Monarda: rules for planting and care when growing outdoors

Monarda: rules for planting and care when growing outdoors
Monarda: rules for planting and care when growing outdoors

Characteristics of the monarda plant, advice on planting and care in gardening conditions, breeding rules, recommendations for combating diseases and pests, curious notes and applications.

Monarda (Monarda) belongs to the genus of plants that are part of the Lamiaceae family, or as it is also called Labiatae, which are naturally distributed in North American territories, including Mexico. However, they can be grown in our latitudes. If we rely on the data provided by The Plant List, then today scientists have about 22 varieties, and a large number of their garden forms have also been derived.

Family name Lamb or Lipo
Growing period Perennial or one-year
Vegetation form Herbaceous
Breeding method Seed, species only, vegetative (grafting and dividing the bush)
Landing period in open ground April, as the plant is not afraid of return frosts
Landing rules Saplings are planted according to the scheme 3-4 x 3-4 cm
Priming Light calcareous
Soil acidity values, pH 6, 5-7 (neutral) or 7 and higher (slightly alkaline)
Lighting degree Brightly deliberated location or partial shade
Humidity parameters Moderate and regular, in drought abundantly and every day
Special care rules Does not tolerate acidic and heavy soil
Height values 0.6-1.5 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Capitate or racemose inflorescences
Flower color Snow-white, all shades of pink and red, pale lilac, yellow, lilac or violet
Flowering period July-September
Decorative period Spring-Autumn
Application in landscape design Flower beds and mixborders, as a medicinal plant
USDA zone 5–8

The genus of these representatives of the flora got its name thanks to the famous flora taxonomy Karl Linnaeus, who decided to leave in his memory the name of the botanist and physician from Spain, Nicholas Monardes (1493-1588). The significance of Monardes in science is such that the scientist published a work in 1574, which contains descriptions of all the plants he found and studied on the American continent. The researcher of "American greenery" himself called Monarda a Virginian soulmate or a Canadian origan. In European gardens, the plant began to be used as an essential oil culture, and already in the 19th century it gained fame under such terms as bergamot, lemon mint or American lemon balm. In Ukraine, for example, it is called red (chervona) rue.

All representatives of the genus have a herbaceous form of growth and rhizomes, while there are both species with a long-term growth period and annuals. The stem is erect and always branched. Its height can vary up to a meter and a little more (approximately 60-150 cm). The color of the stems is green, but occasionally there is a reddish tint. Simple leaf plates have a serrated edge, their outlines are oblong-lanceolate or ovate-elongated, with a pointed apex. On the surface of the leaf, streaks appear well, as if depressed. The color of the foliage is a rich herbaceous shade. If you knead the leaf in your hands, you will hear a pleasant lemon-mint aroma.

When flowering, a monarda forms a single or several inflorescences, characterized by a capitate or racemose shape. They can be located one under the other, along the length of the entire flowering stem. The inflorescences are composed of small double-lipped flowers with a tubular-funnel-shaped corolla. When fully opened, the diameter of the flowers is 5–7 cm. The color of the petals in the flowers can be snow-white, all shades of pink and red, pale lilac, yellow, lilac or violet. But this color directly depends on the type and variety of the plant, there are representatives with speckled petals.

Flowering at the monarda stretches from mid-summer to the last days of September, while a pleasant aroma spreads over the plantings of rue. After the flowers have passed pollination, the ripening of fruits with the outlines of nuts will begin, which makes the bush spectacular even in winter. Fruits are filled with seeds that do not lose germination properties over a three-year period.

If you follow the recommendations below, you can grow a very useful and aromatic plant in your garden.

Tips for planting and caring for Monarda outdoors

Monarda blooms
Monarda blooms
  1. Landing place This fragrant plant can be either open and well-lit or slightly shaded. American lemon balm is afraid of drafts, therefore, it is recommended to organize protection to obtain a lush flowering bush. For this, cereals are planted nearby.
  2. Soil for monarda should be light but calcareous. If the soil on the site is heavy or acidic, then slaked lime or dolomite flour is mixed into it. Acidity is preferable alkaline (pH about 7) or, in extreme cases, neutral (pH 6, 5-7).
  3. Landing monarda. It is definitely recommended to prepare a place for plants in advance. To do this, the soil is carefully dug up, weeds and remnants of roots are removed. You can plant seedlings or cuttings in the middle of spring, since the seedlings are not afraid of dropping the temperature to -5 degrees below zero. After the bushes are planted, watering is performed, and then the soil must be mulched with peat chips. This material will help retain moisture and help weeds grow less quickly.
  4. Watering carried out frequently, but in moderation, especially if the weather is hot. If the heat is too hot in summer, the soil will have to be moistened daily. In the case when there is a heat and drought, as well as there are temperature drops during the day and at night, if watering is not carried out, powdery mildew can occur.
  5. Fertilizers for red rue, they are brought in right before planting young plants or cuttings. So for 1 m2 there should be 2-3 kg of compost, or you can take rotted manure, superphosphate and potassium salt (50:30 g, respectively). With the arrival of spring, it is recommended to fertilize with fertilizers containing nitrogen, and when the flowering is completed, apply fertilizing with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Too much nitrogen in the soil can provoke powdery mildew disease in monarda.
  6. General advice on care. Once every 4 years, it is recommended to divide American lemon balm bushes so that their rhizome does not freeze. After watering or precipitation, it is imperative to loosen the soil next to the bushes so that it is not taken by a crust.
  7. The use of monarda in landscape design. If you want to decorate a personal plot in a natural style, then you can't do without a Virginian soul mate. Cereals such as millet and reed grass, as well as miscanstus and molinia, will look great next to it; pennisetum plantings will be a good neighborhood. If you plant other perennial plants nearby, then the red rue will also be both a good background for them and a general decoration. Sedum and nivyanniki, rudbeckia and goldenrod, as well as heliopsis, birchwood and echinacea can be located nearby. Due to the fact that the monarda is a good honey plant, it is not recommended to plant it next to playgrounds for children or decorate garden paths with it.

If there is a desire to grow the so-called "tea bed", where various representatives of flora, foliage and flowers will be collected, which is used for these purposes, then the monard will be a wonderful addition there.

Like marigolds, American lemon balm bushes are capable of repelling garden pests, so this representative of the flora can be planted in flower beds or between rows of garden beds.

Monarda breeding rules

Monard in the ground
Monard in the ground

Usually, American lemon balm can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively, by rooting cuttings or dividing bushes.

Reproduction of monarda using seeds

If the growing area is southern, then the seed can be placed directly into the ground, choosing a fine February day for this. For the next two months after sowing, the sowing material is stratified and in the middle of spring you can see strong and friendly shoots. They are subsequently thinned out. In the case when there is still a snow cover on the site, it is recommended to remove it, and cover the sowing site with plastic wrap so that the soil warms up more. After that, the soil is loosened, while a small layer of river sand is poured on top. The seed is mixed with sand to make it easier to spread the seed over the surface of the substrate. The ratio is maintained at 1: 4. Seeds distributed on top of the soil should be sprinkled with a small sandy layer. At the same time, the depth of the ground should not exceed 2.5 cm.


Seedlings of monarda appear for a very long time due to its slow growth.

Sowing can be carried out in the fall as soon as the seeds are harvested. The sowing rules are the same. With the arrival of April, when the seedlings of red rue have already grown up, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens. Then, after a year, the bushes of American lemon balm will grow and get stronger and you can enjoy their flowering.

Reproduction of monarda by growing seedlings

Often, for growing bushes of the Virginian soul mate in more northern regions, it is recommended to use the seedling method. In order to have strong seedlings by spring, sowing of seed is carried out in the middle or late winter. At the same time, seedling boxes are used, filled with a loose and light substrate (you can mix sand with peat in equal parts) or buy soil for vegetable crops. Seeding is carried out no deeper than 2–2, 5 cm. After that, watering is carried out, and the container with crops is covered with transparent polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions. The germination temperature should be around 20 degrees Celsius.

After 20 days, you can see the first shoots of the monarda. The cover can then be removed. After another three weeks, dive into separate containers or directly to the garden bed is performed. In this case, the planting pattern will be 3-4 cm between seedlings and such a distance between their rows.


Do not violate the indicated planting scheme of American lemon balm seedlings, otherwise they will not have enough nutrition and development will be slowed down.

Reproduction of monrada by dividing the bush

Since seed reproduction does not guarantee the preservation of parental properties in the grown red rue bushes, vegetative methods are used. One of them is the division of an overgrown plant that has reached 3-4 years of age. The best time for this is mid-spring or September. During these periods, the soil will be warm enough. The lemon mint bush is dug up, its root system is cleaned of soil residues (it is possible under water jets) and divided into equal parts with a sharpened knife. The cut sections must be sprinkled with crushed coal in order to protect against infections and immediately land in the holes prepared in advance.


The process of dividing when growing American lemon balm will have to be done often, since in 2-3 years the bush can reach meter values again in diameter.

Propagation of monarda by cuttings

To do this, it is recommended to cut cuttings up to a length of 8-10 cm. The blanks are taken from green stems, even before flowers form on them. The lower leaf plates must be removed from the cuttings so that moisture does not evaporate from them, and the upper ones must be reduced by 1/3. Cuttings are planted in containers filled with river sand or peat-sand mixture. Plastic bottles without a bottom are placed on top, or a covering material such as agril can be used. Boxes with seedlings are placed in a dark place for rooting. Usually, after 14–20 days, the cuttings will acquire roots, and then, from mid-July, you can start transplanting seedlings into a prepared flower bed.

Recommendations for the control of diseases and pests when growing monarda

Monarda grows
Monarda grows

Despite the fact that American lemon balm is full of essential oil and it is practically not susceptible to attacks by harmful insects, but diseases do occur due to violations of agricultural practices. So regular waterlogging of the soil, low temperatures, during drought, too sharp temperature changes day and night, or thickened plantings will entail such a disease as powdery mildew or as it is also called linen (ashstone). At the same time, all the leaves of the Virginian soul mate become covered with a spider-like whitish bloom, which sometimes even resembles the fact that all the leaves were watered with a lime solution.

The next nuisance is rust, manifested by the formation of spots on the leaves of a reddish-brown or brown-red hue. Over time, the size of such marks increases, leaf tissues die off, and the plant itself dies.

For both diseases, it is recommended to remove the affected parts of the monarda, and treat the bush itself with fungicidal agents, such as Bordeaux liquid or Fundazol.

When a viral disease occurs tobacco mosaic, in which the infection settles in the tissues of the plant and stops photosynthesis. Then all the leaves begin to cover a marble pattern of yellow and whitish spots. It is impossible to fight such a viral disease, therefore all affected bushes are removed from the site and burned.

Among the pests of red rue, weevils are distinguished, which can also be controlled by treatment with insecticidal agents, like Antara or Fundazol.

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Curious notes about the monard

Blooming Monarda
Blooming Monarda

For a long time, even on the territory of its original growth, American lemon balm was famous among the Indian population for its unsurpassed medicinal and nutritional qualities. Since the 19th century, other European countries have become acquainted with its properties and began to use it both as a medicinal herb and in food.

Virginia soulmate oil is valuable because of its bactericidal effect, as well as the ability to relieve spasms and inflammatory processes, it helps not only to eliminate carcinogens, but also to restore and strengthen the immune system. If the patient suffers from chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma, then this oil was used for treatment, there is also the possibility of healing the skin with eczema or burns of 1-3 degrees.

Also, this oil agent has the property of providing anti-stress, and also antianemic and antioxidant action. If operations are carried out to engraft non-native tissues, then the oil of rue rue will also be indispensable, which will act as a natural drug that ensures long-term preservation of the state of the blood. With regular use of monarda, the aorta is cleared of anti-sclerotic plaques.

It turned out to be curious that after research, doctors came to the conclusion that the plant is on a small list of those that are used to cure radiation sickness and ensure the body's protection from radiation radiation. It is recommended to take Monarda after chemotherapy. At the same time, American lemon balm oil can be added to tea. When using this oily substance for massage, it is mixed with oils such as lavender, tea and rosewood, as well as derived from grape seeds.

When it is required to strengthen the immune system in case of colds or flu, then doctors also recommend using monarda for this due to its antibacterial effect. Essential oil and fresh green leaves are used in drinks (teas). In case of a cold, the oil of red rue poured into an aroma lamp will help to inhale.


It was revealed that monarda is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics on the body, which makes it possible to reduce their dosage.

But these are not all diseases that the Virginian soul-mate is able to cure, as folk healers prescribed him for digestive disorders and cystitis, diseases caused by complications of the common cold: otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia. It will help with anemia and diseases of the oral cavity, atherosclerosis and headache, cope with the manifestations of tuberculosis and psoriasis, and it was also recommended as a remedy for worms.

Since the taste of monarda is very pleasant and fragrant, its leaves have long been used in cooking when preparing dishes. Greens can be added to salads and soups, it will be an excellent addition in okroshka, borscht or cabbage soup. If you add foliage while cooking jelly, compote or jelly, they will acquire a unique aroma. Red rue greens will serve as a hue to vegetable and fish dishes. Basil and mint, cloves and tarragon, and fennel serve as an excellent combination. If a sweet dish is being prepared, then American lemon balm will perfectly combine with lemon balm, cloves, cinnamon and orange peel.

To get rid of indoor mold or mildew, it is recommended to pour a couple of drops of rue essential oil into an aroma lamp or prepare a solution for surface treatment on it. Due to its antimicrobial action, Monarda is suitable for the treatment of nail plate or foot fungus. In cosmetology, the Virginian soulmate is also indispensable - it is introduced into the composition of anti-aging creams, products designed to cleanse the skin from acne or excess sebum.

However, despite all the positive properties of bergamot monarda, there are contraindications, such as:

  • period of gestation and lactation;
  • children under the age of five.


You should not even put working aroma lamps with red rue oil poured into them in rooms where there are the above groups of people.

Types and varieties of monarda

The division is usually carried out according to the period of growth into perennials and annuals.

Annual species include:

In the photo Monarda lemon
In the photo Monarda lemon

Monarda citriodora

or as it is also called Citrus monarda … The range of height fluctuations of the stems is 15–95 cm. Leaves of lanceolate outlines grow on them. All stems, foliage and, moreover, bracts are characterized by a rather rare color, which includes a silver-gray color with a metallic sheen. During flowering, the formation of inflorescences occurs, in which there are 5-7 whorls of small flowers. The color of the petals in them is light or dark lilac. The buds begin to bloom in the middle of summer, the lush bloom will be stretched until late frosts.

Foliage, inflorescences and shoots are filled with essential oil. Therefore, the variety, the owner of the same properties as mint, basil and lemon balm, is used not only as an ornamental culture, but also as a spicy herb.

In the photo Monarda hybrid Lambada
In the photo Monarda hybrid Lambada

Monarda lambada hybrid (Monarda lambada)

obtained by combining the properties of several varieties. Its young foliage is also characterized by a strong lemon-like scent. It was bred by Dutch breeders, since it was required to obtain a species with inflorescences suitable for cutting. Inflorescences looked great in bouquets of fresh flowers. It is used as a border culture, however, due to difficulties with transplantation, the plant did not receive proper distribution. After 4 months from the moment of sowing the seeds, you can get flowering, around mid-July. Flowers will serve as a decoration for the stems until the end of September.

The height of the shoots is 0.9 m. The color of the corollas is of a deep dark pink color, which is why the plant serves to form a colorful background in the flower garden. At the same time, it is possible to dry the shoots at the same time with the inflorescences, so that they can then be used in dry winter compositions.

In the photo Monarda point
In the photo Monarda point

Monarda punctata

or as it is also called Horse mint … The height of the stems is 0.8 m. The foliage of the plant is much more beautiful than the inflorescences, since it has a bright salmon color. The foliage effectively surrounds the inflorescences, in which the corollas are rather pale - yellowish-buffy or creamy with a crimson-brown tone.

Perennial species consist of:

In the photo Monarda double
In the photo Monarda double

Double monarda (Monarda didyma),

it is she who is called Red (Chervona) rue. In nature, the area of growth falls on the Great Lakes region (North American region). The growth form is herbaceous, the height of the shoots does not exceed 0.8 m. The rhizome is located horizontally to the soil surface. The stems grow upright, are characterized by tetrahedral and hairy pubescence, as well as the presence of abundant foliage. The leaf plates are arranged in opposite order, have shortened petioles. The shape of the leaves is oval, the edge is jagged, sharpened at the top. The surface of the leaves is pubescent on the reverse side, and they are smooth on top. Their color is light green, the veins are set off by the reddish tint. The length of the leaf is 12 cm, it has stipules of a reddish hue.

When flowering, small buds form dense, capitate inflorescences, crowning the tops of the stems. The diameter of the full disclosure of the flower is measured 6 cm. The bracts are leaf-shaped and large in size. They are characterized by the same color as the flower petals. The flowering process takes the period July-August. The beginning of cultural cultivation in 1656.

In the photo Monarda fisty
In the photo Monarda fisty

Monarda fistulosa

or called Tubular monard … The original area of origin falls on the eastern lands of the North American continent. In European gardens, the species plays the role of a spice culture. Perennial with a small number of stems, height indicators do not go beyond 65–120 cm. The edge of the leaves is serrated, their shape is simple, there is pubescence with thin hairs.

The color of the bisexual flowers is lilac, the size is small. From a large number of them, whorls are formed, surrounded by stipules of a reddish tone. Such whorls are collected in inflorescences in the form of balls or capitate. Each flowering stem carries 5-9 inflorescences, characterized by a diameter of 5-7 cm. The flowering process takes the period from July to September. It can act not only as a medicinal plant, but also as a honey plant. It is introduced into culinary dishes in the form of spices for soups, salads or sauces, and is indispensable for making aromatic tea.

There is a rather spectacular garden form Victoria, having dwarf dimensions of the height of the stems, bred by Russian breeders.

In the photo Monarda hybrid
In the photo Monarda hybrid

Monarda hybrid (Monarda x hybrida)

combines plants that were obtained by crossing the species of monarda fistus and double. Usually the stem does not grow more than 1 meter, the color of the flowers is very varied. The following variations are available:

  • Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking or Blue Stocking characterized by violet-crimson color of petals in flowers.
  • Fishes or Fishes, Sinta-Sinta, Pawnee characterized by tall shoots 1–1, 2 m and purple color of flowers.
  • Snow White or Snow White, Sonu Maiden or Snow Maiden and Schneevitchen or Snow White (Schneewittchen) - owners of snow-white inflorescences.
  • Praerienachl, Bordeaux Moldova form inflorescences of a burgundy shade.
  • Elsie's Lavender and Squaw has inflorescences of an exquisite pale purple color scheme.
  • Sunset (Sanset), Prairie Glow (Prairie Glow) and Cardinal - plants with a crimson hue of flowers.
  • Cambridge Scarlet, Petite Delight, and Balance, Adam and Machogene characterized by colors with shades of red.
  • Cratly Pink, Croftway Pink and Rose Quin have flowers with pink petals.

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Video about growing monarda in the garden:

Photos monarda:
