Weight training in bodybuilding

Weight training in bodybuilding
Weight training in bodybuilding

Many athletes pay special attention to hand training, but there are some nuances to increase the effectiveness of the training. Learn how to build 50cm biceps. Most guys pay a lot of attention to working on the muscles of the arms and chest. This is due to the fact that in many ways it is these parts of a man's body that personify his beauty and strength. Today we will talk about how to properly organize arm training for mass in bodybuilding.

Features of arm training in bodybuilding

The athlete performs a block deadlift
The athlete performs a block deadlift

Very often, you can find recommendations on the allocation of a whole training day for the development of the arms. This is easy to explain. Although the arms are involved in various exercises, very often their muscles are already very tired, which will not allow you to work them effectively.

We will discuss how to train hands a little lower, but now it is necessary to touch on the topic of recovery. This is due to the fact that many athletes do not see progress in training the muscles of the arms for the reason that they simply do not have time to recover.

We have already said that the hands are involved in performing various exercises, and it is necessary to find the optimal training scheme for them. Here you can choose one of the training methods:

  • Set aside separate days to work on large muscles - back, chest and arms. It is best used if you have a training experience of at least a year and a half.
  • Train traction and thrust muscles in one day. On the day of work on the back, also train biceps and triceps.
  • Using the principle of antagonistic muscles. The triceps are trained with the back, and the biceps with the chest.

These are just tips and you should experiment and find the optimal circuit.

Hand training priorities

The athlete performs swings with dumbbells in an incline
The athlete performs swings with dumbbells in an incline

Very often, beginner athletes spend a lot of time training their arms or chest, instead of developing all the muscles in the body. With natural training, you should spend less time on hand training, but at the same time try to use it as efficiently as possible. Try to do more basic movements using large weights. Little time should be allowed for isolated movements.

When using basic movements, you can use a lot of weight, which is one of the main stimuli for muscle growth. With isolated exercise, you won't be gaining much mass. It should also be remembered that small muscles will not grow in size until large ones grow. This is another plus for basic exercises.

How to train your arms correctly?

An athlete trains in a gym with a coach
An athlete trains in a gym with a coach

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Technique for all exercises. This is what you should pay maximum attention to at the first stage of classes.
  • Learn to feel the work of the target muscles and remove auxiliary ones from it.
  • Do not put a lot of stress, as you can overtrain your arms.
  • Progress the load.

During hand training, various intensity techniques should be used, such as negative reps, drop sets, forced reps, etc. But they often cannot be used, because the muscles take a long time to recover.

But the super series will be very effective. The essence of this training method is to perform two movements without a pause between them. However, in the case of hands, you should change this principle a little. Do one exercise for the biceps and the other for the triceps. After a pause between sets, repeat from the beginning. This will increase the recovery time for each muscle group. In addition, biceps and triceps are antagonists. During the work of one muscle, the second rests. You must understand that there are no clear and effective training programs that will work for every athlete. You need to find a technique that works for you.

The best exercises to train biceps

Athlete Performs Seated Dumbbell Press
Athlete Performs Seated Dumbbell Press

Lifting the bar for biceps in a standing position

This is a great basic exercise that all athletes use. You need to take a sports equipment with a grip shoulder-width apart. The barbell in the starting position is located near the thigh. As you inhale, start lifting the projectile to shoulder level. Pause at the top point and at a slow pace begin to lower the barbell.

Lifting dumbbells with supination

The exercise can be performed with alternate lifting of shells or simultaneously. With supination, you will be able to work your entire biceps. Many professionals consider this movement to be one of the most effective.

You can also perform the movement while standing or sitting. When performing the exercise, special attention should be paid to supination. This moment is the most important.

Best Triceps Exercises

The athlete performs back extensions with dumbbells
The athlete performs back extensions with dumbbells

Bench press narrow grip

This is a basic exercise for triceps training. In this case, you must learn to focus the load on this particular muscle. Take a sports equipment with a middle grip from the bottom. The legs should rest well on the ground, and the bar is on outstretched arms and located approximately at shoulder level. Begin to lower the bar that touches the chest. It is very important that your elbow joints are spread out to the side at approximately a 45 degree angle from the body.

Dips on the uneven bars

A very effective exercise if you focus on the triceps. To do this, keep your hands close to the body with a minimum tilt forward of the body. Also, your arms should be shoulder-width apart.

French Incline Bench Press

When performing the exercise, most of the load falls on the triceps, and the minimum on the deltas and pectoral muscles. Lie down on the bench and grab the EZ-BAR. In the initial position, the projectile is located in the arms bent at the elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise the projectile slowly and return to the starting position. When performing the movement, you should feel the load in the triceps. If this does not happen, then your elbow joints were not fixed and you did not benefit from the bench press.

For more information on how to train your arms for mass, see:
