The most anticipated national holiday is New Year. Many people think that as you meet him, you will spend the whole year! Let's figure out how to celebrate 2017 of the Rooster. New Year is the most favorite holiday for many of us. It brings a joyful mood, pleasant communication, many gifts, a delicious table, and most importantly for any person - hope, without which it is impossible to look into the future. Therefore, its holding should be planned in advance and everything should be done so that the whole coming year is accompanied by success, dreams and expectations come true. To do this, you need to overlap with ideas, turn on imagination and involve like-minded people. After all, the anticipation and preparation of the event is no less pleasant than the holiday itself. And do not forget, New Year is something mysterious, mysterious, funny, unique.
Red Rooster traits

2017 is the year of the Red Rooster, the year of a fighter, a bully, a serious guy, but sociable and fair. He is a caring owner of his territory, which feels the whole "yard", loves order and protects everything that belongs to him. The Fire Rooster is independent, handsome, courageous and loves everything bright. Those born under this sign are full of energy, practically do not fall into depression, are efficient, and get tired a little. Their passion, strength and optimism are enough for everyone, so they often become good leaders. The best character trait of the Red Rooster is willpower and perseverance: they do not retreat, and they bring any business started to the end. But they are characterized by straightforwardness, which brings a lot of trouble, tk. they directly tell people what they think of them, and not everyone likes that. Therefore, Fire Roosters have few friends.
Where and how to celebrate 2017?

The symbol of the coming year is the Red Rooster. His favor and dislike determine the nature of the events that will happen to everyone during the next year. Therefore, the strategy for spending New Year's Eve is the right meeting of 2017, so that the keeper is satisfied and pleases all our endeavors. The symbol of the eastern horoscope prefers family traditions, therefore it is recommended to spend the holiday with the family, relatives and friends. Let there be a noisy (not riotous) friendly company, united by family ties.
For the New Year to be fun and the way the Red Rooster wants it, it is not necessary to spend the holiday at home. Here are some ideas for the 2017 meeting.
- New Year at the dacha. A holiday in a country house is a great solution for a family circle and best friends. Nature, silence, clean air. Take care of the fireworks, decorate the yard with light garlands, decorate the Christmas tree on the street. Don't forget about kebabs and entertainment. Play the guitar, come up with games with children and adults, be naughty and be happy. Forget about music and everything that makes a holiday an ordinary day.
- City area. If you don't sit at home, then a wonderful option to spend New Year's Eve on the city square near the central Christmas tree. It will be an extreme, family, romantic and secluded celebration at the same time. To hold such an event, you will need a bottle of champagne or strong drink, glasses with glasses and a minimum set of products to make it convenient to transport it. It can be slices (fruit, meat, cheese), bread, sandwiches, canapes.
- Travel abroad. Travel needs to be taken care of in advance. These are visa processing, air tickets, hotel selection and other documents. You should be aware that the cost on New Year's holidays increases by 20%. But the New Year does not have to be celebrated in Hawaii or the Maldives, there are more economical options. For example, the Baltics, where the historical center of the city is overflowing with architecture and cultural monuments. A real New Year's tale will be prepared by the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague, where the influx of tourists breaks records on the New Year. To plunge into childhood, you can visit the homeland of Santa Claus - Finland - an unrivaled leader in organizing and holding celebrations. It will be a little more expensive to meet the Red Rooster in a cozy restaurant in Paris with traditional French cuisine, which is famous for its delicacies.
- Alone with your loved one. This option is suitable for all couples in love in any cozy place. The idea will appeal to romantic people or those who are tired of an overabundance of communication at work. For a romantic evening you will need candles, light salads, a bottle of good wine and light music. In general, spend your time as you want: present each other with surprise gifts, watch a romantic comedy or home video, dance.
How to decorate an apartment and a Christmas tree for the new year 2017?

The color scheme of the jewelry should match the favorite color of the Fire Rooster. But along with the traditional red for New Year's holidays, it is allowed to decorate apartments with green and blue colors. Decorations from natural materials should dominate in the interior. The New Year cannot be imagined without colors, light, smiles, entourage, shine, lights. The Red Rooster will approve of gold and red tinsel. This will give the Christmas tree a luxurious and elegant look and will perfectly emphasize the atmosphere of the celebration. Soft capes in the interior will dilute the mood, which are combined with frosty winter days and create home comfort. Use a Rooster figurine instead of a Christmas star.
Games for New Year's Eve 2017

Play and participate is a prerequisite for New Year's Eve. New Year is a holiday for everyone and any age. Several generations can gather at the New Year's table at the same time, so games should be selected that fit any age category. And don't forget to give out prizes to the winners at the end of each game.
- "Runic letter". Each participant draws a request expressed in symbols without letters. Addresses her to a neighbor on the table, who must do what he has drawn. The phrases can be in the following style: pass a fork, treat the child with a cake, pour juice, put a couple of bananas, put another cake.
- Zoo. The player draws a leaflet with the name of the animal and must depict how it absorbs food.
- Interpreter. The participant writes a New Year's wish, phrase or phrase. The leaflet passes it on to a neighbor, who must “translate” what has been written in other words, but so that the meaning of what has been said is fully preserved. For example: let the New Year bring a lot of happiness - let the next 366 days bring joy and prosperity. Or another option: Santa Claus and Snegurochka brought gifts - a frozen and kind old man with his granddaughter prepared a pleasant surprise …
- Rope. By lot, the player chooses a leaflet with the inscription of the animal. With a thread for knitting of a certain length and with one finger lays out the silhouette of the fallen.
What to celebrate the New Year 2017, see this video: