What do guinea pigs eat?

What do guinea pigs eat?
What do guinea pigs eat?

In this article, you will learn about foods that guinea pigs can eat and what should be avoided. If you want your rodent to look vigorous and healthy, then read on … Cute and adorable guinea pigs are one of the favorite pets in the world of many people, especially children.

Guinea pigs are rodent species from the Caviidae family and the Cavia genus. Contrary to their name, they have nothing to do with pigs. These small, fluffy rodents are adorable.

Proper nutrition can be regarded as the most important aspect of caring for them. Only the right diet can ensure your pet's health. To have a happy guinea pig, it is important to provide fresh fruits and vegetables that this animal loves to eat. Their natural diet consists of grass, hay, and dry food. Granules can be found in almost all pet stores. But it is advisable to purchase high-quality dry food, because the health of your pet will depend on this.

Dry food

In general, alfalfa or Timothy pellets are considered the best for your little guinea pig. In addition to pellets, you can feed your guinea pig with fresh Timothy hay. Many people choose to feed their guinea pigs with alfalfa hay. But it has been observed that alfalfa hay contains a lot of calcium, leading to kidney stones. Plus, eating a lot of alfalfa can cause obesity. Therefore, it is best to maintain a balance between Timothy and alfalfa hay. Along with this, your little pets will enjoy the grass and dandelions.

Vegetables and fruits

What Guinea Pigs Eat - Vegetables and Fruits
What Guinea Pigs Eat - Vegetables and Fruits

They just love leafy vegetables. However, excessive consumption of them causes diarrhea. So, only give them vegetables in moderation. These rodents love to eat parsley, beets, carrots, broccoli, celery, spinach, bell peppers, and red salad. In addition, fruit is another component of a balanced and healthy diet for your guinea pigs. They enjoy eating apples (no seeds), grapes, orange slices, bananas, strawberries and cucumbers. Like vegetables, moderation must be maintained while feeding these fruits.

Foods to avoid

Avoid feeding your guinea pigs plants such as lily of the valley, wormwood, fern, odorless chamomile, privet, rhubarb, rhubarb, hellebore, wild celery, onions, belladonna, foxglove, iceberg lettuce, and plants that grow from bulbs, as they are considered poisonous to guinea pigs. In addition, you should avoid feeding on beans, popcorn, ice cream, sugary foods, chips, potatoes, meat, fish, and cheese. Avoid eating too much dairy and caffeinated foods, including chocolate, bread, or biscuits.

This animal cannot synthesize vitamin C, so it must get it from its diet. Generally, most dry foods are fortified with vitamin C. In addition to this, you can provide broccoli, apples, celery, spinach, and orange fruits and vegetables that are rich in this vitamin. The second important thing to note is that guinea pigs react painfully to any sudden change in their diet. Therefore, it is best to introduce new foods into the diet slowly and gradually. You can also talk to your veterinarian and follow their advice. Finally, drink fresh, fresh water daily along with nutritious foods.

Keep cages tidy and clean, replace contaminated supplies regularly, and guinea pigs groomed and healthy.