Effects of steroids on metabolism

Effects of steroids on metabolism
Effects of steroids on metabolism

Metabolism is very important for the body of any person, and especially for an athlete. To improve it, speakers are used. Find out what the effects of these drugs may be. The content of the article:

  • What is metabolism
  • How the body gets protein
  • When to take steroids
  • The benefits of steroids

For most people, steroids, or anabolic steroids, are the means to increase muscle mass. According to available statistics, about 90% of athletes involved in strength sports have taken such drugs, or continue to do so. The same can be said about young men working out in gyms. Currently, the fight against the illegal distribution of this type of drugs is underway. Articles appear in the media about the irreparable damage to health that steroids can cause. But at the same time, for some reason, everyone forgets that among such drugs there are those that are used to treat various diseases. And they are created on the basis of natural ingredients.

What is metabolism?

Human stomach
Human stomach

Protein compounds can be divided into two groups: proteins and proteids. Proteins are composed of amino acids, and the basis of proteids is made up of more complex compounds, which, as a rule, are of a non-protein nature (for example, nucleic acid). The presence of amino acids in the composition of protein compounds determines their biological value. The main difference between protein metabolism and similar processes of carbohydrates and fats is the impossibility of synthesizing amino acids from ammonia.

Proteins are found in all tissues and fluids in the body, and when there is no regular supply of proteins, cellular structures begin to partially collapse.

When protein is broken down in the digestive tract, the amino acids formed by this process enter the bloodstream. Subsequently, the cells of the body synthesize a protein from them, which differs in composition from what is included in the composition of food. This process is endless. Throughout life, there is a constant replacement of dead cells with new ones, and this process requires protein. The body can receive these substances only through the digestive tract. When proteins are injected directly into the bloodstream, the most serious consequences, including death, are possible.

How does the body get protein?

It should be noted right away that protein compounds are of animal and plant origin. They have a different composition, and both of these types of substances are necessary for a good nutrition of the body.

On average, a person consumes about 10 grams of protein during the day. All products contain different amounts of protein compounds. For example, fruits and vegetables are low in this type of substance, while meat or beans are high.

Differences in the composition of plant and animal proteins lead to the fact that a person needs mixed food. This is the only way to provide the body with all the necessary substances. No vegetarian diet can replace complete animal protein.

When to take steroids

When to take steroids
When to take steroids

When the general principle of metabolism and synthesis of protein compounds is clear, the topic of anabolic steroids can be discussed in more detail. In general, this name comes from the word "anabolism" meaning synthesis. Consequently, the group of anabolic steroids includes substances that have a different structure and origin. Moreover, they are all aimed at improving the anabolic processes in the body, the main of which is protein synthesis.

There are a lot of drugs that can affect this process to varying degrees, but steroids are the most effective. They can be used for diseases accompanied by catabolic processes, at a time when additional protein intake does not give a positive effect. First of all, this applies to oncological diseases, with radiation exposure. Perhaps not many people know that even with diabetes, steroids are prescribed.

Of course, this type of drug is also used by athletes. It is quite easy to buy steroids nowadays. Many of these drugs are legal and cannot harm the body. As early as 1895, the relationship between male sex hormones and increased muscle mass was described. And for the first time an anabolic drug was synthesized in the 50s of the last century.

Thanks to this type of drugs, the rate of glycogen synthesis increases significantly, the effect of insulin on the body increases, and the level of glycemia decreases. It is also worth noting the ability of steroids to enhance the effect of growth hormone.

Those people who start using anabolic steroids need to remember that this will lead to a significant increase in protein intake. Therefore, dietary adjustments need to be made by adding protein-rich foods and reducing carbohydrate and fat intake. Studies have shown that when there is a lack of protein in food, the effectiveness of steroids drops sharply. An overdose of steroids can lead to side effects that could not have happened before. Basically, this is due to an increase in the thyroid gland and the ability of anabolic drugs to retain sodium ions in the body.

The benefits of steroids

anabolic steroid pills
anabolic steroid pills

Very often you can find statements that steroids have a negative effect on the human body. In particular, the emphasis was on the deterioration of male sexual function in the work. After numerous studies, it can be argued that all such accusations are unfounded. If we talk specifically about sexual dysfunction in men, then as an example of the opposite, we can cite the drug "Retabolil", which is used just in the treatment of impotence.

Well, now about what anabolic steroids can give athletes useful. The most important thing, in fact, for what these drugs are used, is an increase in strength indicators. However, steroids should be used under the supervision of a trainer after they have developed an appropriate protein-rich diet for you.

Of course, now any store of sports pharmacology sells drugs of this type, but they need to be taken wisely. Most of the myths about the dangers of anabolic steroids have arisen precisely because of their thoughtless use.

In addition to increasing strength, steroids are widely used by bodybuilders to build muscle. A large role in this is played by microorganisms called myofibrils, which are stimulated by the use of drugs.

Steroids increase the process of blood formation and the speed of its movement. So, according to recent studies, within 2-3 weeks of taking anabolic steroids, the amount of blood in the body increases by 10%. This is a very significant figure for increasing muscle mass. It is common knowledge that athletes are injured or may develop certain illnesses. Steroids can be successfully used in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases. In addition, the hemoglobin content increases, wound healing occurs faster, due to the ability of the drugs to retain nitrogen in the body.

Anabolic steroids have been used for a long time. And now we can say with confidence that they can have a negative effect on the body only in case of an overdose. There are a large number of drugs that are based on herbal ingredients, and for this reason are not capable of causing harm.

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