Description of the black cohosh plant, general recommendations for growing on a personal plot, breeding methods, combating possible pests and diseases, notes for gardeners, species and varieties for the garden.
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga) can be found in the literature and other sources under the name according to transliteration from Latin - Cimicifuga. Scientists include this representative of the flora in the Ranunculoideae family. Black cohosh can be found in a temperate climatic zone throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the planet. They prefer wet meadows and shrubs, as well as forest edges. In this genus, scientists have collected 19 varieties. Although black cohosh is not a frequent visitor to garden plantings, the plant has increased vitality, tolerates frost and can grow in one place for about a quarter of a century.
Family name | Buttercup |
Growth cycle | Perennial |
Growth form | Evergreen shrub |
Reproduction type | Vegetative - grafting, dividing a bush or seed |
Transplant time to the garden | In spring or autumn |
Disembarkation scheme | Leave 60-90 cm between plants |
Substrate | Loose and nutritious, well hydrated |
Indicators of soil acidity, pH | Does not matter |
Lighting level | Sunny, partial shade or shade |
Recommended humidity | Abundantly once a week |
Special Requirements | Undemanding |
Height indicators | Up to 2 m |
Color of flowers | Snow-white, greenish, cream, grayish-white or pale pink |
Inflorescences or type of flowers | Spicate, racemose or paniculate |
Flowering time | Summer |
Decorative period | Spring-summer |
Places of application | Flowerbeds, mixborders, as a central part, border landscaping |
USDA zone | 4–8 |
The plant got its not very poetic name due to the fact that when flowering, the aroma allows you to drive away annoying insects. Based on this, when two words in Latin "cimex" and "fago", which translate respectively as "bug" and "drive away", were combined, the name was obtained - Cimicifuga. However, other nicknames can be heard among the people, for example, raven, silver candles or snake root.
All types of black cohosh are perennials that can greatly exceed other garden plants in height. The branched rhizome is woody, painted almost black, its location is horizontal. The rhizome is composed of short annual growths that have rounded outlines. The growth of these root processes occurs evenly from the central part to the edges. Over time, they will begin to be surrounded by younger growths. Such a root plexus is tightly entangled with each other and may not die off for a long time. The root system has a fibrous shape and good dense branching, which gives it power.
The stem is characterized by thickened outlines, its height can be equal to two meters. Usually, reaching maturity, the black cohosh bush becomes the owner of several such sturdy, albeit thin stems. Subsequently, each stem will be crowned with 10 to 15 inflorescences. The leaf plates in the root zone are somewhat reminiscent of the contours of parsley foliage, since their shape can be twice or three times trifoliate. Strong dissection is present. The color of their rich various shades of green or brown color scheme, with the arrival of autumn, the leaves take on a yellow tint. At the same time, the decorativeness of the foliage of the snake root is not completely lost from such a color change. The surface of the leaves is dull, and the edges of the leaf segments are serrated or lobed. The length of the leaf blades can vary in the range of 30–100 cm. The leaves on the stems are smaller or may not appear at all.
During flowering, inflorescences are formed that take spike-like, racemose or paniculate outlines. They are composed of numerous small flowers (their length is only 1–2 cm), which are located singly and have the shape of stars. Their color can be snow-white, greenish, cream, grayish-white or with a slight pinkish tint. The number of petals in a flower reaches 2-8 units, sepals with the above shades can be 4-5 pieces. A bunch of multiple protruding stamens can be seen inside the rim. The inflorescence is crowned with a leafless flowering stem. The length of the inflorescence reaches half a meter with a width of 3-4 mm.
It is noteworthy that the opening of the buds in the inflorescence occurs gradually, from the bottom to the top. Sepals immediately fall off, and the inflorescence begins to resemble a gentle and fluffy brush in its outlines. The first buds of black cohosh open already in the middle of summer, this process stretches for a month and a half.
After pollination, fruits ripen in the form of multileafs filled with a large number of seeds. The size of the seeds is small, their surface is covered with membranous scales, colored in a light brown shade.
Recommendations for growing black cohosh outdoors - planting and care

- Place for planting silver candles. Since the plant feels best in the sun, the location should be selected taking into account such requirements - a solar flower bed, protected from gusts of wind. The latter factor is necessary, since the tall stems of the plant can break from gusts and drafts. However, this non-capricious representative of the flora will take root in shading, but its flowering will not be so lush. But in the full shade of spectacular flowers, you can not wait. With any planting, it is important that the soil remains moist at all times, especially in a southern and fully open area. The plant really does not like transplants, so it is necessary to immediately think over its location, so that later not to disturb the snake root in vain.
- Priming when growing a plant, it is preferable to be loose, with sufficient moisture and a lot of nutrients. For better growth, it is recommended to mix organic matter into it (humus, peat and well-rotted compost). Acidity does not play a role in this. Before planting black cohosh, the substrate in the flowerbed is loosened to a depth of at least 30 cm, then a layer of compost of 1 cm and river sand of 3 cm is poured onto it, all this is carefully dug up. The sand will help not only to make the soil loose, but also to maintain the necessary moisture balance in it. You can also add a handful of complex mineral fertilizers and wood ash to organic matter.
- Planting black cohosh. The best period for planting seedlings in the garden will be spring days, when the threat of return frosts will be left behind or the beginning of autumn, so that the plants can adapt normally before the cold weather begins. After the place for the future growth of the silver candle bushes has been chosen and the soil has been prepared, it is necessary to dig holes for the seedlings at a distance of 60 cm to 90 cm. This is due to the fact that some species can subsequently grow strongly. The depth of the hole should be approximately the same as the earthen clod of the seedling, but 3–6 cm wider. When placing a plant in a hole, it is important that the root collar is flush with the soil. Since the stems of black cohosh can reach a height of about 2 meters, a support is immediately installed in the planting hole, to which the shoots are subsequently tied. Such supports can be wooden or metal stakes. After the snake root seedling is placed in the hole, it is filled to the top with soil, which is lightly crushed. Then plentiful watering and mulching of the soil is required near the bush, but not at the very base of the stems. At the same time, it is not worth getting carried away and pouring a large layer of mulch, since the stems are damaged by putrefactive processes from waterlogging of the substrate. When planting, it should be borne in mind that, growing strongly, Voronets bushes can drown out other garden plantings.
- Watering. Since the plant loves moist soil, it is recommended to carry out abundant watering every 7 days, but it is important not to bring the substrate to acidification, otherwise the snake root will quickly die.
- Fertilizers for black cohosh must be brought in with the arrival of spring. Nitrogen preparations are used, for example, urea. In the middle of summer, you can feed the plant with a complete mineral fertilizer, for example, Kemiroi-Universal. In November, after the entire aboveground part has been removed, a layer of compost is poured, which will act as top dressing.
- The use of black cohosh in landscape design. Since the plant always attracts the eye with its inflorescences-candles, it can be planted as a tapeworm or in group planting. According to the latest trends, it is customary to plant cereals nearby with a snake root, stable perennials, which will decorate the garden from July days until late autumn. Great neighbors for this plant will be Volzhanka and Sparrow, pink and white Astilbe and Heuchera, hosts and Spartina comb. Since black cohosh feels great in damp partial shade, it can be placed next to artificial or natural bodies of water. Peduncles with cut inflorescences are not bad.
- General advice on care. In order for the snake root bushes to continue to look decorative, it is necessary to regularly cut off the discolored flowering stems. With the arrival of late autumn, the entire aboveground part must be cut, and the soil must be dug up.
Black cohosh breeding methods

To get new silver candle bushes, it is recommended to use the seed and vegetative method. The latter involves dividing the bush and grafting.
- Reproduction of black cohosh by dividing the bush. Since the plant after planting has a low growth rate, it will be possible to divide the bush after only a few years. Usually this is done every 3-5 years, given that a snake root can exist at one planting site for up to a quarter of a century. For division, the time is selected in the spring or autumn period. With the help of a shovel, the bush is dug in and then carefully removed from the ground with a garden pitchfork. You must try not to damage the root system of the plant. When dividing, 2-3 divisions should be obtained in such a way that each of them has renewal buds. After that, parts of black cohosh are planted in pots with nutritious soil (if the separation is carried out in the fall) or immediately to a prepared place in the garden (during spring division). Since the bush tends to grow over time, at least 0.6 m is left between the plants.
- Black cohosh propagation by cuttings. You can get a new seedling faster if you break off the stem with the arrival of spring heat, which has begun to grow, grabbing it with the "heel". The length of such a cutting should be within 10-15 cm, while it is important that the stem is not lignified. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the lower cut of the cutting with a root stimulator, for example, Kornevin. Then the cutting is planted in a shaded place so that it releases the root shoots. Cover it on top with a cut-off bottle without a neck or non-woven material (lutrasil or spandbond will do). When leaving, it is necessary that the soil moisture is always high. However, it has been noticed that black cohosh cuttings, even without heels, can take root. When it becomes clear that the rooting process has passed successfully, transplanting young seedlings to a permanent place of growth is performed.
- Seed reproduction of black cohosh. Seed material is sown in the spring immediately after being harvested in the fall. Store the seeds before that at a temperature of about 13-15 degrees and dry. Two months before sowing, they are placed in a tight bag and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for stratification. The place for planting is selected in shading. The seeds of silver candles sprout slowly, this period can stretch from a month to a year. After the seedlings grow up, and the threat of recurrent frosts is behind, they are transplanted into open ground.
Many English sources recommend sowing the seeds of the snake root immediately after collection, so that they undergo natural stratification and young shoots appear in the spring.
Fighting Potential Pests and Diseases While Caring for Black Cohosh

It is clear that due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, it endures the attacks of harmful insects and has endurance in relation to diseases. If problems occur with the crow, then the bush immediately shows its state - the foliage begins to turn yellow and wither, spots appear, not so many flowers bloom.
If such alarming symptoms appear, it is recommended to remove the spoiled leaves and carry out the treatment with any insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions (for example, Fitoverm, Aktara or Aktellik).
When the soil is waterlogged, there is a danger of damage to black cohosh by rot, but this is possible due to violation of the rules of agricultural technology. It is important not to flood the substrate too much when watering, and in the root zone, the bush does not particularly mulch, so that the moisture can evaporate freely. The defeat by putrefactive processes usually affects the lower leaf plates. Usually, such problems can be provoked not only by mistaken care, but also by cold and damp summer weather. It is recommended that all affected leaves be removed and treated with fungicidal preparations.
In order for the plant to retain its decorative effect, regular examinations are carried out, then there is an opportunity to stop the problem at an early stage.
Notes for gardeners about black cohosh

The stinking black cohosh (Cimicifuga foetida) has long been used by doctors in China and Japan as an antidote for snake bites, and also as a remedy for fever. The plant will help to strengthen the body and strengthen generic activity. If a woman suffered from dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) or the patient has bronchial asthma, snake root drugs were used. An aqueous tincture, powder or liquid extract from the rhizome of the plant was taken for headaches that were provoked by vasospasm. Such a remedy helped in diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, gingivitis or aphthae, now it is recommended for the treatment of periodontal disease.
The folk medicine men of Mongolia called the plant "Umkhi toad", since the term "battle" was translated as "castle in the air". Liquid and powder preparations based on it have been used as a pain reliever when joint pain occurs or to reduce fever. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, preparations based on the leaves of black cohosh were used. They were also recommended if the patient suffered from anthrax, abscess and liver echinococcus. For diseases of the internal organs and spleen, an aqueous infusion of foliage was prescribed.
On the territory of Russia, this plant has long been considered a universal remedy for curing skin problems (urticaria, eczema, lichen, scabs provoked by fungi or scrofula).
There is a positive trend in the subsequent use of drugs based on black cohosh, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, bronchitis and malaria, they help restore sleep and relieve swelling and swelling, it is used for cataracts and cardiovascular diseases.
It should be remembered that the black cohosh itself is poisonous, and if you use it thoughtlessly, it can lead to negative consequences. It is impossible to recommend such preparations based on a plant during pregnancy and lactation, thrombosis, stroke and allergy to the plant itself. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea and slow heartbeat, headache and sweating, constipation and osteoporosis, visual impairment and sweating.
Types and varieties of black cohosh

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga foetida)
also found under the name Black cohosh … The distribution area includes western Siberia, where it grows in ravines and forest edges, meadow slopes, in birch forests and conifers. Can be popularly named stuffy root, rib Adamovo, bedbug … It has an unpleasant aroma, the rhizome is not long, thickened, it has yellow lobes. The stem grows straight, there is no branching. Its height is 0.9–2.2 m. The foliage growing in the upper part and the stem are covered with short hairs. The shape of the leaf plates is complex, mostly double-pinnate, occasionally three-pinnate. The length of the leaf reaches 15–40 cm, the width is similar. A simple racemose inflorescence is composed of small flowers of a greenish-white color scheme. Its length reaches 14 cm.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga simplex)
represented by a perennial, reaching a height of 1.5 m. Stems are both simple and branched in the upper part. Their surface is bare. The lower leaf plates have elongated petioles, the shape of the leaves is twice ternate. The leaf lobes vary in length from 3 cm to 5 cm with a width of 1, 5–3 cm. The shape of the leaflets is oblong-ovate and pinnately incised; there is a pointed tip at the apex. The formed inflorescences are 30-40 cm in length. The diameter of the opened flowers is measured 1, 5 cm. The petals are painted - white or cream shade. The native area of distribution falls on the lands of the Far East, as well as China and Korea. The view is settled along the edges of forests, along swamps, streams and rivers.
Its most popular varieties are:
- Armleuchter - the owner of highly branched peduncles, crowned with snow-white inflorescences, the shape of the leaves is twice dissected.
- Braunland characterized by dark brown leaves.
- Elstead or Elstead Variety - flowering later, the stems have a bow-shaped bend and brown-purple color, inflorescences are white, flowers open from buds with a purple tint, wide oval leaves have a dissection.
- Hillside Black Beauty flower-bearing stems grow strictly vertically, they are crowned with white inflorescences, leafy plates of brownish color.
- White Pearl with light green foliage, snow-white inflorescences have a strong curvature.
- Brunette - differs in brownish-purple foliage, the color of the stems is purple, inflorescences with beet-pink flowers are small.

Black cohosh racemose (Cimicifuga racemose)
This variety is the most sun-loving, flowering begins in July. The diameter of a wide bush reaches 0.6 m with a height of about 2 m. The leafy plates are large, the height of the flowering stems is measured at about 0.8 m. The inflorescences consist of small snow-white flowers with a strong aroma. The best varieties are recognized:
- Pink Spike, which is characterized by a bright color of the leaves: in the spring it is dark green with a brownish tint, with the arrival of autumn it takes on a beetroot color. Flowers with a wonderful aroma, the growth rate is low. The length of the inflorescences varies between 40-50 cm. There is a slight branching. The color of the flowers is beetroot pink or pale pink, this shade lightens a little during flowering.
- Deep purple (Atropurpurea) the height of the stems reaches 2 m. The color of the leaf plates is reddish-purple, which over time take on a green color. The petals in the flowers are snow-white.
- Black negligee has dark foliage and white-lilac color of inflorescences.
- Mrs. Herms characterized by a height of 0.4 m, and snow-white flowers.
- James Compton pleases the eye with candles of white flowers and dark purple foliage.
Video about growing black cohosh: