as deeply as possible before starting the movement. Be sure to tighten your lats.
- Now exhale, pulling smoothly. In this case, the arms do not need to be bent, they should remain straight.
- Next, be sure to rest for a couple of seconds - pause.
- Relax, return the handle to the starting position and take a slow breath. Then exhale. Tighten and then relax your back muscles.
If during training in the training complex there is a pullover on the block, then do not forget about an important rule:
There is a lot to learn during training. It is important to be able to feel your muscles. In addition, you must be able to work out a muscle group correctly - first you should use a small weight, gradually building it up as you improve in the exercise. When you become a real pro, learn all the nuances of the technique of performing a pullover on a block, you can already work with more solid and impressive loads.
Useful Tips
- The work of the back muscles is due to the fact that in the upper position you do not raise the handle too high. When performing the exercise, very often the arms are behind the head - as a result, the triceps begin to work.
- It is important that the back is bent, try to put the ass back. The chest should be pushed forward. Bend your knees slightly.
- Hands should be fixed straight, then choose a position so that the elbow joints move as little as possible - they are the connecting link. As for the main work, it falls on the back - its muscles.
For a qualitative reduction, you need to experiment with the distance from the simulator - go to the block or move further. This changes the load on the back. It is necessary to choose the ideal position in which the required muscles will contract - this is the back.
It is very important, before proceeding directly to the exercise itself, to learn how to feel the target working muscles - the latissimus and anterior dentate. How to do it? Stand up straight and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing down. Push your chest forward. Now work with your hands - slowly lift them up, and then lower them, also slowly. You should feel how your muscles are working, feel their movement.
When starting to train, remember that the exercise puts a lot of pressure on the cartilaginous ring that surrounds the composition of the shoulder. Therefore, an injury is possible, typical mainly for tennis and volleyball players. In this case, you should stop using this exercise during training - the joint should be completely restored. If you do not heed this advice, the injury can turn into a more dangerous state.
Who is not recommended to use a pullover in a simulator
This applies to novice athletes. The thing is that the exercise allows you to emphasize and highlight the silhouette of the back - it is not suitable for building overall muscle mass. But for professionals, such classes will help to qualitatively detail the muscles of the back. It is best to do a pullover at the very beginning of your workout or towards the end of your workout.
Video on how to properly work on a pullover at the block while standing (advice with Denis Borisov):

Video about pulling the upper block with straight arms for girls: