Exciting outdoor games

Exciting outdoor games
Exciting outdoor games

It will be much more interesting for children to walk in the park, in nature, in the country, if you offer them interesting games. You will find entertainment ideas for every season. It is useful for both adults and children to walk on the street. If you went on a hike with your children, decided to have a birthday party in nature or spend a day off there, it will be useful to know what outdoor games can entertain those present and how to prepare for them.

Autumn outdoor games

No wonder they say that every season is good in its own way. In autumn, there are many fallen leaves that can be used for good. A walk in the park will turn into a fun outdoor activity if you collect leaves and make a maze out of them, from which the kids will look for a way out.

Labyrinth of leaves on the grass
Labyrinth of leaves on the grass

It can be of various shapes - rectangular, round. First, put the leaves around the perimeter, then arrange the exit with them. Then place them along the real and "false" paths that lead to a dead end.

People in a square maze of leaves
People in a square maze of leaves

The time spent in the fresh air doing such an interesting activity flies by unnoticed. With the help of little helpers, you will quickly turn one passed maze into another, not yet mastered, by changing its elements.

Round labyrinth of leaves on the grass
Round labyrinth of leaves on the grass

In autumn, chestnuts ripen, sometimes children start throwing them at each other. But these fruits hit hard. Therefore, you need to direct the energy of children in the right direction and show how to properly use these gifts of nature on the street.

Crafts from chestnuts

Comets from chestnuts
Comets from chestnuts

Comets from chestnuts will help arrange a fun competition. You can compete in who will throw them further or throw them over the horizontal bar. When such a comet flies, the sight is mesmerizing. To craft these attributes for outdoor play, take:

  • chestnuts;
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • metal clips.

In no case do not give awl to children, as it is a dangerous tool. Use it to make yourself 2 holes in each chestnut. Cut the paper into strips, put a paperclip at the end of each. To prevent this place from tearing, first attach a piece of cardboard or tape here. Using the same staples, attach the ribbons on the other side to the chestnuts.

Making comets from chestnuts
Making comets from chestnuts

The same fruits will give the next entertainment, becoming the hearts of flowers. The guys will turn the leaves of trees into their petals. You can arrange a competition and determine who has turned out the best such autumn crafts.

Flowers from leaves and chestnuts on the ground
Flowers from leaves and chestnuts on the ground

This type of handicraft, when the fruits of creativity are laid out and placed right on the street, is called land art. Continuing the theme of the labyrinth, you can advise using chestnuts for another outdoor game.

Round maze of chestnuts
Round maze of chestnuts

Using your imagination, you can compete on the street with a child in "tic-tac-toe", not drawing, but spreading these figures on the ground. Use chestnuts instead of zeroes, and use crosses to replace sticks folded in an "X". To keep them in this position, tie in the center with thread or blades of grass.

Tic-tac-toe on the ground with chestnuts
Tic-tac-toe on the ground with chestnuts

Outdoor games for children during rainy season

Despite the fact that there are many puddles in autumn and spring, this is not a reason to give up a walk. The main thing is to put on waterproof overalls, rubber boots on the kids and organize the right entertainment. Here are some children's games on the street at this time.

  1. Let the guys send boats through the puddles. You can make floating toys yourself by cutting out the base of the desired shape from the foam. In the center, it is pierced with the sharp end of a sushi stick, and a flag is attached to the blunt end. It is cut from two blanks of colored paper and glued.
  2. Drawing on the asphalt with water is also a fun activity. Have the child scoop up moisture from the puddle with a spatula, move to a dry place, and pour out the contents. An interesting trail will remain on the shore. Perhaps it is the sun, then it will be necessary to finish painting its rays with water, and let my mother certainly praise the young artist for his interesting work.
  3. Fishing is one of the children's favorite outdoor games. Make a fishing rod with a straight stick and rope, at the end of which tie a loop. Throw in puddles of seeds and leaves of trees, let the children catch such "fish".
Children playing in puddles
Children playing in puddles

It is possible to sail not only a foam vessel, but also made of another material. This idea comes in handy if you want to make it right on the street, and you only have a sheet. Here's how to make a paper boat.

Fold your existing sheet in half, fold back the 2 top corners. Fold up the first and second bottom strips, fold their corners. Expand the resulting shape so that the side corner is now looking directly at you. Start it and exactly the same, located at the back, up. Now pull both corners in opposite directions, and the paper boat is ready.

Making a boat out of paper
Making a boat out of paper

Winter fun

Walking at this time of the year can be just as interesting as at any other. Snow molding is a traditional winter pastime. So that it does not become commonplace, diversify a pleasant activity. For example, a snowman can be molded so that it stands on its head.

A snowman standing on his head
A snowman standing on his head

In addition to him, blind with children from the snow and many other interesting things:

  • a dog;
  • caterpillar;
  • turtle;
  • pig, etc.
Dog made of snow
Dog made of snow

To make the figures look bright, have the children color them.

To decorate a snowman, you can bring a real carrot from home, large buttons, or make all this out of polymer clay. Then each blank is first put on a stick, then dried.

Decorated snowman in the yard
Decorated snowman in the yard

Outdoor games will turn into a real competition. Let the little mischief-makers split into two teams, each making snowmen, consisting of two lumps. The winner is the team that produces more white men in a certain amount of time. But the second team must also be given a prize, for example, for the funniest snowmen, for the charming, for interesting ideas.

Little snowmen
Little snowmen

If you take buckets and molds for sand with you for a walk, then winter fun will become more diverse. You can also arrange a competition to find out who will make the most of the pies. You can build not only a castle from sand, but also from snow.

Snow cakes
Snow cakes

Drawings, footprints in the snow

Interesting winter activities await children and adults everywhere. Create games on the go. Let one of the parents start making footprints in untouched snow, give the child an assignment to walk behind, stepping only on these footprints. Labyrinths can be made in the same way, coming up with exciting winter fun for children.

Drawings in the snow
Drawings in the snow

What a pleasure it is for the kids to lie down on the fresh snow that has fallen! By wearing comfortable waterproof clothing, they can make beautiful angels. To do this, it is enough to lie down on the snow, work with your hands and feet.

Angel in the snow
Angel in the snow

You can turn a drawing contest into winter fun. The works will be created right in the snow. To do this, you need to bring a pre-made coloring agent from home. To make it, you will need:

  • small bottles with dispenser nozzles;
  • water;
  • dye.

Add paint to water, stir. Pour the solution into a bottle, close the lid. Each will contain a dye of a certain color. With it, you can create not only drawings in the snow, but also paint figures sculpted from it.

Drawings with paints in the snow
Drawings with paints in the snow

Picturesque paintings are created not only with the help of paints, but also using cereals of various colors. Let the child create such a sun out of her, step aside and observe with pleasure what benefits his creation brought to the birds. After all, this picture will be a wonderful dinner for them.

Painted sun on the snow
Painted sun on the snow

It is interesting for children to turn into real treasure hunters for a while. Bury the waterproof box, in which you will put the surprise for the child in advance, in the snow. Come up with clues for him by which he can find the treasure. To do this, you can play "cold-hot" or practice your knowledge of right and left. You can tell the children to take two steps forward, then turn right, walk three more steps straight, and turn left.

Treasure under the snow
Treasure under the snow

Winter fun associated with soap bubbles is very interesting. But for this, the outside temperature must be at least -7 ° C. Let the child blow soap bubbles, and when they fall on the snow, they will turn into beautiful balls right before our eyes.

Soap bubbles in the snow
Soap bubbles in the snow

DIY Christmas toys

If you come to the dacha for the New Year holidays, dress up a Christmas tree or any tree in the garden with these man-made ice decorations.

Making Ice Decorations for the Christmas Tree in the Garden
Making Ice Decorations for the Christmas Tree in the Garden

To create them you will need:

  • gouache paint;
  • water;
  • rope;
  • molds.

Dilute the paint in water, pour the mixture into a mold. Place a rope curved in the shape of a loop here. Place it all outside overnight or in the fridge freezer. In the morning, take out the ice toys from the molds, and decorate the trees with them with your child.

Multicolored ice toys on the Christmas tree
Multicolored ice toys on the Christmas tree

A colorful path, a fairytale castle is made according to the same principle. For the first idea, you will need the same molds, in each of which you need to pour a solution of paint of a certain color. For the second, use empty milk cartons.

Making a colorful ice lane
Making a colorful ice lane

Also freeze the blanks, and then remove them from the molds. After that, you can lay a path, build a castle from colored ice.

Building a castle from colored ice
Building a castle from colored ice

You can play footprints using not only your own shoes, but also mislead others by making Bigfoot footprints. To do this, cut them out of cardboard, make four holes in each blank, insert a lace here, tie it around the child's leg. Let the baby walk like this in the snow, rejoicing at the traces it leaves.

A child leaves a trail of a bigfoot in the snow
A child leaves a trail of a bigfoot in the snow

Of course, when going for a walk in cold weather, take with you a thermos with warm cocoa or tea, sandwiches, or rolls so that the child can eat. Then he will have a cheerful mood, and winter fun will be to his taste. Clothes and footwear should be warm, waterproof and comfortable.

Children's entertainment in the country

So that children outside the city do not get bored, give adults the opportunity to do gardening, think of entertainment for them in advance. If the neighbors are comfortable with noise, make a wall of music. This will go:

  • old pots;
  • covers;
  • ladles;
  • frying pans;
  • metal spoons;
  • Tin cans with cut sharp edges.
Utensils tied to a rope
Utensils tied to a rope

If you have a wooden fence in your dacha, then nail all these accessories directly to it. If not, you can tie strings to kitchen utensils, hang them on trees, place them on nails nailed to the wall of the shed.

Kitchen utensils attached to the fence
Kitchen utensils attached to the fence

You can first make a base out of wood, and then attach all these items to it.

Pots and pans on a wooden base
Pots and pans on a wooden base

Craftsmen for children in the country with their own hands make a water complex. For it you will need:

  • old hose;
  • plastic bottles;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors.

If you have a wooden fence or a building wall of the same material, then attach the structure here. If not, then first knock down the base from the timber and boards.

This kind of outdoor play on a hot day captivates children. They are ready to endlessly pour water and watch where it flows.

Children's water complex
Children's water complex

Cut off the bottoms of some bottles, position them from top to bottom so that the poured water flows freely. They need to be placed with their necks down. Other, solid bottles, nail down to the wooden base. Connect some containers with a hose, fix it to the necks with electrical tape. Place basins on the ground to collect water.

Bottled water complex for children
Bottled water complex for children

Children love to play as adults, so they are happy to “cook” from sand, flowers, grass. Outdoor activities will be fun for them, and the room will not get dirty if you make a kitchen for children right on the street.

Children's kitchen on the street
Children's kitchen on the street

For this, it is not necessary to make special objects of kitchen furniture, you can use wooden and plastic boxes and other items at hand as them.

Homemade outdoor kitchen for children
Homemade outdoor kitchen for children

Even hemp can easily turn into kitchen tables with imagination. Well, the guys will cook from cones, stones, grass.

Kitchen children's table from a tree stump
Kitchen children's table from a tree stump

It is not necessary to buy a constructor for the dacha, as it can be cut wood, boards, various sticks. Make holes in the boards, pour glue here, put sticks. When the structure is dry, give the children wooden chocks with holes made in the center, let them string them on pegs.

You can saw various wooden elements, and the children will use them as parts of the constructor. Such outdoor games are useful, develop imagination and ingenuity.

Branch castle
Branch castle

Interesting outdoor activities for kids

Such ideas can be implemented not only in the country, but also in the courtyard of a city house. Take cans of paint and a pre-cut cardboard stencil with you for a walk. Put it on the grass, paint the outline with a spray can, remove the stencil, paint over the inner circle. Make several of these elements, arranging the colors in rows.

You can make a stencil for Twister differently. Cut out a circle in a large piece of cardboard and use it.

Twister game on the grass
Twister game on the grass

Children will love to play Twister on the grass. To develop their accuracy, see what other outdoor games can be offered to children. For one of them, you will need:

  • pallets from flower pots;
  • cardboard;
  • paint or felt-tip pen;
  • a small ball.

Cut out cardboard circles, the same size as the inside of the pallets. Glue them, draw a number in the center. The larger the diameter of the circle, the smaller the number should be.

Cardboard circles for a twister
Cardboard circles for a twister

Arrange the blanks in a row, placing the largest one closer to you, the smallest one at a distance. The ball can roll out of the pallets, so it is better to sew squares or 5-gons from old jeans and throw them at the targets. For this, paired elements are cut out, and of the same size - foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. First put a piece of jeans on the table, on it - one of these soft seals, on top - again jeans, stitch along the edge.

But the ball is good for the next outdoor game. Large cardboard glasses are taken and numbered. They need to be hit with the ball.

Outdoor ball holes
Outdoor ball holes

Water and foam party for little ones

On a hot summer day, douches are indispensable. Children will be delighted if you make such an outdoor shower for them.

Making an outdoor shower
Making an outdoor shower

For his device you need:

  • PVC pipes;
  • fitting;
  • drill;
  • water source.

Use a drill and a thin drill to make many small holes in the pipes. Connect the elements with fittings. Connect the water source with a pipe or hose. Kids love these outdoor games in summer.

Children play under the outdoor shower
Children play under the outdoor shower

With your imagination, you can build a whole car wash using this idea.

Children's car wash on the street
Children's car wash on the street

Water bombs are also fun in the heat. Fill the balls with water with the children, let the children compete in agility. Someone will throw bombs, and someone will catch.

Water bomb game
Water bomb game

If you add baby foam without tears to the water, beat it well, then you can have a whole foam party. Such games in the fresh air in the heat will give you coolness.

Kids foam party
Kids foam party

Now you know what games to organize in the summer so that the children in the country do not get bored. They will also have fun on a walk on an autumn, spring, winter day, if you tell about the entertainment presented above.

You can see with your own eyes some interesting ideas on this topic if you click on the player's play button:
