Estonian hound: tips for care and maintenance

Estonian hound: tips for care and maintenance
Estonian hound: tips for care and maintenance

The history of the appearance of the Estonian hound, external parameters, behavior and health, the nuances of care: walks, nutrition, procedures, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. A dog is a friend of man. This phrase has become so popular that some people do not think about its meaning. But if you distract for a second, four-legged pets are not just friends. The dog plays a much larger role in human life. She becomes a companion for evening walks, a nanny for the younger generation, a partner in sports competitions, an assistant and a full participant in the hunt.

However, now there are not so many people who are keen on hunting, which takes this matter with all seriousness and moral dedication. And even fewer among them are those who go to such an event with a dog. After all, the maintenance and breeding of such dogs has its own nuances. But there are people who first have hunting dogs, and then cannot imagine their life without hunting. It is this breed that will be discussed that meets all the requirements of a pet for housing. And most breeders, as a rule, do not stop at one pet.

The history of the appearance of the Estonian hound breed

Estonian hound in the grass
Estonian hound in the grass

This breed was bred in the USSR, in the Republic of Estonia. It was formed between the two world wars. Local hunters set out to breed a hound, small in size, but very energetic, elegant, with a good voice. Thus, by the mid-twenties, the Estonian hound appeared to the world.

The impetus for the creation of this type of canine was the ban on large hounds, since the number of ungulates has decreased in the territory of the Baltic States. Such dogs could cope with deer, fallow deer and roe deer. The Estonian hound cannot catch up with such a game, but is unable to overcome it. The dog does not catch up with the hare, but chases it. She is a walking hound because her move is not very fast. This allows the hunter to prepare for the shot.

The breed was formed from local undersized hunting dogs. In order to fix the effect, they were used in the selection of Swiss hounds and beagles. A small percentage of the blood of Russian hounds and Foxhounds was also infused. By the standard, the most common color is black and piebald, but other yellow piebald, black-backed, brown-piebald in blush and crimson-piebald are also recognized.

Unlike other breeds, hounds are not called "bitches" or "males." There is a name vyzhlets and vyzhlovka. These ancient terms came from the fact that the hound had to survive from the forest to the open area of the game, and then they let greyhounds or other unarmed dogs down.

The breed was officially recognized in 1954. Since she is young, the dogs have not yet been divided into show pets and working dogs. At the moment, this breed is not widespread in Russia. For example, in Ufa there are less than ten such dogs. Therefore, breeding them in these parts becomes problematic. Individuals without defects in exterior are introduced into breeding selection. That is, selection is needed according to the ideal exterior and working qualities, and this requires livestock.

Few of the breeders take dogs to competitive field trials, which is important for the development of the species. This is not an easy ordeal and must be carefully prepared for it. The tests are very close to real hunting. A site is allocated for field certification, experts go there.

When the dog was released, it is estimated in how many minutes he raised the game, how long he chased it, how he gives his voice (his strength). That is, a lot of factors are taken into account. As a champion, and with excellent performance, a pet may not receive the next certification diploma for many reasons. For example, bad weather conditions, a long drive before testing, unknown land relief.

Description of the external parameters of the Estonian hound

Estonian hound on a leash
Estonian hound on a leash

The Estonian Hound is an elongated, strong, moderately tall, short-haired dog with three or two color coats. Has a strong skeleton and mesomorphic muscles. Differs in endurance and good performance in different terrain. Has clear voice data. Its main white color is perfectly visible in the forest zone, which warns the dog from the hunter's shot error.

The Estonian hound is distinguished by great affection for the owner and obedience. Has a balanced disposition, active temperament. Evil and fearful individuals are discarded.

According to the norms, the height at the withers in vyzhlovka is from 20 cm to 52 cm, in vyzhlovka from 19 cm to 48 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1-3 cm. The weight of specimens is not provided for by clear criteria. Approximately, it can be from 10 kg to 21 kg. The index of elongation in the survivors is 107-111, and in the vyzhlovoks it is 112-113 (in connection with the reproductive functions).

They move freely, energetically, smoothly. The head is kept close to the ground and the body is straight. The front legs when moving are directed in a straight line. The hind legs are bouncing off the ground.

  1. Head slightly elongated, moderately broad, of medium size, tapering towards the muzzle. The frontal part is slightly flattened, with smooth transitions. The furrow on the forehead is insignificant. Cheekbones are well-defined, flat. The brows are not high, but pronounced. The bump on the back of the head is pronounced. The bones at the temples are slightly highlighted.
  2. Muzzle elongated, but not narrow, equal to the length of the skull. The bridge of the nose is straight. The stop is noticeable, but not sharply defined. The lips are dry, thin, compressed, close tightly, pigmented black. Scissor bite. The flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. The teeth are strong, white, with perpendicular incisors.
  3. Nose voluminous, with dilated nostrils. Lobe pigmentation is coal-black. Lighter can be in dogs of light color.
  4. Eyes medium-sized Estonian greyhound, located on the front line. They are slightly above average in size, round-almond-shaped. Their color is from dark brownish to coal black. The darkest shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry, dark. Have a smart watchful eye.
  5. Ears are not widespread. They are medium in size, triangular in shape, drooping. The cartilage is moderately thick, the ends are slightly rounded. The auricles with the front edge are adjacent to the skull. When alert, the dog turns them forward. The ear should not be longer than the nose, but not shorter than the middle of the muzzle.
  6. Neck of moderate length, oval in shape, with strong muscles. It is beautifully curved. Delivered medium. The withers are clearly visible, there is no dewlap.
  7. Frame - extended format. The rib cage is moderately widened, oval in shape, drooping down to the elbows. The back is straight, wide muscled. The loin is widened, voluminous, shortened. The ribs are harmoniously developed and arched. The line of the abdomen is not very pulled up to the groin area.
  8. Tail reaches in length to the knee joints, thickened at the beginning of growth, narrower towards the end. It bends in the form of a saber. When moving, the dog raises it above the level of the spine.
  9. Front limbs - Erect, parallel to each other, with a dry muscle system. The shoulders fit perfectly to the body, strong. The forearms are medium, straight. The pasterns are slightly sloping, slightly widened. Hindquarters - when judging from the back, parallel to one another, straight. The thighs have prominent, strong muscles. The shins are slightly shorter than the thighs. The knee joints are harmoniously curved. Metatarsus are vertical.
  10. Paws - compressed, rounded-oval. Fingers with curved hard claws directed towards the ground, slightly pressed against one another. The nails are pigmented black. The pads are dense and elastic.
  11. Wool Estonian Hound is short, even, tough and shiny. The presence of the undercoat is moderate. The hair on the tail is thicker and slightly longer, which makes it more voluminous.
  12. Leather dense, fits the body well.
  13. Color black-piebald, but others are recognized as yellow-piebald, black-backed, brown-piebald in blush and crimson-piebald. Crimson piebald (bicolor) is the rarest for these dogs. It is important to note that specimens with this color, in the total mass, have a better constitution than dogs of other colors. A red color must be present on the head, as well as white in the form of a strip, wider or narrower. Black - allowed only in the area of the temporal part of the skull. The auricles are colored solid red and if there are splashes of white on them, then this is considered a defect.

Characteristic features of the behavior of the Estonian hound

Estonian hound in the snow
Estonian hound in the snow

At home, Estonian hounds are quite calm, but it is worth going out into the street or into a forest park area, their activity multiplies many times over. Experienced breeders of this breed are opposed to the Estonian Hound being bred only as a companion. Hunting is vital for them. A pet living in a warm apartment and receiving tasty food does not mean a happy animal.

A happy dog is one that does what it was originally bred for. That is, it implements genetically inherent abilities. Since this breed was created for rutting prey, the forest and hunting are an extreme pleasure for them. For the full disclosure of the dog's potential, it needs a burst of emotions that it receives during the hunt.

Having such a pet for yourself without proper preparation is simply not acceptable. They are trained well. They do not show aggression towards a person. They have malice only in relation to the beast. These pets are very friendly with children. They may even be their nannies. In adolescence, due to a developed hunting instinct, Estonian hounds pay a lot of attention to dogs on the street and other animals in the house.

If you are hunting, then it is better not to keep other pets in addition to this hound. This is motivated by the fact that the dog gets used to the smell, for example, of a cat, and during the hunt does not show its qualities as much as we would like. If you use them as a guard, then of course, you cannot compare the Estonian hound with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This is a kind of "call" not trusting to strangers. And since the teeth of the hounds are strong, a bite on the arm or leg of the territory offender will be serious. These are excellent, obedient dogs, always responsive to the owner. They are very friendly and well socialized.

Dog health Estonian hound

Estonian hound running along the embankment
Estonian hound running along the embankment

Estonian hounds have a good immune system. They live from ten to fourteen years. For your dog to be healthy, he must eat right and be physically loaded. It is also important to vaccinate the animal throughout its life and carry out antiparasitic procedures.

The nuances of caring for an Estonian hound

Estonian hound puppies
Estonian hound puppies
  • Wool Estonian hound short. It is combed with a rubber brush or mittens. During the molting period, manipulation is carried out every day, and in everyday life, once a week. They bathe once or twice a month or as soon as they get dirty. Concentrate for "bath" procedures should be gentle so that the pet does not have dandruff. After soaping, the dog is rinsed well. Next, it must be blotted well and left to dry in a warm room.
  • Teeth your four-legged friend will be in excellent condition if you teach him to clean them regularly. If this is not done, then over time, tartar is deposited on them. Its presence leads not only to the destruction of dental tissue, but also to infections of the mucous membrane of the animal's mouth. The procedure can be carried out using zoological pastes and brushes.
  • Ears Estonian hounds have a hanging shape. Therefore, they are cleaned in a timely manner.
  • Eyes Check your pet, especially after hunting. If foreign particles enter them, it can cause redness and infection.
  • Claws you need to regularly cut with claws.
  • Feeding Estonian hound depends on its owner. A dog is a predator and natural food mainly consists of non-fatty meat and offal. Store-bought, chicken meat is excluded due to the fact that you do not know how the chicken was grown. And meat stuffed with hormones, over time, causes pancreatitis and other disorders of the digestive tract. The natural diet is supplemented with boiled cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley), low-fat cottage cheese, eggs (once a week) and a small amount of vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots). The dog must consume vitamins and minerals from professional producers every day. Professional, ready-to-use concentrates also need to be selected carefully. They should only be super premium for energetic dogs. High-quality feed contains all the necessary substances for the animal's body. With their regular use, the Estonian hound will be hardy and in wonderful external and internal physical shape.
  • Walking - must be long-lasting and active. If you do not go hunting with your dog, then you must take it out to the forest park area, where it will run to its fullest and play enough. A pet that has not received additional physical activity will feel out of place and it is not clear how it will behave. The hound can become depressed or destructive in the home.

Features of the upbringing of the Estonian hound

Estonian hound training
Estonian hound training

As puppies, during the race, Estonian hounds show interest in any trace: wild boar, elk, roe deer, fox, hare, squirrel, marten, any bird. But experts say that these hounds should not drive hoofed animals. They must be taught to diligently chase, first of all, a hare, which is very difficult to pick up and find. The smell comes only from the pads of the paws, and not from the animal itself.

If the Estonian hound nevertheless began to drive the hoofed animals, then she will no longer try to raise the bunny. Why bother if the owner is satisfied with it. Many people keep this breed exclusively for hunting wild boars. "Estonian", although not large in size, is fearless, can keep a wild boar, chase a moose and even a bear with her voice. That is, they do not give in to a large beast. They have no feeling of fear.

With such properties of the Estonian hound, the hunter himself chooses whom he hunts with the help of his dog. Many of these dogs, at the request of the owner, are prepared for transporting game from the water. The question of who works better, scammers or vyzhlovka is controversial. It all depends on how the "Estonian" is trained.

In such a dog, they specially develop distrust of strangers, since there have been many cases of dog theft on the hunt. When the hunting season is closed, the hunter's arsenal may contain not only a gun, but also an exhibition gear. Indeed, for this breed, any hobby of the owner will be a joy.

Interesting facts about the Estonian hound

Estonian hound on the seashore
Estonian hound on the seashore

They have a very good sense of smell. Dogs are persistent, in a short time they can find game and chase for a long time, unraveling its cunning traces. If a dog is trained from an early age, then by nine months they begin to work perfectly.

Purchase and price of an Estonian hound puppy

Little Estonian Hound
Little Estonian Hound

Before taking a hunting dog into the house, you need to carefully study its characteristics. It is necessary to seriously approach the question of the character of the animal. Know what to expect from an Estonian hound, so as not to give the dog into good hands later. To have a thoroughbred, healthy pet with a balanced psyche, buy it only in the nursery.

The breed is only gaining popularity and therefore often becomes a manipulation of scammers. Not decent people sell dogs that are not at all similar in appearance, calling them Estonian hounds. Those, as few people know and understand the breed, buy them.

In Russia, there is a site where experienced racers and connoisseurs of the breed communicate. Experts give advice on where to buy these pets, how to care for them and raise them. The approximate cost for an Estonian greyhound puppy ranges from $ 200 to $ 800. You will find out the specific price in the nursery.

Learn more about the Estonian Hound in the following video:
