Lotus: tips for planting and caring for a pond

Lotus: tips for planting and caring for a pond
Lotus: tips for planting and caring for a pond

The characteristic features of the lotus plant, how to plant and care for it in a pond, breeding methods, possible problems during cultivation and ways to solve them, interesting notes, species and varieties.

Lotus (Nelumbo) belongs to the genus of plants belonging to the Lotus family (Nelumbonaceae). Representatives of this genus are dicotyledonous, since there are a pair of cotyledons in the embryo, located one against the other. Scientists have identified only a few species in the genus, which in nature mainly grow in the North, Central and South America, in Asia and in the north of the Australian continent. In our latitudes, there is also the possibility of growing a lotus, for example, it blooms beautifully in the Far Eastern regions, in the Volga delta and in the Kuban. It can also be noted that a whole lotus garden has been created on the Taman Peninsula, striking in its decorativeness.

Family name Lotus
Growing period Perennial
Vegetation form Herbaceous
Breeding method Seed or vegetative (division of the rhizome)
Landing period When the water in the reservoir warms up and the return frosts pass (approximately the end of May or the beginning of June)
Landing rules Embedding depth no more than 30-40 cm
Priming Clay, silted and nutritious, with a lot of organic matter
Soil acidity values, pH 6, 5-7 - neutral
Lighting degree East or West location, possibly a small amount of direct sunlight
Humidity parameters Grows in water or requires constant soil moisture (more than three times a week)
Special care rules Doesn't need special care
Height values Within 0.4-1.5 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Single flowers
Flower color White, pink, red or blue with a bright yellow core
Flowering period July August
Decorative time Summer
Application in landscape design Landscaping of coastal areas and ponds, plant for water bodies
USDA zone 4–9

There are many versions where the name of the plant originates. So, according to one of them, the term "Nelumbo" came from the language of the indigenous population of Sri Lanka - the Sinhalese, who called this plant that way. And the very name "lotus" is rooted in the Latin word "lofio", which translates as "bathing" or "ablution", since the plant mostly grows in the water element. Another version refers us to the legends of Ancient Greece, where the term "lotos" was translated as "fragrant flower." And this is not the last explanation, where this extraordinary flower originates its name.

Lotuses have modified stems that go quite deep into the water, reaching the ground there. The rhizome, which is used for food in some countries, is composed of a large number of powerful root processes. Plant height can vary from 30 cm (for dwarf species) to 180 cm.

Lotus foliage is classified into three types:

  • underwater, reminiscent of the structure of scales;
  • floating on the water surface;
  • surface, such leaf plates are located high, rising above the water surface, crowning flexible elongated petioles.

The color of the leaves is a rich greenish-olive shade. The size of the leaves is large. The diameter of the leaf plate can vary within the range of 50–70 cm, and sometimes even more. The surface is covered with a waxy bloom that allows water droplets to freely roll off the foliage.

During flowering, which begins in mid-summer and stretches to the end, a large flower appears, reaching a diameter of about 30 cm. The flower lives for only three days. Petals in flowers can be painted in snow-white, pinkish, red or blue shades, but the core is always bright and yellow. It consists of a receptacle and numerous stamens. A little lower than the place where the leaf plates and the flower are attached, there is such a part of the plant that helps the lotus to change the placement of the flower in accordance with the movement of the sun - it is called the reaction zone. It is this feature of the lotus that was noticed in ancient times by people, because of which the plant began to be considered sacred or even divine.

Another feature of the lotus is that the temperature inside the flower remains high at night. When the sun goes down, the petals of the flower close so tightly that insects find refuge in its inner part, since the heat indicators there are about 37 degrees.

After the flower is pollinated, the fruit ripens, which in its outlines resembles a nut with many chambers. The taste of such nuts is somewhat similar to almonds. It is in these chambers that the lotus seeds are located. This part of the plant still defies explanation by scientists, since due to the hard shell that covers their surface, they can retain germination properties for hundreds of years. And if the seeds are sown, then they immediately germinate, as if the collection was carried out only yesterday.

It is also curious that if the seeds fall to the bottom of the reservoir, then they do not begin to germinate as long as the flowering of other lotuses lasts. Only if the plants are removed or die, the process of seed germination will immediately start. Botanists explain this fact by the fact that living plants release specific substances into the water, which make it possible to slow down the development of seeds and their subsequent rooting. To date, scientists have bred a number of hybrid species of lotus, which differ in both the shape and size of the leaf plates and the flower cups.

Despite the fact that such plants grow, according to many in a warm climate, they can be successfully grown in our zone, if you adhere to certain cultivation rules.

How to plant a lotus, caring for a plant in a pond

Lotus blooms
Lotus blooms
  1. Landing place. Since plants in nature prefer open spaces of reservoirs and shallow waters, a similar location should be selected on their site. But the best will be the eastern or western orientation, perhaps a small amount of direct rays of the sun, since it is good lighting that will guarantee the successful growth and flowering of this waterfowl representative of the flora. The lotus is best suited for soft and clear water with a weak flow or standing. If there is no natural reservoir nearby, then you can grow an aquatic perennial in pits filled with water, tubs or pools with a concrete bottom. In the case when lotus cultivation is carried out in small reservoirs, it is recommended to periodically add new water or completely change it. It is recommended for the normal well-being of plants to change 5-10% of the total amount of liquid, which will remove most of the pathogenic bacteria, chemicals and contaminants. In this case, the water should be well settled or rainwater. In addition, when the flower rises too high above the surface of the water (that is, its level drops dramatically), this will inevitably lead to injury to the plant.
  2. Soil for the lotus. It is the correct choice of soil mixture that guarantees that such a majestic plant will settle in your reservoir. The soil mixture should consist of clay, river sand or silt. For this, you can also use containers that will contain this perennial. 10 cm of sand is poured into them, and another 0, 4–0, 6 m of soil mixture is placed on top. It is important that the substrate contains a large amount of organic matter, this will serve as a stimulus for the development of the plant.
  3. Planting a lotus in a pond. To make the plant comfortable, it should be remembered that a strong deepening of the seedlings will lead to the fact that their leaves will be under water and, as a result, the plants will die. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seedlings to a depth of no more than 30–40 cm. This makes the lotus stand out from other deep-water plants for which these parameters are not suitable. If at a greater depth the lotus still manages to survive, then flowering, alas, will not come.
  4. Wintering lotus. If, during cultivation, the reservoir in the cultivation area of this perennial does not freeze to the bottom, you do not need to worry about the plant. In this case, many gardeners already in late autumn or at the beginning of winter, when the surface of the water is covered with a strong ice crust, foam plastic plates are carefully placed on top of it, which are pressed by boards from above. There is information that the lotus can withstand temperatures down to 4 degrees below zero. But if your region is characterized by frosty winters, then you should initially take care of moving the lotus indoors in the fall. To do this, it is planted in plastic containers, and when the temperature drops, it is simply pulled out of the coastal soil and transferred to the basement or an unheated room, where the heat indicators, although they will be low, will not cross the zero mark (no more than 8 degrees). With the arrival of spring, such containers are again installed in the reservoir.
  5. Fertilizer for lotus performed in the case when the reservoir is not inhabited by animals - fish or newts. Then you can fertilize with manure.
  6. Lotus as a decoration of the reservoir. This plant is mainly located in the second zone, where another flora lives in the reservoir. Because of this, it is possible to plant such representatives of the flora nearby, the leaf plates of which will float, like lotus ones on the surface of the water surface. A good neighborhood will be the planting of nymphea, egg-pods and pondweed.

As for general care tips, if the plant is in stagnant water, it is recommended to carry out the following steps regularly:

  • Biofiltration with BIO-SYS systems. At the same time, excess organic matter is eliminated, which can stimulate rotting of the root system, and will inevitably serve as an aid for the reproduction of not only fungi, but also bacteria. A skimmer is often used for cleaning.
  • With the help of pond pumps, water is circulated, as this process prevents water stagnation and "blooming" of the liquid.
  • Aeration (oxygenation of the water) to ensure the normal development of the root system.

See tips for growing and caring for pistia.

Reproduction methods of lotus flower

The lotus grows
The lotus grows

In order to obtain new aquatic plants that will serve as a decoration for a pond or an artificial reservoir, both seed and vegetative methods are used. The latter method means splitting the powerful rhizome of the lotus.

Reproduction of lotus by seeds

Since the seeds are covered with a hard shell, scarification must be carried out before sowing. This requires a little sawing of the thick seed coat with a file or a diamond file. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the inner part of the seed - the embryo. The cuts are made in two or three places. If you plant scarified seeds in the soil, then a seedling will appear, which will bloom only with the arrival of the next growing season.

To speed up the germination process, the prepared seed material is subjected to soaking. The seeds are placed in a container and poured with warm water so that the liquid completely covers them. The water temperature should be at least 25 degrees. This thermal regime must be maintained for 7-14 days, so you will have to constantly change the water to warm when it starts to cool down. Good lighting is required for germination, for this it is recommended to put a container with seeds on the sill of the south window. After the specified period, you will be able to see the first sprouts of the lotus.

After that, the germinated seeds are placed in shallow water in a natural or artificial reservoir. At first, they try not to exceed the water level, its indicator is about 6 cm. Then the depth is increased, but its level should not be more than 30 cm above the bottom soil. To facilitate this process, you can place the germinated seeds in a wide container, and fill it with water first by 6 cm, and then bring it to 20 cm. Only after 20 days, the lotus seedlings will have small leaves and only later root shoots.


After planting, the depth of the lotus requires gradual adjustment. Since with too deep planting, flowering should not be expected.

If the cultivation is carried out in a warm area, then the lotus can be planted directly into the soil of the pond. But this can be done when the water in the pond warms up enough, up to about 20 degrees (this is roughly mid-June). Flowering will begin when for several months (ideally 2-3) the heat values will be in the range of 23-29 degrees. In the first year, deciduous mass usually grows, however, under favorable conditions, you can enjoy the flowers.

When cultivated in a region with a harsh and frosty winter period, the plants are placed in plastic containers or buckets filled with a nutritious muddy substrate and only then transferred to the soil of the reservoir.

Reproduction of lotus by dividing the rhizome

This method is faster than the previous one, since the flowering will be in the year of planting the divisions (parts of the plant). The warm season is suitable for this operation. If there is a mother lotus bush, it is removed from the reservoir and the soil is washed off the rhizome. Since the rhizomes have a large number of dormant buds, you can divide it into parts. The lotus root system is characterized by juiciness and fleshiness. A process is cut off from it and immediately placed in a prepared substrate in a container slightly covered with water. It will not take long to wait for growth, since the lotus is famous for its fast rooting. After that, you can plant the seedling in a suitable place.

Read also about the reproduction of water hyacinth

Possible problems in growing lotus and ways to solve them

Two lotus flowers
Two lotus flowers

The plant shows resistance to diseases, but occasionally it can be affected by leaf spot, which has a bacterial or fungal etymology. This disease is caused by the pathogen (fungus or bacteria) Alternalia nelumbii. It is recommended that if spots of a reddish or brown hue are found on the leaves, immediately take action - remove all the defeated elements of the lotus. It happens that the growth can be affected by root rot, then all infected plants are removed and immediately destroyed.

Of course, it is possible to use systemic fungicides, such as Bordeaux liquid or Hom (copper-containing fungicide), but one should not expect great efficiency, since these drugs can be dangerous to other representatives of the flora in the reservoir or living inhabitants.

It is customary to isolate caterpillars and aphids from lotus pests. In this case, when signs of uninvited guests have just been detected, it is recommended to immediately spray with insecticidal agents, for example, Fitoverm or Aktellik. Some gardeners simply wash off pests with a powerful pressure of water.


It is forbidden to use liquid pesticides to treat lotus plants from harmful insects. This applies to cultivation in a reservoir or aquarium, since such preparations have a detrimental effect on the entire living flora and fauna of the reservoir.

Among the difficulties that arise when growing a lotus in an open reservoir, the following are distinguished:

  • Blanching of foliage and flowers indicates insufficient lighting or lack of nutrition.
  • Decay of the root system occurs when the liquid in the container is changed too rarely or when a root disease has been damaged by pathogens.
  • A slowdown in the growth rate due to a low level of illumination, increased water hardness, rather rare fertilizers.

See what difficulties can arise when caring for a bog plant.

Interesting notes about the lotus flower

Blooming lotus
Blooming lotus

Such plants in nature prefer to grow in slow-flowing or stagnant waters. Due to the fact that the lotus fruits resembled nuts, many peoples produce flour from them. The same property is famous for the rhizome of the nut-bearing lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), which is often found under the name Nelumbo speciosum. The North African local population has long eaten the lotus fruit, which has a type of drupe the size of a plum.

In Buddhism, lotus flowers have always symbolized purity, since the plant itself grows in rather muddy, in fact, swamp water, but the flower pleases the eye with beautiful, spotless petals. Plant images have also found a place in the applied arts of Buddhists.

However, the lotus is famous not only for its growth, it has long been known about its medicinal properties. Usually, this representative of the flora is included in herbal preparations intended for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Such a remedy helps to tone and strengthen the body, and there are also beliefs about its rejuvenating effect.

Rice porridge with ground lotus nuts, peeled from the skin, was recommended not only to improve memory, but also for hearing and vision problems.

Oriental beauties used dried lotus rhizomes crushed into flour to make cosmetic oil. They used it to lubricate the skin of the face and body so that it not only cleansed, but also smoothed fine wrinkles.

Read more about lotus seeds

Description of species and varieties of lotus

In the photo, the nut-bearing lotus
In the photo, the nut-bearing lotus

Nelumbo nucifera

may occur under the name Nelumbo speciosum or Indian lotus. Herbaceous perennial plant, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia. In nature, it can be found in territories with a tropical and temperate climate, which include the countries of Asia and the areas of northern Australia. It also grows in the Far Eastern lands, in the coastal regions of the Caspian and the Sea of Azov

Has a rhizome of knotty outlines. The foliage floats on the surface of the water and is attached to elongated cuttings, the surface of which is covered with thorns. The shape of the leaf plate resembles a shield, with a depression in the central part. The surface of the leaves is covered with a waxy coating, which is why drops of water, falling on it, simply roll down. The leaf diameter can reach 0.5–0.7 m.

During flowering, which occurs in the second half of summer, a beautiful flower opens up, its diameter can vary from 25-30 cm. It is crowned with a straight and tall flowering stem. The color of the petals in a flower can change during the flowering process from bright pink to almost snow-white. After that, the petals fly around, since flowering takes only a few days. During the period of this action, a pleasant and delicate aroma is well heard, which attracts bees and beetles that serve as pollinators.

When the fruit ripens, a capsule is formed, with many cells filled with seeds. The number of seeds reaches 20 pieces. They are enclosed in a dense brown shell. In early autumn, when the seeds are fully ripe, they sink to the bottom of the reservoir, where they can be in a "dormant" state for a long time.

All parts of the plant are edible and, for example, in Japan, Thailand and China, they are usually consumed both raw and cooked. They are stewed, fried, added to salads or decorated with dishes. The substances that enter the lotus contribute to the use of the plant in the form of an antiseptic, to eliminate cramps, and also increase blood clotting. A lotus-based decoction has wound healing properties.

The foliage is usually harvested throughout the summer, and then cut into small pieces and dried. After that, on the basis of the material obtained, decoctions are made, teas and tinctures are made, and it is also ground into powder and added to culinary dishes.

In the photo, the lotus is yellow
In the photo, the lotus is yellow

Yellow lotus (Nelumbo lutea

) may be called in botanical literature American lotus … From the specific name it is clear that the native distribution area falls on the American continent, and also captures Hawaii and the Antilles. Perennial herbaceous species. Its leaves, growing above water, have petioles, a rounded shape, reaching 0.7 m in diameter. When blooming, buds open, characterized by cream or yellow petals. When fully expanded, the diameter of the flower is 20–25 cm. There is a pleasant aroma.

In the photo, the Lotus Komarov
In the photo, the Lotus Komarov

Komarov's Lotus (Nelumbo komarovii)

- an aquatic plant that is quite common in the southern regions of the Far East. It is the most cold-loving variety. As a relict species, it is included in the Red Data Books of Russia and Primorye. Herbaceous perennial, which was isolated separately by the botanist of the USSR Alexander Alfonsovich Grossheim (1888-1948). Lotus stems, reborn into a powerful rhizome, are submerged in the ground under the surface of the water. There are underwater leaves that resemble scales and those that are above the surface of the water - floating and above the water, towering above it.

Floating foliage has flexible, elongated petioles, its outlines are flat and rounded. Towering leaf plates are crowned with upright cuttings, are larger and funnel-shaped. Their diameter varies in the range of 50–80 cm. The entire surface of the leaves is covered with a waxy bloom, which prevents water from wetting the foliage.

When blooming, large buds open, the diameter of the flowers reaches 30 cm. There are a lot of petals in the flowers, they are cast in a pinkish or snow-white color scheme. The flowers are located at the top of a tall flowering stem. In the central part of the flower there is a wide receptacle with numerous stamens. The receptacle itself, as well as the stamens of a beautiful canary color. At the bottom of the flower there is a reaction zone that allows the flower to make a turn behind the sun disk. A pleasant aroma is heard during flowering.

The fruits are nuts, which are formed in the hollows of the receptacle. They are filled with seeds covered with a dense brown shell. The silt layer in which the rhizome is located does not freeze. In the same place, the heat indices in the water of the bottom layer do not decrease by more than 4 degrees. If the reservoir is completely frozen, then the rhizomes will die off.

To date, through the work of breeders, highly decorative lotus varieties have been obtained:

  • Kermesina - presented by Japanese breeders, has a double flower structure and a red tint of petals.
  • Lily pons - cupped flowers and pinkish salmon petals.
  • Mrs Perry D. Slocum - characterized by large flowers and a terry structure of the corolla, the petals are pink, but over time they acquire a creamy color.
  • Moto Botan - differs in small size. Intended for growing in barrels. Flowers with very double petals of raspberry color.
  • Pygmaea alba the height to which the leaves rise reaches a height of 0.3 cm, the color of the flowers is snow-white, but the diameter of the opening reaches 10 cm.

Related article: Growing a lotus at home.

Video about growing lotus in a pond:

Lotus pictures: