How to choose the right fish for your aquarium?

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How to choose the right fish for your aquarium?
How to choose the right fish for your aquarium?

This is an interesting and helpful article containing tips for choosing the right aquarium fish. It will be especially useful for novice aquarists. Beginner aquarists make a lot of mistakes in most cases. The main one is an irresistible desire to acquire for yourself almost every fish you like. The result is not very comforting: the aquarium is overpopulated, and most of its inhabitants, by their nature, cannot live peacefully with each other, they constantly fight, the strong eat the weaker ones. In addition, different types of aquarium fish require conditions of detention, which can be radically different. If these fish are placed in the same environment, many of them can get sick and die. Therefore, before buying fish, you need to learn a few general basic rules.

Rules for choosing aquarium fish:

1. If you do not have a lot of time to care for your aquarium, you need to choose only unpretentious types of aquarium fish. Goldfish are considered to be one of the most hardy and undemanding to the content. They feel great in unheated water; average room temperature is enough for them. There have been cases where goldfish lived even in frozen outdoor pools and felt great when spring came. Hardness, pH of water, types of feed are practically unimportant for them. The only prerequisite is to provide your goldfish with a spacious aquarium (the desired minimum is 20 liters per individual) and change 1/4 of the volume of water in it about once a week.

2. Live-bearers also belong to unpretentious fish. They are usually small in size and quite brightly colored. This group includes many species of fish, from colorful small guppies to important majestic swordtails, reaching a length of more than 10 cm. Viviparous fish feel most comfortable when the temperature of the aquarium water is in the range of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. They easily get along with other fish in the aquarium, they multiply quickly. But they also have one drawback. They eat both strangers and their own fry without any qualms of conscience. But if the aquarium is densely planted with vegetation, then some of the fry will certainly survive, thanks to her, because algae serve as an excellent shelter from hungry mouths. Of course, the ideal option would be to place the newly born fry in a separate aquarium until they reach a certain size, at which their own parents will not be able to eat them.

Fish - aquarium catfish
Fish - aquarium catfish

3. Get as many catfish as possible. These aquarium "orderlies" will pick up uneaten food from other fish. Catfish cannot boast of a bright color; they are almost invisible in the aquarium, especially against the background of the bottom. But among them there are representatives with a very peculiar original body shape. Pay attention, for example, to the tarakatum catfish. It is distinguished by a long antennae and flexibility of the body. Catfish - adherent "equipped" with suction cups, allowing them to often hang motionless, glued to the wall of the aquarium. There are also species that eat microscopic algae, and thereby cleanse the walls, stones and decorative elements of the aquarium from harmful and ugly brown-green plaque. 4. If you plan to install a large aquarium (more than 50 liters), you can get larger fish: cichlids, chess fighting, gourami, scalar, the same goldfish. In principle, you need to choose fish, be sure to take into account the volume of your aquarium, because a large fish will feel very bad in a cramped habitat. Watching your pets when they freely and leisurely "soar" in the water, having enough space for this, delivers a true aesthetic pleasure.

Fish - aquarium piranha
Fish - aquarium piranha

5. You can opt for extraordinary aggressive exotic fish. One of the brightest representatives of this group is the piranha. You can always surprise your guests with this colorful miracle fish. But, be prepared to put up with some of the inconveniences that arise when caring for her. When pruning plants or cleaning an aquarium, a calm and calm-looking fish can not hesitate to grab a hand with lightning speed. In addition, it will no longer be possible to plant other types of aquarium fish, because piranhas destroy all living things on their way, and even more so in their habitat. They eat even their smaller or weaker relatives.

6. Having decided on the choice of one or another type of fish, take a close look at each vending individual. Her body should not be damaged, rotten, excessive mucus, and so on. The fish should behave in a typical way. If it makes senseless sudden movements, itches on the ground, falls to one side, it is better not to buy such a fish.

It is better to take fish at specialized points of sale, such as pet stores or permanent licensed stalls in the market. Pay attention to the conditions of detention in them. If they are unsatisfactory, walk by. Do not forget to find out from the seller all the incomprehensible points about the content of the purchased fish. If possible, get a contact phone number in case you have additional questions. And do not forget to get a book on aquaristics, it will definitely come in handy for you.
