Making gardening and gardening easier

Making gardening and gardening easier
Making gardening and gardening easier

To facilitate the work in the garden and at the dacha, a home-made changeling bench, a hand cultivator, a potato planter, a marker for the beds that you make will help you. The next summer cottage season will begin very soon, you need to approach it fully armed. Sore back, stressed knees will be a thing of the past if you make a bench to make garden work easier. A cultivator and potato planter from an old bicycle, a mechanical strawberry picker from a baby carriage will greatly facilitate physical labor.

How is a do-it-yourself turnover bench made?

The girl on the upside-down bench
The girl on the upside-down bench

Many who have been weeding at least once know how their back hurts, due to the fact that they have to constantly bend over. It is much easier to do this on your knees, but these parts of the legs can also be overworked during such an activity. Another problem is to get out of this situation. All these questions will be a thing of the past if you make the flip bench. Even a woman can do it. Here's what you need for this carpentry job:

  • boards of sufficient thickness;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • furniture wooden pins;
  • glue for wood;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • oilcloth fabric;
  • jigsaw.

Take a wide wooden board, use a jigsaw to make small notches at the top and bottom, and cut the triangular pieces on the sides.

The basis for the flip bench
The basis for the flip bench

Now, using the miter saw, you need to cut the notches in the upper wide part of both sides. Make the indentations elongated using a jigsaw.

Two blanks for an upside-down bench
Two blanks for an upside-down bench

To make your work in the garden and garden enjoyable, continue to tinker the bench further. Make the same notch as on the sidewalls in the middle of the bench. On the 1st and 2nd sides, cut out the holes with a drill so that you can insert a wooden pin here. Do this by "planting" these small parts on the glue.

Punching holes in the workpiece of the rollover bench
Punching holes in the workpiece of the rollover bench

The same holes need to be made in the sidewalls.

Holes in the sides of the workpiece
Holes in the sides of the workpiece

Turn the bench over, grease the back of the pins with a little glue or pour it into the drilled holes in the sidewalls, insert the seat pins here.

Secure this piece, leaving the glue to dry completely.

Fastening workpiece parts
Fastening workpiece parts

Here's what happens.

Ready-made flip bench
Ready-made flip bench

When you need to weed the bed, you will put this bench next to it, turning that one over. Kneel on the back of the seat. When you finish processing this area, rise, holding on to the high sidewalls, sticking your hands through the holes made.

When you want to rest, admire the results of your labor, turn the bench over to its original position, sit on it.

To make it clear to you what dimensions this brainchild should have, a diagram is attached below.

The dimensions of the upside-down bench
The dimensions of the upside-down bench

To make it comfortable for your knees to sit on the seat, and then you can rest on it, sew a small mattress. It should be about the size of a bench seat. From oilcloth, cut a rectangle 2 times its width, plus seam allowances. Padding in the form of padding polyester or thick foam rubber must match the dimensions of the seat.

Fold the fabric in half, stitch one of its small and large sides on the wrong side. Turn it over your face, put a synthetic winterizer here. Sew on the second small edge on your hands or on a typewriter.

To fix this mattress well, sew ties made of oilcloth to it.

Do-it-yourself cultivator for working in the garden and in the country

This device will also greatly facilitate spring work in the garden, as well as autumn plowing. From which only folk craftsmen do not make a hand cultivator. The next idea will show you how to make one from a bicycle.

Hand cultivator
Hand cultivator


  • wheel;
  • bicycle frame;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • cultivator head;
  • trimming pipe for crossbeam, handle.

The cultivator assembly diagram will facilitate your subsequent work.

Hand cultivator assembly diagram
Hand cultivator assembly diagram

As you can see, you need to weld 2 trims from them at an angle of 120 degrees to two aluminum or steel pipes. Thus, you will make the handles and the handle to it. A cross member is welded approximately in the middle, which will hold the handles in the desired position.

The cultivator head is attached to the pipe, the saddle holder. Attach the saddle support and the lower parts of both handles to the wheel, bolt it all in.

You can fix the flat cutter near the wheel, then a little further - the hiller. When you walk, hold the structure by the handles, the flat cutter will loosen the ground, the hiller will make even grooves.

Flat cutter on a hand cultivator
Flat cutter on a hand cultivator

You will learn more about this design from the final video. In the meantime, get acquainted with another idea, where a do-it-yourself cultivator is also made from an old bicycle.

You will need:

  • wheel;
  • bike fork and handlebars;
  • circular saw blade;
  • welding machine;
  • metal plates;
  • bolts.

From the wheel comes the so-called bicycle fork, consisting of two parts, at the top weld a rectangular metal plate to both.

Hand cultivator work
Hand cultivator work

Weld two handle tubes to it, fix them to the plate with spacers.

Spacer tubes
Spacer tubes

At the bottom, on this element of the bike fork, weld a square tube with sides of 20 mm. From it there are two sidewalls attached in the same way with holes. You put these grooves into the plow, secure with bolts.

To make a plow, you need strong hardened metal, in this case, a circular saw blade was used. First, a rectangle was cut off from it, which needs to be cut in half.

Manual plow
Manual plow

If it is convenient for you, first saw the disc in half, and then this figure into 2 parts. Now you need to cut off a small rectangle from each half, then a little more so that these parts form an angle when connected.

Sawing a disc
Sawing a disc

Weld it, on top of this place, attach in four places the rectangle that was recently cut off from one of the parts.

Welding disc parts
Welding disc parts

Sharpen the resulting knife.

Knife sharpening
Knife sharpening

Weld two metal profiles to it, which will become the fasteners to the structure.

Knife on the stump
Knife on the stump

Cut the handlebar to the desired height, weld it to the metal pipes of the cultivator.

Steering wheel welded to the cultivator
Steering wheel welded to the cultivator

Here's an interesting design.

Ready hand cultivator
Ready hand cultivator

If you have a cart wheel or something else, but you don't have a bicycle, then use 2 wooden slats. They and a small plow are attached to the wheel for a lightweight and easy-to-use design.

Hand plow
Hand plow

Using the same wooden racks and a kid's bike wheel along with a plow, you can make another homemade cultivator.

Manual wooden plow with one wheel
Manual wooden plow with one wheel

For the next model, all this is not required to make a tine plow, take:

  • axis;
  • steel discs;
  • steel bar with a diameter of 1 cm;
  • metal rods;
  • wooden handle;
  • bracket.

Drill holes in the steel discs, 5 in each, fix here the pointed and curved metal rods here.

If you do not have metal rods, use nails instead, and steel discs can be replaced with short cans. True, this design will be less durable.

Punch holes in the center of cans or steel discs to slide these onto the axle. Fasten to the trunnion with bolts and screws to them. Attach the bracket in the same way. Using four bolts, 2 on each side, attach the wooden handle.

Toothed plower diagram
Toothed plower diagram


  • 1 are disks;
  • 2 - teeth made from rods or nails;
  • 3 - axis;
  • 4 is a DAC;
  • 5 - bracket;
  • 6 - wooden handle.

Such a homemade cultivator will facilitate your work, and you can assemble it practically out of nothing, from what has long been in the barn and waiting in the wings. The following ideas will also help you disassemble this utility room, make useful things out of junk material.

How to make the work of a homemade potato planter easier?

If we talk about such a device in short, it consists of a container in which there are potatoes. There is a small hole in it, through which the conveyor belt moves vertically along with metal nests, into which potatoes fall from the container. The conveyor belt moves, transferring the root crops in each cell, like in an open lift, downward, laying them out into grooves at the same distance.

Conveyer belt
Conveyer belt

They are made by the plow, which is also the device of this device. A man sits on a motor-cultivator, who controls this small mechanization. But if you don't have such a motorized technique, you can make a manual potato planter.

Motor cultivator diagram
Motor cultivator diagram

You will understand the subtleties of its creation by looking at the following diagram. If such principles of making this device seem complicated to you, then use the simple one.

To make such a potato digger, take:

  • stalk;
  • bar;
  • a metal sheet;
  • nails;
  • a piece of rubber;
  • saw.
Potato digger
Potato digger

Having stepped back from the bottom of the cutting 10-12 cm, make a cross-cut to the width of the bar. Here you attach a block with nails or self-tapping screws, its length is about 25 cm. At the lower edge of the cutting attach a rubber circle so as not to injure the potatoes when planting.

Wrap the end of the handle with a metal sheet, nail it using nails. The metal part should be wider at the end and about 3 cm longer than the edge of the handle.

Handling the end of the cutting
Handling the end of the cutting

Arrange the potatoes in a row on well-dug soil. Place the planter across each tuber, pressing on it with the back of the cutting, quickly move on.

Planting potatoes
Planting potatoes

This method is only suitable for light soils and if the tubers do not have large growths.

You can mark out even rows to then plant potatoes or other vegetables here.

Layout of even rows
Layout of even rows

To make such a device to facilitate labor in the country, take:

  • boards one and a half centimeters wide;
  • a bar with a cross section of 4 or 5 cm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corner.

Step by step manufacturing

  1. Saw off pieces of a length of 30 and a width of 11 cm from the boards, use a jigsaw to round on one side.
  2. You will also need a board 80 long, 15 cm wide. Attach four boards with rounded corners to it in 25 cm increments. On the other hand, a metal corner flattened to an obtuse angle must be screwed to this board with self-tapping screws.
  3. Also insert self-tapping screws into its holes, attach a bar to them, which will become the handle of this homemade potato planter.
  4. When you pull on it, the runners will go deeper into the soil, making 4 furrows.

But this device is better suited for planting garlic and other similar vegetables. If you plant potatoes, then the distance between the runners should be at least 50 cm.

See what else you can do with your own hands on this topic.

Simple tools for planting in the garden

If you want to grow a radish in order to immediately plant it at the right distance, to avoid thickening, then take:

  • piece of board;
  • egg box;
  • door handle;
  • double sided tape;
  • self-tapping screws.
Planting tool
Planting tool

The piece of board should be the same size as the length of the egg carton. Attach it to this base with double-sided tape. But first, on the other side of the board, you need to attach the door handle, fix it with self-tapping screws.

By making holes with such a device, you will get perfectly even shoots of radish. You can make similar mechanization according to a different principle, such a homemade tool will also make your spring work in the garden easier.

Wells in the ground for planting
Wells in the ground for planting

In the board, you need to drill holes smaller than the diameter of the bolt head, fasten the nuts and screws. These metal components are staggered. The following drawing will simplify the work.

Planting tool diagram
Planting tool diagram

You can stuff wooden slats of the required length perpendicularly onto the bar, use metal corners to attach a handle to the center of the bar. This makes another wonderful vegetable planting tool.

Vegetable planting tool
Vegetable planting tool

Use a jigsaw to cut the teeth at the end of a thin 20-by-48-cm bar. Attach a bar to the center of this part, which will become a long handle, two slats that you connect at an angle will help to fix it.

Making holes in the soil
Making holes in the soil

The following device, which will make spring work in the field, in the garden more joyful and easy, is made from:

  • bar;
  • bottle caps;
  • self-tapping screws.

Place the block and corks on your work surface. Tighten the screws from the side of the bar, fixing the plugs in this position.

Seed planter
Seed planter

Try not to overwork yourself in the garden, when the harvest time comes, use small mechanization.

Strawberry picker
Strawberry picker

As you can see, an old stroller is suitable for such a device, which needs to be additionally strengthened. You can also use the wheels by fixing them to metal tubes. Two rods of reinforcement are welded to them perpendicularly, on one side a seat is made for a person, on the other a box is placed into which the crop is put.

Inquisitive minds have gone even further, now work in the garden will not only bear fruit, but will also become a time of wonderful rest.

Lying harvesting device
Lying harvesting device

Such a device is powered by solar panels, which are fixed at the top of the roof. In turn, it protects the gardener from the hot sun. if it's at its zenith. In the middle of the sturdy structure, there is a bed. A person is placed on it in a horizontal position, his head is supported by a headrest. He works the garden or harvests, when he needs to move, he presses the lever.

Solar Powered Harvester
Solar Powered Harvester

So far, such devices are only planned to be introduced into production, but they will cost a lot, about $ 8,000. But domestic inquisitive minds with skillful hands can take such an idea into service in order to make something similar. Then summer, spring work in the garden and vegetable garden will turn into a fun pastime in the fresh air.

To inspire yourself even more, watch the following story. The promised video tells how to make a cultivator out of a bicycle.

You will see how a potato planter with a walk-behind tractor works in the next plot.
