Care and maintenance of the Ariege hound (Ariegeois)

Care and maintenance of the Ariege hound (Ariegeois)
Care and maintenance of the Ariege hound (Ariegeois)

Criteria for the appearance of the Ariege hound, manifestations of temperament and health, care for wool, ears, teeth, food composition, walking and stress. Puppy price. Ariegeois or Ariegeois is a type of hound dog that was born in France. Created by crossing several varieties of French canines, about a century ago, it is one of the youngest breeds in France. She is more elegantly built than her colleagues and has smaller dimensions.

Its representatives practically disappeared as a result of the Second World War. But, their relatively small size, the remoteness of the countryside in which they lived, and the demand for hunting in it, served them well. Subsequently, the species fully recovered.

Ariege hounds are highly prized in France and several neighboring countries as hunters and companion animals, but remain very rare outside Western Europe. Ariegeois is also known by the names: Ariege Hound and Briquet du Midi.

Criteria for the appearance of the Ariege hound

Ariezhua dog stands sideways
Ariezhua dog stands sideways

The Ariegeois is very similar in appearance to other French cops, especially the Grand Bleu de Gascogne and Gascon-Saintongeois, from which it is descended. However, this breed is significantly smaller and more finely built than these rocks. All in all, Ariegeois has a very sophisticated appearance.

These animals are considered medium sized cops. Males, on average, have parameters from 50, 8 to 58, 5 centimeters of height at the withers, and females - from 48, 26 to 55, 88 centimeters. The usual weight in males is from 24, 95 to 31, 76 kilograms, and in bitches from 22, 68 to 27, 22 kilograms.

  1. Head Ariejoy is elegant, elongated and flat from the sides. It is proportional to the size of the dog's body. The skull has an average shape between flat and domed. The back of the head is harmoniously manifested. This breed does have some extra muzzle skin found in many, but to a much lesser extent, in other cops. Animals do not have facial or jaw wrinkles.
  2. Muzzle - elongated, rectangular, often slightly tapering towards the end. The junction of the muzzle to the forehead is less distinct than that of most hounds. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull. Strong jaws have strong teeth in a scissor bite.
  3. Nose - is an outstanding "tool" for this dog. It has a deep black color.
  4. Eyes - Almond-shaped, medium in size, brown in color, but often difficult to see from a considerable distance, due to the dog's facial markings. The general eye expression of most Ariegeois is alert and vivid.
  5. Ears - very long, drooping, growing rather low and usually with wide cartilages.
  6. Neck - muscular, harmoniously curved, in proportion to the overall size of the animal. There is a slight dewlap.
  7. Frame Ariege Hounds will never be described as fragile or delicate. This breed is definitely finely formed and relatively slender. As working dogs, they do not possess overly exaggerated traits that would impair their ability to work. Animals should always appear tough and tidy enough. Dogs are extremely muscular despite their size.
  8. Tail - relatively long and tapers significantly towards the tip. It is usually carried upright, like a saber when the dog is working, and a low curve at any other time.
  9. Front limbs Ariejois - straight and strong. The hindquarters are strong, with excellent angulation and muscular long thighs.
  10. Paws - rounded with toes that fit snugly together. The pads are thick and durable. The nails are strong and black.
  11. Coat the dog is short, close to the skin. It is shiny and grows profusely.
  12. Color of the breed appears in only one color scheme. The base coat of the Ariegeh Hounds is white and predominates over most of the hull. This breed also always has black ink spots. These markings are almost always present on the ears, head and muzzle, especially around the eyes, but also may not be extensive, and are found throughout the dog's body. Many Ariegeois also exhibit a slight speck. Some breed specimens, of course not all, may also have tan marks on the front of the head, usually above the eyes and on the cheeks.

Ariege Hound Temperament

Ariejoy with a collar
Ariejoy with a collar

The appearance of the Ariegeois is similar to that of most hounds. It is known that the representatives of the breed are very affectionate with their family, and often even unnecessarily. These are dogs that cannot deprive their owners of abundant kisses. Known for their exceptional loyalty, the Ariege Hounds will happily accompany their owners and all households wherever they go. Because, this breed wants nothing more than to be in the constant company of its family.

As is the case with many of these breeds, the Ariejois are known to be exceptionally gentle and patient with children when they are trained to communicate properly with animals. Many members of the breed form very close bonds with children, especially those adolescents who constantly deal with them, take walks, play, wash their paws, comb, and so on.

Pedigree representatives were bred to work as hunters. They were created to chase the game, not drive it. Ultimately, this dog exhibits a low level of aggressiveness. Many Ariezh hounds show extremely affectionate and friendly behavior with strangers, but other individuals can be closed, cold and even a little shy.

Some Ariegeois are very capable observing dogs. But, many alerts of this breed are an announcement that a new acquaintance has come, and not a formidable warning that it is impossible to enter. These canines make poor guard dogs, as most of them either warmly greet the intruder or shy away from him without showing any aggression.

Bred to work in large packs, which sometimes include dozens of dogs, the Ariege hounds exhibit very low levels of aggression towards their brethren. With proper socialization, this breed will have very few critical situations with other canines. And, most members of the breed prefer to share their life with at least one, and sometimes with several other dogs. Owners should always take extra care when introducing aggressive dogs to each other.

Ariegeois can indeed have serious problems with non-canine animals. This dog is a specialized hunter and will chase and potentially attack almost any other species of animal. Like most dogs, these pets can be trained to accept domestic cats if raised together from an early age. Despite this, individual breed specimens should never be trusted to the end, even if they grew up with "Murkas". Ariejois that live in peace and harmony with their owner's cats can attack and even kill a neighbor's cat, with which he is unfamiliar.

Health features of the Ariege Hound breed

Sitting dog of breed Ariegeois
Sitting dog of breed Ariegeois

The facts that are known indicate that very little research has been done on the health of the variety. Therefore, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions regarding the genetic health of the Ariege hounds. Most breeders report that the Ariegeois is a relatively healthy breed and that it has far fewer hereditary problems than purebred dogs.

Such good health is definitely prevalent, especially among working individuals. Because any defect in physical health impairs their ability to work and should be excluded from the breeding lines as soon as it is identified. Most estimates of the breed's life expectancy range from ten to twelve years, although definitive studies are still underway.

It is almost certain that Ariejois is vulnerable to various infectious diseases of the auricles. Hunters claim that elongated and drooping ears help push odor to the dog's nose, thereby increasing its sense of smell. But, this theory has not been scientifically proven to the required extent.

Dogs definitely collect on their ears particles of what the dog comes into contact with leaves, earth, moisture, dust and food. When foreign particles cling to the ear, they can easily get deeper into the ear canal. If they are deep enough, the dog cannot remove them himself. Ultimately, this lingering debris will irritate the inner skin and ear membranes.

Such consequences cause great discomfort in the pet. The dog constantly shakes his head, scratches his ears. Besides, they hurt him a lot. The dog does not allow to touch them. These symptoms should immediately alert the owner, who is obliged to take the pet to the veterinarian for diagnosis. Ignoring the visit to the doctor will lead to disastrous consequences and even deafness of the pet.

A small number of health studies have identified some possible diseases to which the breed may be predisposed, namely: ear canal infections, parasitic skin diseases (tick-borne lesions, scabies), abnormal development of the hip or elbow joints, cataracts (lens opacity), PRA (progressive retinal death) eyes).

Requirements for the maintenance and care of the Ariege hound

Ariege Hound Looks Up
Ariege Hound Looks Up
  1. Wool Ariegeois is relatively low maintenance, never requiring professional care. The pet generally needs regular cleaning. The molting period of these dogs is almost the same as that of most short-haired canines. When a dog changes its coat, the white hairs become especially visible on many surfaces in the owner's home. Therefore, in order to reduce shedding and the amount of wool in the apartment, Ariezh hounds must be combed every day, while walking. To do this, you need a brush with thick and stiff natural bristles or a special rubber glove. Bathing is carried out with unscheduled pollution or once a month, so as not to deprive the dog of the protective lubricant. For washing, use mild shampoos, which are then thoroughly washed off the scalp. When carrying out the manipulation, it is strictly forbidden for moisture to enter the pet's ear canals. This can lead to ear decay and severe inflammation.
  2. Teeth the dog should always be clean to prevent various diseases. Teach Ariejua to clean them from the age of a puppy. Do this every day. Try to turn the procedure into a game, then the dog will not resist, and choose the taste paste according to his food preferences. Pressed bones, tendons and other inventions, which are now abundant in pet stores, can serve as prophylactic agents for tartar.
  3. Ears Ariege hounds will need to be thoroughly and regularly cleaned to prevent the build-up of particles that can cause irritation, infection and hearing loss. Owners of dogs with hanging ears should pay a lot of their attention to them, constantly inspect and clean them. You can safely remove accumulated impurities using lotions that create a wonderful prevention of diseases and care for the skin of the ears. It must be instilled into the ear canal, and then wipe off all that is separated.
  4. Eyes Check the dog after every walk or hunting activity. If foreign particles get in, rub the mucous membrane of the eye with pharmacy soothing inflammation agents.
  5. Claws these hounds must be sheared, if they are not grinded in a natural way. If this is not done, then the fingers of the animal are deformed, and he will not be able to move normally. It is possible to cut the length with clippers. If the owner is not experienced, then he can use a special nail file.
  6. Feeding such pets depends on what kind of physical activity they receive. Logically, if you feed a non-working hound in the same way as an active hunting hound, then it will undoubtedly begin to get fat. This is because the pet uses less energy than the working dog. Being overweight will have a negative effect on your pet's body. Therefore, measure the nutrition of your Ariegeois with his activity. The easiest way to balance your food is to use ready-made feeds developed by professionals. With natural nutrition, the dog should receive additional vitamins, minerals and other supplements.
  7. Walking. Ariegeois was bred for hunting and is a very skilled worker in the field. The breed is said to have amazing speed and more stamina than any other dog of its size. Such abilities are highly desirable for a hunting dog, but not for most pet owners.

The Ariege Hounds have very substantial exercise requirements and should probably get at least an hour of vigorous physical activity every day. This dog needs at least a long daily walk, but will prefer the opportunity to run in a safe, fenced area. If you cannot provide your pet with such conditions, then it is better to consider another breed as a pet.

Ariegeois that have received less physical activity, and their accumulated energy has not found a way out, will almost certainly develop behavioral problems. This will manifest itself in destructiveness, hyperactivity and over-pitching. Pedigree representatives are extremely poorly adapted to living in an apartment. For them, a house with enough space in the yard to run around is much better.

Raising the Ariege Hound

Ariezh hound sits on a tree stump
Ariezh hound sits on a tree stump

These hounds are said to have great pleasure and ease into hunting, although the species is likely to have the same learning difficulties as most cops and greyhounds used for other hunting tasks. As a rule, dogs following the trail are extremely stubborn and actively resist and even refuse training.

In particular, when Ariegeois takes a trail, it is almost impossible to keep in touch with him. The dog becomes so united-minded and is dedicated only to pursuing its prey that it will ignore any commands from its owners and sometimes cannot even hear them at all. For similar reasons, breed representatives can make specialized "artistic" shoots and become wandering stray dogs as a result. After all, they almost always follow their instincts. Wherever he leads their nose, that's where they'll go.

Ariege Hound cost

Ariege hound sniffs out the trail
Ariege hound sniffs out the trail

Prospective owners of Ariegeois should definitely be aware of this dog's loud voice before they acquire it, as it can be extremely noisy. As with many hunting hounds, Ariegeois has a melodic, harsh voice. This is necessary for the hunters to follow their dogs when the dogs are moving quickly on the trail. But, such a feature can lead to conflicts in the urban environment, over noise. While training and proper training can definitely reduce the barking of dogs, this breed will still be significantly more vocal than most others.

The price of a puppy is from $ 600 to $ 800. What a dog looks like, see below:
