The nature of the saluki, the rules of training the Persian greyhound

The nature of the saluki, the rules of training the Persian greyhound
The nature of the saluki, the rules of training the Persian greyhound

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance of the Saluki, the character of the animal and its health, advice on care, features of training, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. Bred to run fast, these animals still dominate the desert. They are easy-going, unless it comes to obedience. They do not think in categories: "What can I do for you?", But rather think: "What will I get from this?" Their graceful build and graceful movement can be misleading as to their weakness.

The origin of the Persian greyhound breed

Two persian greyhounds
Two persian greyhounds

The Middle East is an amazing place. This is the cradle of civilization. From there came agriculture, art, hunting and these dogs. Their antiquity and fortitude make this breed unlike all others. The species has existed since biblical times. It is said that the word "dog" in the Bible has always meant the Saluki. Egyptian kings ordered the mummies of these animals to rest next to their own. Images of these divine creatures were used to decorate their tombs. Even today, they remain the only canines that rest in the sheikh's tent on his carpet.

Persian power is hidden behind the aesthetic and sophisticated appearance. Folded like a Greyhound, but with more developed ears, tail and legs, this dog is distinguished by strength and stature at the same time. From the Caspian Sea to the Sahara Desert, the Saluki still dominate the sands that were still subject to their ancestors.

Nomads have been breeding these greyhounds for centuries. The Negev Desert is home to over one hundred thousand Bedouins. They continue the centuries-old tradition of living in huts rarely scattered across the desert, baking lavash and raising saluki. Bedouins consider them ideal animals and value more than other earthly goods. Only thoroughbred horses and camels are equal to them. Many Muslims consider them to be a deity - a gift from Allah. Therefore, the prey caught by them is suitable for human consumption.

They have their own characteristic way of hunting. Paired with a falcon or hawk. The script has remained unchanged for centuries. The hunter releases the vulture in search of a gazelle or smaller game. Having noticed a herd or other target, the bird begins to describe circles. After that, the saluki are used, which run in the direction of the circling hawk. Dogs beat prey from the herd. Well-trained pets grab prey and wait for the hunter to kill it.

This tradition is characteristic of all nomadic tribes. Since the Saluki were pets of people moving across various deserts, they have slight differences from each other, depending on the area. But all animals have stable, strong limbs with hair between the toes, which serves as protection for the pads of the paws.

Keeping a dog's pedigree is very important for future generations. This makes it possible to breed stronger canines capable of living in extremely dry and hot climates, which confirms the statement that the fittest survive.

The Saluki saved the Arabs from starvation by catching some game almost every day. Currently, Israeli law prohibits hunting anyone with canines. Bedouins complain that such practices neglect their cultural heritage, and the nomads turned these traditions into sports. They compete in dog competitions - whose pet is the best.

Even in the desert, dogs are dogs. They get great satisfaction from the chase, even if the hare is not alive, but mechanical. It helps the Saluki to be in good physical shape. Gone are the days when greyhounds were earners. They now act as sports partners, but their virtues remain irreplaceable. Persian greyhounds are the passion and pride of Muslims.

They are admired by people from different countries. The breed can remain unchanged if the surrounding natural conditions do not change. From silhouettes on ancient tombstones to images on Algerian stamps issued in the 20th century, the Saluki retains its original appearance. Only their size changes slightly.

Arab greyhounds are smaller than Persian ones. Their limbs are less covered with hair. This is due to the fact that the Bedouins wandered from one place to another. Climatic and relief conditions were constantly changing. Accordingly, the body of animals underwent changes and adapting to changes in temperatures and topography. Being faithful and loyal servants of their nomadic masters, their lives threw them wherever they could. They lived in: Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia. The harsh conditions of life allowed them to grow stronger in spirit and body. The Persians have always remained on their own regardless of the place they call home.

The dogs came to the USA from Britain. In the late 19th century, Lady Florence Amherst was presented with a pair of Persian greyhounds. She was delighted with their appearance, character and took up their breeding. England officially recognized the Saluki in 1923. Four years later, America followed suit. Today the variety is popular all over the world.

Saluki external standard

Saluki appearance
Saluki appearance
  1. Head. In good relation to the body. Narrow, gracefully elongated. Neither protruding nor wide between the ears. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth.
  2. Muzzle - long, tapering to the nose, powerful jaw and teeth, scissor bite.
  3. Nose. The lobe is black or brown.
  4. Eyes saluki large almond-shaped, color from black to light brown.
  5. Ears medium rise, hanging. Movable, but in a calm state, adjacent to the cheekbones.
  6. Neck. Long, smoothly curved, muscular.
  7. Frame. Elongated with mesomorphic muscles. The ribcage is deep and powerful. The loin is slightly arched. The pelvic bones are widely spaced. The belly is very tucked up.
  8. Tail. Low rise. The long one reaches the hocks. The tip is bent upward in the form of a half-ring. In a calm state, the dog keeps its tail no higher than the back line.
  9. Limbs front - parallel to each other, straight and long with shoulders well laid back; the hind legs are mesomorphic and strong with developed thighs and legs.
  10. Paws. Fingers in the form of a vault, long, tightly attached to each other - elastic. Claws are black.
  11. Coat There are only two varieties of saluki. They are either smooth or long-haired. But both varieties have no undercoat. Now the shorthaired type is more popular. Long-haired - short hair on the body. On the ears, throat, on the back of the thigh and on the tail, the hair is long. Smooth-haired - shiny, smooth and silky. The hair is short throughout the body.
  12. Color. The Persians have a very high range of colors. They are white, black, beige, orange-brown. All of these colors can include graying of lighter or darker hair. Bicolor: spotted and tan.

Saluki character

Saluki sitting on the grass
Saluki sitting on the grass

They are distinguished by an even character, so you can easily keep seven dogs in the house. When it comes to their natural traits, one quality is emphasized especially - not sociability. The one who originally bred them in the Middle East instilled in them a sense of alienation. This was done so that strangers could not take them out of the house. Because of this quality, they do not like to serve the owner. Coexistence is preferred over service.

Their independent nature attracts the attention of many people. These animals are flawless - living angels. The main thing is to find common ground and learn to communicate with them. This is the approach that lies at the heart of greyhound training. A patient attitude gives positive results even with the most stubborn individuals. Usually they ignore commands such as: to me, to sit, to stand. But worthy encouragement will probably persuade them to obey. Caress from the owner disarms the Saluki, and they agree to do whatever they want.

Pets really need people and their family. Provided that helpful owners never contradict them and treat them with love. In the house, be prepared to turn everything upside down to please the dogs accustomed to veneration. They love to lie on sofas. If you don't want the Persians left alone to gnaw at your furniture, provide them with good toys. They respond very well to kindness, love and respect.

They can live safely in the city, if only the owners take precautions. Saluki can easily jump over a two meter high fence, so they should never be left alone in the yard. Command execution is especially important in urban environments. The hunter's instinct makes itself felt everywhere. The ability to walk on a leash is important for hunting and wayward dogs.

Persian Greyhound Dog Health

Saluki running
Saluki running

Their health is good enough. The breed remains seasoned and resilient thanks to the harsh living conditions of their ancestors. They are very sensitive to anesthesia, allergic diseases and sports injuries to the limbs. Rarely, but in some individuals, dysplasia of the hip joint may occur - a violation of the musculoskeletal function of the limb. This disease in Saluki is not genetic, but most likely can occur due to malnutrition and improper physical activity during the period of active growth of the dog.

So, the conclusion suggests itself: the health of your greyhound depends on its correct content. And this is, first of all, a balanced diet, the use of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, properly selected physical activity. And of course, routine vaccination, deworming, and antiparasitic procedures.

Persian Greyhound Care Tips

Persian greyhound in the snow
Persian greyhound in the snow

These canines are completely devoid of a specific smell because they have no undercoat. They are clean and practically do not shed. Therefore, it is easy to take care of their coat.

  • Wool. They are rarely bathed, only as they become dirty. Use branded shampoos. You can wipe the dog with a damp cloth all over the body. It'll be enough. Saluki are combed out not often either. This is done with a rubber glove that creates an additional massage for the pet's body. You can use a special brush with thick and natural fibers. For long-haired species, a metal comb is used.
  • Ears. Due to the peculiarities of the shape, dirt can get into them and they are more likely to clog. Therefore, they need to be checked and cleaned regularly. It is not at all difficult to do it at home. It is enough to pour a specialized agent into the auricle and massage its base. Then the pet is released, he shakes his head and all foreign particles fly out.
  • Eyes. Saluki runs a lot and it is better to examine the eyes after competitions or hunting. Wipe them if necessary. The manipulation is performed using cotton materials. They need to be soaked in soothing agents. It can be pharmaceutical preparations or an elementary herbal decoction.
  • Teeth. In almost all dogs, teeth are prone to plaque buildup. The Persian greyhound is no exception. For a healthy mouth, they need to be cleaned regularly. You will find all the necessary tools in pet stores. Do not use human toothpastes or brushes, as the toothpaste gets into the dog's stomach and tougher brushes can injure the gums. Edible chewy treats are very effective in preventing tartar. You can also pamper your pet with special preventive toys.
  • Claws. Saluki move a lot and the claws on her feet are grinded. They are cut only on the dewclaws.
  • Feeding. The diet of all dogs, and especially hunting dogs, should be 80% lean meat. Best for: beef, lamb, rabbit. Poultry: chicken, turkey. The rest of the percentage of food may include offal, cereals, vegetables, dairy products. The Persian greyhound gets serious physical exertion. Therefore, their bodies need to be reinforced with strengthening vitamins and minerals for bones and muscles. Of course, all natural nutrition can be replaced with super premium food, selected specifically for this breed and according to the state of the dog's body. After all, an animal can be a puppy or a pregnant bitch.
  • Walking. Persian greyhounds need to create the necessary physical activity at least twice a week. It is best to do this in open areas, such as a field. Participate regularly in special training competitions.

They were bred as pack animals. Therefore, they hunt in groups of three to six individuals. They pursue everything that moves, including cars. This habit poses a serious threat to dogs that rush from a place in pursuit. Cyclists also do not disdain. Often people get scared when seven dogs swoop down on them. In city conditions, they need to be walked only on a leash.

Saluki training and interesting facts

Girl trains saluki
Girl trains saluki

In raising a dog, you need to show great perseverance and patience. These animals cannot be punished physically, or by shouting, in any case. You can end up with an aggressive shy dog. They work with them only with the help of affection, love and good encouragement.

Every year the clubs organize bait competitions for all varieties of greyhounds. Dogs that hunted by sight, not smell, have existed for millennia. Saluki are considered one of the oldest breeds. The second is the Geryhound. A similarly folded and quick-footed vamp is a relative of both, only she is slightly shorter. They all have excellent sprint skills. The Persian greyhound is believed to have sharper eyesight. The lure moves at high speed along a path equal to seven football fields with four turns. Every day the track configuration changes, which makes the task more difficult for the greyhounds. In the old days, when starting a fox, hunters shouted: "Atu!" Now this cry serves as a signal to start.

Once out of ten attempts, even the best greyhounds manage to catch a hare. The Saluki enjoy training. They can drive an artificial hare running three to five kilometers, developing a speed of up to 70 km per hour. At shorter distances - more than 90 km per hour. This is nothing out of the ordinary - they are hardy runners. They are thin dogs, so their bodies have good aerodynamic qualities. A big heart allows you to perfectly endure grueling workouts. A deep chest allows for a lot of oxygen. Powerful lungs - make it possible to run long distances. The deeper the chest, the more air the dog will breathe in. Thanks to this, she does not get tired even with volumetric loads.

Buying and price of a Persian greyhound

Persian greyhound puppy
Persian greyhound puppy

Before adopting this breed, make sure that your preferences are not very different from the tastes of the Saluki.

Distinctive features of the species:

  • the breed remains hardened and hardy due to the harsh living conditions of their ancestors, but are very sensitive to anesthesia;
  • despite their lack of communication, they want and demand a family for themselves;
  • some alienation makes them difficult to train;
  • dogs should walk well and run a lot;
  • very viable, since their ancient roots go back to the seventh millennium BC.

What they pay attention to in the exterior when choosing a saluki:

  • strong hind legs;
  • perfect back line;
  • deep chest.

To acquire a Persian greyhound, experts advise contacting only professional clubs and nurseries. The best organizations are located abroad. They are also available in Russia and the former CIS countries. By resorting to the help of serious breeders, you are guaranteed a healthy and socialized puppy that fully meets breed standards. The average price for a purebred puppy ranges from $ 1,500 to $ 10,000, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog.

More informative information about Persian greyhounds in this video:

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