Fried walnuts in a pan

Fried walnuts in a pan
Fried walnuts in a pan

Pan-roasted nuts have a very rich taste and aroma. But not everyone knows how to fry them properly so that they are tasty and nutritious. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Pan-fried cooked walnuts
Pan-fried cooked walnuts

Roasted walnuts have a richer and more palatable taste. They are more fatty and nutritious than raw kernels. This is a very healthy and appetizing product. They are high in healthy fats, fiber, and protein. Therefore, they are considered a good source of important nutrients and antioxidants. You can use them as an independent light and hearty snack, especially when you need to have a quick snack on the go. Or for the further preparation of many dishes. After all, the preparation of many delicious and piquant dishes is not complete without walnuts. These are salads, and pates, and desserts, and soups, and pies, and snacks, and pastries … And this is just a minimal list of dishes where these nutritious nuts are used. At the same time, they are used in fried form in almost all dishes.

This article will tell you how to properly fry walnuts in a pan at home. Delicious, fast and inexpensive! Although there are ways to cook them in the oven and microwave. For frying, it is better to buy inshell nuts. They are easily peeled from the shell, while they have an excellent taste. Peeled kernels may be rancid. For an even roast, choose the same size nut pieces. Mostly they should be halves or quarters.

See also how to microwave roasted walnuts.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 539 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


Walnuts - any amount

Step by step cooking of fried walnuts in a pan, recipe with photo:

Walnuts, shelled
Walnuts, shelled

1. Split the walnut shells using a special device or in any convenient way. Peeled kernels are best roasted in halves or quarters. However, since the cooking process on the stove is easy to control, you can use smaller pieces.

Walnuts are fried in a pan
Walnuts are fried in a pan

2. Place the kernels in a clean, dry skillet on the stove and turn on medium heat. Use only dry heat as the fat and oil in the nuts is sufficient for frying. Try to keep the kernels in one layer - then they will brown evenly.

Pan-fried cooked walnuts
Pan-fried cooked walnuts

3. Sear the nuts, stirring frequently until brown. With frequent stirring, they will cook for the same amount of time, and as a result, you will get evenly toasted kernels without burnt fruit, or there will be very few of them. The frying time will take about 5-10 minutes, depending on the degree of browning you want. Small pieces will cook faster. Finished pan-fried walnuts will have a dark brown color and toasted flavor.

Remove toasted nuts from heat and place on a flat worktop to cool to desired temperature for serving. Otherwise, they will continue to fry on hot metal.

Do not fry the nuts in advance, as in a few days they will lose the acquired taste and aroma, and even after roasting they deteriorate much faster. Fry them just before adding them to the dish.

See also a video recipe on how to cook fried walnuts.
