Spathiphyllum - female happiness

Spathiphyllum - female happiness
Spathiphyllum - female happiness

If you have a spathiphyllum flower, the tips of the leaves dry out or the leaves turn yellow, read how to fix it. In addition, you will learn from the article about the correct watering regime, the optimal temperature for growth and prolonged flowering of spathiphyllum. Spathiphyllum or spathiphyllum is a perennial evergreen plant that belongs to the aroid family. Some types of spathiphyllum are grown at home as houseplants. Its name comes from the Greek words "spata", which translates as "veil" and "phillum", which means "leaf" in this language. The plant received this name for the original shape of the veil of the flower.

Description of indoor varieties

Here are the varieties of spathiphyllum that can be grown at home or in a greenhouse:

  • Abundantly flowering (Spathiphyllum floribundum);
  • Canniferous (Cannifolium);
  • Wallis (Wallisii);
  • Heliconelous.
Spathiphyllum abundantly flowering
Spathiphyllum abundantly flowering

In indoor floriculture, spathiphyllum profusely flowering (pictured above) and Wallis' spathiphyllum are most often grown. The latter is a stemless plant, the leaves of which are collected in a rosette. It usually grows up to 30 cm.

Wallis Spathiphyllum
Wallis Spathiphyllum

Wallis's leaves (photo above) are dark green, oblong-lanceolate with sharp tips, shiny, can grow up to 25 in length and up to 6 cm in width. Petioles up to 20 cm.

The inflorescence consists of a white cob, bordered by a veil, which is 3 times longer than it. This variety blooms for a long time - from March to November.

Spathiphyllum profusely blooming can grow up to 40 cm in height. The plant has a shortened stem. The leaves are the same as Wallis's. Inflorescences of a cylindrical shape of a cream shade. The bedspread is the same as that of Wallis's spathiphyllum, but it becomes greenish over time. With good care, the plant blooms for a long time and abundantly.

Spathiphyllum cannoli
Spathiphyllum cannoli

In the photo there is a cannoli variety. People say that spathiphyllum is “female happiness”. It is believed that if a young girl is given this flower, she will soon meet her love. For a woman, the neighborhood with spathiphyllum also promises good - the acquisition of happiness and harmony.

Growing spathiphyllum at home

In nature, spathiphyllum grows in warm countries, along the banks of rivers, streams, in swampy forests. This must be considered if you want to grow it at home. The flower does not like a lot of sun, from this its leaves can turn pale green.

Not every plant feels good on the north window, and it prefers just such shaded places. But it is best to place it on a windowsill, where the sun comes in the morning or evening - on the west or east. Although the northwestern and northeastern ones are also suitable.

Spathiphyllum flower does not like high air temperatures. It will feel comfortable at + 22 ° C. If you want to see the repeated flowering of this plant, the ambient temperature should be in the Wallis spathiphyllum within + 16 ° C - + 20 ° C, and in the less hardy, profusely flowering + 18 ° C - + 22 ° C.

Spathiphyllum also does not like drafts, so exclude them.

Spathiphyllum care: watering and spraying

Watering spathiphyllum also needs to be done correctly. In spring and summer, they should be abundant enough, in winter they are reduced, but it is not necessary to dry out the earthen lump. Water the plant only with settled water to remove the chlorine. To do this, pour water into a bowl with a wide neck, let it sit for at least twelve hours.

Spathiphyllum care
Spathiphyllum care

Since this flowering plant came to us from humid, swampy places, create a similar atmosphere for it in the house. Spray spathiphyllum 2–3 times daily. But make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the plant at this time, otherwise it can lead to burning of the leaves.

To keep the high humidity for a long time, you can use a special device to maintain it, in the cold season, put a wet towel or cloth soaked in water on the battery. These are the conditions that Spathiphyllum loves. However, it needs to be sprayed less frequently in winter than in summer. You can put a pallet on the windowsill, put moss in it and periodically spill it with water. Place the spathiphyllum on top. You can put sand, pebbles in the pallet and moisten them with water.

It would be nice to put “female happiness” next to the aquarium, from which the evaporation necessary for the plant also emanates. In addition, this neighborhood looks very nice.

Top dressing

Spathiphyllum at home will bloom for a long time, if the correct watering regime is observed, the ambient temperature, and you periodically feed the plant.

Spathiphyllum is one of the few flowers that is fed all year round. But in the period from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, this is done once every 2 weeks, and in winter, once every 3-4 weeks.

You can feed spathiphyllum with organic or mineral fertilizers. For organic fertilizing, it is necessary to dilute mullein in a ratio of 1:15 to water or bird droppings in a concentration of 1:30. You can use "Biud", "Rainbow" - biological feeding.

For organic fertilizers, special fertilizers for flowering plants or complex mineral fertilizers, for example, "Kemira", are suitable. Dilute it according to the instructions, water the flower on damp ground.

Spathiphyllum transplant

The plant must be transplanted into a new pot annually, it should be slightly larger than the previous one. This must be done after the plant has bloomed.

Spathiphyllum transplant
Spathiphyllum transplant

Pour drainage into the bottom of a new pot and prepare a soil mixture consisting of peat, leafy earth, sand, turf soil, taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. It would be nice to add sphagnum moss, which will prevent the soil from drying out sharply. Mix all the components, pour a little soil over the expanded clay. Remove the flower carefully by grasping it by the leaves. Place in a new pot, cover with prepared soil mixture from the sides. After that, the flower must be watered and kept until it takes root in a shaded place on the windowsill, making sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the plant. When the flower takes root, put it in its usual place.

"Women's happiness" is propagated by dividing the rhizome (after flowering), and Wallis's spathiphyllum is also propagated by seeds. After dividing the plant, it is necessary to show increased attention to it: take good care of it, water and spray on time.

Common problems when growing spathiphyllium

Sometimes people who grow spathiphyllum ask: The tips of the leaves dry out, what should I do? The most common causes are draft, lack of nutrients, underwatering. See which of these reasons you have and eliminate it.

If "female happiness" does not bloom, the reason may lie in insufficient humidity, too low temperature, or a combination of both of these factors.

If the leaves of a spathiphyllum plant turn yellow, most likely you are not watering it enough. If watering is excellent, then bathe the plant in room temperature water weekly. This procedure will help get rid of spider mites if this pest has settled on a flower.

To carry out this procedure, place the spathiphyllum in a bathtub or sink slightly obliquely so as not to wash the soil off the surface of the plant. Pour it from the shower, but preferably from a watering can with water of the right temperature.

In response to such care, spathiphyllum will bloom often and profusely, delighting you with its spectacular white flowers, similar to calla lilies.

Watch the video on how to care for spathiphyllum:

Flower photos:
