External parameters of the Artois hound, the manifestation of temperament and health, how to raise a dog, take care of its coat, ears, teeth. Puppy price. The Artois hound or Artois hound is an ancient hunting breed that was bred in the Picardy and Artois regions, located in the north of France. Earlier in their homeland they were called "Chien d'Artois". Presumably, these dogs became the progenitors of the beagles. Such dogs were very popular with monarchs and the highest nobility because of their virtuoso working abilities.
Despite their small size, these dogs can skillfully poison not only foxes and hares, but also such a dangerous animal as a wild boar, large elk or deer. They have a keen instinct with which they take even the long-standing trail of the beast. These hounds work not only in the forest and field zone, but also among thorny impenetrable bushes. They were not used singly, but in packs.
After the events of the French Revolution, "Artois" became available not only for the wealthy class, but also for the middle and lower class of people, because they were inexpensive to maintain, and they were good at catching prey. The species has been repeatedly threatened with extinction. At first, these dogs were threatened with too much mixing with the "newfangled" English breeds imported to France. There were very few purebred lines of this variety, and only from individual breeders.
Further, the events of the First and Second World Wars, as many believed, completely destroyed the Artoise hounds, but then ardent fans came to the rescue, who did not believe in their disappearance. People found the surviving units of the breed livestock and, through long painstaking work, nevertheless restored these unique animals. Currently, their number remains small, but they are not below the danger line of extinction.
Basically, the artois hound thrives in its homeland as a working and pet animal. This comfortable, intelligent and affectionate dog has all the prerequisites to become a full member of the human family. Famous for their excellent hunting skills, the Artois also make wonderful family pets due to their affectionate and uniform nature. They are unusually athletic, but remain calm indoors. However, these happy, high-energy canines live and work best in rural households. It is an independent breed, but it thrives on a stable, loving human family.
External parameters of the artoise hound

The Artois hound is considered a medium sized dog. According to the FCI standard, they must be from 52, 80 to 57, 80 centimeters in height, with a permitted dispersion of 1.27 centimeters (height is measured from the ground to the withers), and their weight category is determined on average from 24, 95 to 29, 48 kilogram. In the UKC criteria for breed specimens, other norms are presented, height from 53, 34 to 58, 42 centimeters, and weight from 28, 12 to 29, 93 kilograms. These well-built dogs must be in the correct proportions indicated by the FCI. The ratios are between 10:10 and 10:11 for the height of the body, 5: 9 for the width of the skull to the length of the head, 8:10 for the length of the muzzle to the length of the skull.
- Head - strong and elongated. The skull is strong, broad, rather short, rounded and flat at the top, only slightly pronounced with an occipital bulge. His stop should be underlined.
- Muzzle - straight, moderately elongated in profile. The upper lip mainly covers the lower jaw, squaring the end of the muzzle when viewed from the side. The jaw with strong white teeth closes in a scissor bite, the upper incisors cover the lower with light contact.
- Nose - black and coal color with well-open nostrils.
- Eyes - dark brown, somewhat wide in relation to the width of the forehead, close together. They are round in shape, revealing a soft, melancholy expression.
- Ears - long ears, wide at the base and rounded at the tips. They are set at eye level and hang down to the beginning of the nose.
- Neck Artois hounds are moderately long with a small dewlap.
- Frame - strong, elongated, with oblique muscular shoulders and a broad back. The loins are slightly arched and the thighs slope slightly towards the muscular croup. The ribcage is wide and long, reaching down to the level of the elbows. Ribs well pressed.
- Tail they have a powerful and long one that they hold in the shape of a sickle, which creates an excellent balance of the dog's body. The hair at the tip of the tail is longer and coarser than the rest and therefore stands out.
- Front and hind limbs - strong and parallel. The thighs are well muscled and the hocks are strong and moderately angular. Metatarsus are short and strong. Artois hound moves with a light gait.
- Paws slightly elongated with black, hard and compact pads.
- Coat - smooth and thick, adheres tightly to their thick skin. The structure of the guard hair is coarse and flat, and the undercoat is insignificant.
- Coloration artois hounds, dark fawn tricolor, (similar to the "fur coat" of hares and badgers). The color of the head is usually also fawn, but sometimes with a black overlay. They may have a mantle or large patches of color. The colors come in any combination of brown-orange, black and white.
Artois Hound Temperament

Artois hounds, renowned for their excellent hunting skills, are also capable of being wonderful family dogs due to their affectionate and uniform, resilient nature. Dogs have extraordinary athletic abilities, but at the same time, their active disposition is transformed into an extremely calm one in the master's apartment or house. Despite these characteristics, these four-legged friends with an increased energy level will be much happier if they can fulfill their true destiny. For their maintenance, farms or agriculture are wonderfully suitable. This is an independent species, but still such dogs open up and need constant family ties and people who will love and take care of them.
Artoise hounds are friendly and sociable with all members of their human "pack". But, they devote themselves to only one or two true owners, showering them with love and remaining more restrained in relation to the rest. These dogs are good with children and take the initiative to organize playful games with domestic boys, but on their own terms. They love rough fun and are the first to challenge, and stop if they get tired of them.
Artuaz hounds cannot be considered a good choice for owners who lack the practical skills and experience in keeping and training canines. Potential owners of this breed should be confident that they can take on the role of leader of the pack, and will be able to allocate enough time and energy for training.
Males and females artois hounds are strong-willed, but males still represent more dominant characters and will try to become leaders in the family, and especially above any other dog. But, with proper socialization from an early age with humans, pets, and other canines, they will coexist peacefully. Artoise hounds prefer to avoid conflict and rarely get into serious fights with their other "cousins". They usually get along well with various pets that do not belong to their group.
Artois hounds are brave and loyal, when they notice something suspicious, they bark loudly. However, they are less versatile watchdogs because they lack the exceptional alertness that some other breeds, such as the German Shepherd, Rottweiler or Alabai, are endowed with. When a species wants to attract the attention of its owners, their high-pitched, ringing voice can be heard from over a mile away.
Health features of the Artois hound

The species does not have serious genetic health problems. They are hardy and sturdy canines with an average lifespan of twelve to fourteen years.
Potential health problems: ear infections, nail fungus or infections, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, inverted lens of the eye, sensitivity to anesthesia.
Requirements for the care of the Artois hound

- Wool Artois hounds do not require extensive maintenance. Their short, sleek coats should be brushed regularly, at least once a week. It is better to use a brush with stiff bristles, such as rubber or thick natural bristles. With the help of such a tool, you will not only effectively remove dead hairs, but also evenly distribute the natural lubricant over the body of the animal and create a useful massage. Comb your dog while walking to avoid excess hair and dirt in your home. Bathe your pet only as needed. It is not necessary to use detergents for this. Sometimes it will be enough to dry the dog with a damp towel. This procedure also perfectly removes dirt and does not disturb the balance of the skin and coat. If your artois hound needs a bath, use dry shampoo if possible. When a wet bath is unavoidable, use mild soap and warm water. After manipulation, do not leave your pet in a draft. It should be kept in a warm room on its bedding until it dries completely.
- Teeth artois hound must be subjected to basic hygienic procedures, namely, cleaning. So that your pet does not resist, and you can do it calmly, he should get used to cleaning the dentition from an early age. There is no difficulty in carrying it out. This requires a silicone brush and a professional toothpaste. Brush your teeth in a circular motion every two days. It is not necessary to rinse the paste, since it is made edible for animals and does not pose a danger to the digestive system. Additional prevention of dental plaque will be created by eating dry food and chewing pressed bones.
- Ears of this breed are susceptible to infections, therefore, they need increased care and attention. Owners need to regularly clean them to prevent various problems. It is necessary to carefully and individually select drugs for manipulation. They come in the form of gels, sprays, and droplets: prophylactic (routine care) and therapeutic (to combat inflammation). To remove dirt or sulfur build-up, the agent must be applied to the inside of the auricle, and then wipe off the excess with a soft cloth. Check and clean your dog's ears once a week, if an ear infection develops, contact your veterinarian immediately.
- Eyes Artois hounds are wiped immediately, as soon as slight dirt is formed in them. For this, a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is needed, which is applied to the sponge and carried over the eye in the direction of the inner corner. The owners' attentiveness to their pets after walks or hunting activities will prevent complications after accidental traumatic situations. If you notice that something is wrong with your dog's eyes, then take him to a specialist who will not only diagnose, but also prescribe the correct treatment.
- Claws and paws susceptible to infections. A precautionary measure would be to keep the Artois's claws trimmed. Always check your dog's pads after walks or other strenuous activities. Sometimes they can be damaged or dry out, causing them to crack. Such damage should not be left to chance. Wounds should be disinfected and lubricated with an emollient and healing ointment. Constantly check the paws for fungal diseases, carefully examine each toe and between them.
- Feeding Artois hounds are organized with special commercial feeds, which will simplify their maintenance. These dogs need a selected diet, which only a competent specialist can correctly draw up. The balanced composition of dry food was developed by professionals for years, it can satisfy all the needs of the body "Artua". Industrial food is selected in relation to the size of the animal, its vital functions and the state of the organism. If you have any doubts about this, check with your veterinarian or breeder who bought the dog. An experienced specialist with his valuable knowledge base will advise you not only on ready-made dog food, but also make the right diet if you choose to feed your four-legged friend with natural food. When feeding "natural", you should always remember that the main composition of such food is: 80 percent meat and 20 percent cereals. An additional and constant intake of vitamin and mineral supplements, fish oil (Omega-3) is also required. Whatever your dog is eating, it should only be fed 30 minutes after walking and exercise, or four hours before being active. Eating before exercise will lead to bloating and volvulus, which can kill your dog. In no case do not give "Artois" bones, they can cut the intestines.
- Walking. Artois hounds need and thrive on the provision of plenty of exercise. Without sufficient physical activity on a daily basis, they can become restless and difficult to handle. Due to strong disappointment about this, the dogs become depressed. Everyday walks are always necessary to support the normal functioning of the body and the mental well-being of Artua. But besides, these four-legged friends love to walk or hike.
For the representatives of the species, it is also necessary to allocate living space so that the dogs frolic and play in the open air, since they were bred to be active and working hunting assistants. The Artois pet is designed to chase prey, so never drive it off a leash or leave your dog with an unlocked gate in your yard. Your four-legged friend can run away if he smells or tries to chase an object that attracts his attention. Artois hounds live well in apartments if they are provided with appropriate activities and loads. But, it is better for such dogs to live in a house with a small closed yard or in a rural area.
Raising an Artois Hound

Despite the fact that the "Artua" are very smart and inventive, their training is not an easy task because they show extreme independence and sometimes even too strong stubbornness. In their training, experts advise using motivation methods. Including your four-legged friend in short, fun sessions with generous rewards is the best approach you can think of.
Sustained and consistent training, gentle handling and reinforcement are necessary and tailored to the individual. Showing harsh or aggressive behavior towards your dog will lead to the fact that he will resist your lessons, becoming even more stubborn. A good premise is that once a bond is established between your pet and her coach (be it the owner or someone else), there is little to no limit to what your Artois can achieve!
Artois Hound puppy price

This is a very rare and small breed. The price of a puppy is from 1000 to 3000 $.