

Description of the popular turmeric seasoning, composition and beneficial properties. Why not everyone can use the spice. Recipes and interesting facts about turmeric. Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Caprylic - 0.1 g;
  • Capric - 0.299 g;
  • Lauric - 0.548 g;
  • Myristic - 0.249 g;
  • Palmitic - 1.693 g;
  • Stearic acid - 0.232 g.

Of the monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic (omega-9) is present - 1.66 g per 100 g. Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Linoleic - 1.694 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.482 g.

The nutrients in the composition have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. Vitamin B2 … This is an indispensable component of all redox reactions, is responsible for the susceptibility of the optic nerve and restores the local immunity of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  2. Vitamin B1 … Improves the transmission of nerve impulses and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. Vitamin B4 … Improves liver function, is a hepatoprotector, lowers the level of fatty acids in the blood and prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, thickens the myelin protective sheath of nerve fibers.
  4. Potassium … Normalizes water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, blood pressure, improves impulse conductivity.
  5. Calcium … Strengthens the bone structure, increases the tone of muscle fibers.
  6. Magnesium … Participates in all metabolic processes, stabilizes the function of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Phosphorus … Participates in the formation of bones and teeth, is an energy conductor.
  8. Iron … Prevents the development of anemia, participates in the production of erythrocytes, red blood cells.
  9. Manganese … Stimulates the work of enzyme systems, accelerates intestinal metabolism.
  10. Copper … Increases the absorption of iron, proteins and carbohydrates.

The high amount of essential oils in the composition allows turmeric to be used as an ingredient in anti-aging face masks. Their molecular structure is similar to natural hormones, fatty and polyunsaturated acids are actively absorbed, increase muscle tone, and the rich vitamin and mineral composition quickly returns freshness to tired skin.

The beneficial properties of turmeric

Turmeric spice
Turmeric spice

The healers of ancient India were the first to notice the benefits of turmeric for the body. Regular use of the spice helps to cope with many problems.

Let's consider in more detail the useful action of the turmeric:

  • Reduces the possibility of malignancy of benign neoplasms, prevents the development of prostate and rectal cancer, acts as a blocker of cancer cells.
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates vascular spasms.
  • Reduces painful sensations in inflammatory diseases of the joints - with arthritis and rheumatism, reduces the frequency of exacerbations.
  • It stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Accelerates the regeneration of the skin after a violation of integrity, prevents the development of acne, prevents the exacerbation of skin diseases and purulent-inflammatory processes.
  • It removes toxins from the liver, being a natural antioxidant. Isolates free radicals, creates conditions for adsorption in case of poisoning with chemicals, heavy metals and insecticides, stimulates the excretion from the body in a natural way.
  • Stabilizes the production of red blood cells, prevents anemia.
  • It works as an antibacterial agent, which allows it to be used to treat general bacterial infections. When applied externally, it disinfects wounds.
  • Accelerates peristalsis, eliminates flatulence, increases the metabolic rate of the intestines, prevents the formation of a fat layer.
  • Stimulates the liver, prevents congestion in the gallbladder.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels, improves the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Improves the condition with colds, accelerates rehabilitation after acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, helps to get rid of complications - pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. When treating colds, turmeric is burned, this method normalizes breathing, promotes the discharge of bronchial and nasal secretions and clears the atmosphere of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Increases immunity, prevents the release of histamines, allergic manifestations become rare.
  • During pregnancy, a small amount of turmeric can help stabilize bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Regular consumption of turmeric is beneficial for women. The menstrual cycle becomes regular, painless, and blood flow decreases.

Harm and contraindications to the use of turmeric

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
Exacerbation of peptic ulcer

The therapeutic effect of the spice is so pronounced that abuse is dangerous to the body.

Contraindications to the use of turmeric are:

  1. Cholelithiasis;
  2. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, acute diarrhea;
  3. Individual intolerance.

Relative contraindications: hypotension, biliary dyskinesia, decreased blood clotting, erosive damage to the oral mucosa and esophagus.

If turmeric is not a constant part of the diet and is rarely used as an addition to festive dishes, it should not be added to the spice in the menu of pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Lack of enzymes in a child can cause stomach upset, and abuse of a spice that reduces blood clotting in pregnant women can cause bleeding.

Turmeric may not work well with medications and cannot be predicted. Until intensive therapy is over, your favorite seasoning should be discarded.

Turmeric recipes

Turmeric potatoes
Turmeric potatoes

Turmeric is used for making soups, pilaf, added to drinks and dietary supplements. The spice is found in a popular curry herb. The most interesting taste to the dishes is given by the combination of turmeric with black pepper or lemon juice. Incidentally, this mixture is a powerful antioxidant.

Turmeric recipes:

  • Homemade soft curry … You should prepare the ingredients: 2 tablespoons of turmeric and 4 each coriander and caraway seeds, each teaspoon of mustard seed, ground ginger and red pepper. All components are mixed and overcooked in a dry frying pan, achieving a golden color, and then ground again in a coffee grinder, a blender is not suitable, since a dispersed mixture cannot be obtained using this device. Store in a glass, tightly sealed container, in a dry place in the dark. The shelf life is 3-5 months.
  • Turmeric potatoes … Several large, dense tubers are peeled, cut into slices, salted and allowed to stand under the lid to absorb the salt. While the potatoes are salting, they are engaged in the sauce: 3 tablespoons of fat sour cream are mixed with crushed garlic (4 prongs), turmeric (a tablespoon), a pinch of pepper and vegetable spices. It is recommended to purchase a set of spices called "10 vegetables". A deeper baking sheet or a metal pan is greased with vegetable oil, the potatoes are poured with sauce and mixed well so that each slice is evenly saturated not only with salt, but also with the sauce. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put a baking sheet with potatoes in it, bring it to readiness and form a crispy crust. The dish tastes as good as the popular McDonald's fries, the same crisp on the outside.
  • Chicken legs in turmeric … Prepare the sauce by mixing mayonnaise (4 tablespoons), a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of ground red pepper, turmeric, Provencal herbs, half a teaspoon of black and white pepper and salt. Complement the seasonings with a pinch of cardomom. Chicken legs are coated with sauce, and then spread on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. To make the meat more tender, you can use foil or a baking sleeve for baking. The dish can be cooked in a multicooker on the "baking" mode.
  • Creamy turmeric sauce … Fry 3 garlic cloves and 3 pink peppercorns until browned. Then the garlic is temporarily set aside, and half a glass of cream is poured into the pan, half a teaspoon of turmeric is added, a pinch on the tip of a saffron knife, a little salt and wait until the liquid has boiled away by 1/3. In this case, it is necessary to stir constantly. Then add greens - chopped parsley and cilantro, fried garlic, bring to a boil. Greens can be added after turning off. The sauce goes well with rice.
  • Turmeric cupcakes … The dough is kneaded from 300 g of flour mixed with 3 teaspoons of baking powder, melted butter (125 g), adding 2 tablespoons of milk, a third of a glass of kefir, 200 g of granulated sugar, a teaspoon of turmeric, 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar and 1 tsp. l. freshly grated lemon zest. Silicone molds are greased with sunflower oil, filled with dough, baked for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. As an addition to the dough, you can add frozen blueberries, raspberries, raisins or pieces of chocolate. Raisins must be soaked in advance.
  • "Golden Milk" … Half a glass of turmeric is mixed with a glass of cold water and boiled, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes. The finished mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency, it is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps. The paste is cooled to room temperature, then covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator on a shelf. You can store it for 30-40 days, turmeric does not lose its beneficial properties. To prepare golden milk, boil it, remove it from the heat and immediately add half a teaspoon of paste.
  • Oriental salad … Ingredients: long brown rice (half a cup), a teaspoon of turmeric, half a cup of red canned beans and a quarter of corn, 2 fresh cucumbers, a shallot. Spices to taste - salt and black pepper, you will also need olive oil. Rice is soaked in boiling water and cooked with turmeric until tender. Then they put it on a sieve and wait for the excess liquid to glass. Finely chop the cucumbers and onions, mix all the ingredients, season with olive oil and seasonings.

Turmeric improves not only the taste, but also the appearance of food. However, you shouldn't be surprised if you get drunk faster when using them. Turmeric works by breaking down fat, alcohol will be absorbed faster.

Interesting facts about turmeric

Turmeric root
Turmeric root

The healers of ancient India were the first to "notice" turmeric, where it was called turmeric. Used the spice to treat colds and gastrointestinal diseases. It is one of the indispensable means of Ayurveda. Currently, Ohio Medical University is developing drugs against cancer based on the extract of its root.

The root of the plant was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Then it was considered one of the varieties of saffron, only cheap.

Interestingly, the main supplier of the spice is China, although the plant was first cultivated in India in 2000 BC, and by the 1st century BC. it spread throughout Greece. Most likely, this "injustice" is explained by the fact that in India turmeric was used more for dyeing fabrics and as a raw material for making mixtures, and the Chinese immediately began to use seasoning in food and even add to alcoholic beverages.

In India, turmeric is still one of the sacred plants, the powder is used in many rituals, it carries the energy of harmony and purity. Widows are not allowed to use this seasoning, nor is it added to dishes during mourning.

A pinch of turmeric in wine - lightness and good mood appear, and an additional bonus is a healing effect.

A teaspoon of turmeric mixed with a glass of milk is an opportunity to enlarge the breasts by 1-2 sizes. The method is effective not only for developing girls, but also for young women under 25 years old. The same method is used to restore the glandular tissue of the mammary glands after prolonged lactation.

If turmeric is introduced into a short-term kefir diet, then the weight will decrease not by the promised 1-2, but by 3-5 kg! The greatest efficiency in losing weight is provided by "golden milk", it is better to cook it in a multicooker in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of the spice.

Watch the video about turmeric:

It is necessary to accustom the body to the use of turmeric gradually. First, a few grains are added to all dishes and only then they begin to actively improve the body. European stomachs are not accustomed to seasoning, abuse can provoke intestinal upset.
