We make decoupage boxes, plates, champagne bottles

We make decoupage boxes, plates, champagne bottles
We make decoupage boxes, plates, champagne bottles

If you want to decoupage the box, a master class and step-by-step photos will help you with this. After reading this article, you will learn how to decorate champagne bottles. Decoupage is an old technique for decorating various objects. An ornament, drawing or picture is attached to the object with glue, the composition is varnished to make it stronger and more durable.

A bit of decoupage history and current trends

This technique was used back in the Middle Ages, the first time this type of creativity was mentioned in the 15th century. Then in Germany they began to decorate furniture with carved pictures. In Venice, craftsmen covered such wooden surface decorations with 30-40 layers of varnish in order to protect the decoupage fragment and make it more durable. This type of technique was very popular at the court of Louis XVI. Many celebrities of the past were fond of this type of creativity: Marie Antoinette, Lord Byron, Madame de Pompadour, Picasso and others.

Now this technique is again at the peak of its popularity. With the help of decoupage, they transform:

  • Christmas decorations;
  • trays;
  • cutting boards;
  • sundial;
  • dishes;
  • boxes;
  • hats;
  • handbags and other accessories.

Decoupage made from napkins, on fabric and from fabric is now very popular in Russia. The use of computer innovations makes it possible to obtain three-dimensional drawings, pictures printed on a copier or printer.

Decoupage for beginners from napkins

For those who are just mastering this type of creativity, it will be useful to start simple. If you want to decorate your furniture later, practice on a simpler piece of wood first. A cutting board is perfect for this, in addition to it you need to prepare:

  • white primer for wood;
  • sponge;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • a napkin with a pattern;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • synthetic tassels.
Materials for decoupage from napkins
Materials for decoupage from napkins

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work. Using a sponge, apply a primer to the board. While it dries, cut out the elements of the future composition from the napkin and place them on a wooden board.

Making decoupage from napkins
Making decoupage from napkins

For decoupage, ordinary napkins with a pattern are taken. Since they have several layers, you need to remove unnecessary ones, leaving only the top one with the picture. Usually the napkin consists of three layers, so we carefully tear off the two lower ones. Coat the resulting part from the inside out from the center to the edges, glue, glue to the board, carefully smoothing the folds with a brush so as not to tear the thin paper.

Bonding napkins for decoration
Bonding napkins for decoration

Now you can feel like real artists. Take acrylic paints and choose a color for the background. In this example, white was mixed with ocher. Apply the resulting solution to the board. This is how decoupage of wooden objects happens.

Painting with acrylic composition
Painting with acrylic composition

Places that remained unpainted, retouch with the same paint with a brush. Let it dry thoroughly, then cover the drawing with varnish.

For the decoupage technique, it is best to use acrylic varnish, as it does not leave yellow streaks that look ugly. Apply it in 5-8 coats, letting each dry. This is what you get as a result of using the decoupage technique on a wooden plank.

Finished painting, decorated with napkins
Finished painting, decorated with napkins

Decoupage bottles master class

Materials for decoupage bottles
Materials for decoupage bottles

It is more pleasant to present wine, champagne as a gift in a container that you decorated yourself. The technique will help to give the effect of antiquity, thereby hinting that the present has many years of exposure.

We will decoupage a bottle of champagne, in addition to it, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • wide brush;
  • napkin.

Since the decoupage technique implies contrasting colors, you need to cover the champagne bottle with white acrylic paint before starting work. But first, remove the paper label, for this it is better to rub it with a wet cloth dipped in hot water.

Cut off the pattern you like on a napkin or a part of it that you will use when decoupage champagne for New Year's or another holiday. Separate the two lower layers from it, they are not needed, attach only the upper one to the bottle, having previously coated it with glue.

Do not apply glue to the edges of the napkin, otherwise it may get wet and tear. If you want to achieve the effect of antiquity, then use the varnish "Craquelure", it is applied when the glue dries.

Decoupage plates

If you want to turn an ordinary transparent plate or dish into a real work of art, then the decoupage technique will help you again. Here's what you get as a result of the work.

Plate, decorated using decoupage technique
Plate, decorated using decoupage technique

In order for you to have the same creation, you need to have the following things at hand:

  • glass plate;
  • napkin with a pattern;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • water-based parquet varnish;
  • cotton pad;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • children's stained glass paints.

Decoupage plates begin with degreasing them. To do this, apply alcohol or vodka to a cotton pad and wipe the back of the plate with the solution. It is here that an interesting drawing will soon appear. Measure the diameter of that side of the container and cut a circle out of exactly that size napkin.

Materials for decoupage plates
Materials for decoupage plates

Step-by-step decoupage continues. Now add a little water to the PVA glue, stir. Apply it to the back of the napkin, glue it to the bottom of the plate. When the glue is dry, apply the first coat of varnish and wait for it to dry completely. How all this is done is clearly demonstrated by decoupage step by step. From the photo it is clear how and what you will do from napkins.

After the varnish is completely dry, cover the area with a layer of white acrylic paint, also let it dry completely. After that, go over the napkin with acrylic paint two or three more times. You did all these manipulations with the back of the plate.

Coating the plate with acrylic paint
Coating the plate with acrylic paint

Thus, you do the reverse decoupage. As you can see in the photo, then you need to paint the free edges of the plate from the seamy side with stained glass paints. Since in this example the glass patterns are already embossed here, the work is facilitated. Allow the paints to dry thoroughly, then top them with water-based parquet lacquer 2 times with drying intervals. This is how decoupage looks amazing on glass. For beginners, such work should not cause difficulties, the main thing is to do everything carefully, letting the layers of paint and varnish dry out.

Pictures for decoupage on a printer

It is not always possible to find a napkin pattern that you would like to decorate a plate, casket, furniture or other things. Then the Internet will come to the rescue. In the search engine, enter a query like: "decoupage print on a printer." The system will give you several options. If you are looking for something specific, then enter the desired search parameters. For example, you want to carry out a decoupage in the Provence style, then notify the search engine about it.

Another plus that pictures in the "decoupage for printing" technique give is that you can print a photo of a dear person, stick it on any object and present him with an original gift for a significant event.

But not every printer is suitable for printing. Usually, laser machines are used for this, since they work on special powders, and not on ink. Under the influence of varnish, glue, paint, water, they will not flow. Inkjet printers that use pigment inks will also work. But those that are charged with water do not need to be used.

You can print pictures for decoupage on a printer at:

  • napkins;
  • tracing paper;
  • office paper;
  • rice for calligraphy;
  • photo paper up to 160 g / m2.

To start decoupage printing on a printer, prepare the paper correctly. If it's thin, then stick it to the office sheet with masking tape.

Fasten well on the side you will be feeding the paper into the printer. If this is done poorly, then the unit can chew it.

Decoupage with a printer
Decoupage with a printer

If you print decoupage pictures on a printer using a napkin, first iron it and then glue it on all sides to the office sheet. Tracing paper and rice paper can be fixed in several places. Prints on these materials can be immediately used for blending, glued to the desired item, as well as from a napkin. These materials are thin, they work differently with thick ones. They can be glued in the same way as a decoupage card, soaked in water for 5 minutes, smeared with glue, applied to the selected surface, and removed the air. After that, the excess edges are cleaned with sandpaper.

If you need to stick a small fragment on a large surface, then the thick printout paper must first be made thinner, before that it is better to protect it with special varnishes, the so-called transcryls or transfer gels.

Coating with transacryl
Coating with transacryl

How to use the decoupage photo technique?

It can be obtained in the same way on a printer as described above, or you can take a regular paper photograph, prepare it in a certain way, and then use it.

Decoupage photo
Decoupage photo

To work, you must have the following items:

  • the photo;
  • a bowl of water;
  • metal washcloth;
  • stationery knife;
  • box without a picture;
  • primer for wood;
  • PVA glue;
  • rubber roller;
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • sandpaper;
  • Crackle varnish Sadolin-antique.

First, soak the photo in water for a day, then very carefully, slowly, starting from the corner, peel off the underside of the paper. If the process is difficult, then place the photo for another 1-2 hours in water. After the paper has been removed from the inside, you can clean off its remnants with a metal washcloth, which is used to wash dishes.

Cleaning paper with soaked photo
Cleaning paper with soaked photo

Crop the photo to fit the box lid. Pre-treat the box with a wood primer. Coat the lid of the wooden box with PVA glue, put a photo on top and use a roller to release air bubbles from under it. Now gently run the cloth over to make the photo stick better.

Rolling a photo on a box
Rolling a photo on a box

Turn the box over, placing something heavy on top of it. In this state, the glue should dry completely. After that, decorate the sides of the box with dark acrylic paint. Let it dry, then rub the edges and corners of this wooden container with a candle.

Coating the box with acrylic paint
Coating the box with acrylic paint

Now apply the first coat of acrylic paint to the photo, let it dry, and repeat this procedure one more time. After the second layer is dry, use sandpaper to lightly remove the second layer of paint where you previously rubbed with a candle. Then make cracks on the box with Sadolin-antique lacquer-crackle, it will give the thing an antique effect.

The finished box is decorated using decoupage technique
The finished box is decorated using decoupage technique

After it dries, apply glassy varnish on the lid of the box, and ordinary acrylic on the sidewalls. The inside of the wooden container can be painted with a water-based stain.

This is how the decoupage of the box is performed. For decoration, you can use photographs, napkins, prints made on a printer. Such a decoupage-style box will become an adornment of any home, as well as a glass plate, a bottle, decorated using this technique.

Shows how decoupage of bottles is done, video: