Perforated ceilings, their types and purposes, installation features of each type of product, design advantages. Perforated stretch ceilings are made of a PVC film with a width of 2.2 m. The texture of the perforated material is glossy, matte, satin. The holes in the canvas are randomly or in a certain order to create a pattern. Perforation allows you to experiment with light and create new interior designs. Perforated stretch ceilings have good sound insulating properties.
Advantages and disadvantages of perforated ceilings

Due to their special properties, perforated ceilings belong to universal coatings and are used in industrial premises, sports complexes, shops, apartments, etc.
The following advantages of such structures can be distinguished:
- Metal modules are not afraid of moisture, mildew and mold, in an apartment they are often installed in a bathroom, toilet, in the kitchen - where ceiling ventilation is needed. The holes guarantee free circulation of air through the material, so the ventilation system is hidden behind the ceiling. Such structures are often installed in rooms with swimming pools.
- The perforated material allows you to create a beautiful lighting of the ceiling, if you place the luminaires above the modules.
- Metal with small holes does not have outstanding acoustic properties, but in combination with mineral insulators, it absorbs noise from upstairs neighbors well.
- In the cell of the cassette ceiling frame, you can place a lamp, heater and other devices instead of standard modules.
- Perforated cassettes often hide elements of the ventilation, fire extinguishing, air conditioning systems. To service the hidden equipment, it is enough to remove several panels from the frame.
- Cassette or panel ceilings are quickly replaced if damaged.
- Metal ceilings are easy to clean, they are not afraid of household chemicals.
Some disadvantages to remember:
- After the installation of metal perforated suspended ceilings, the height of the room is reduced by 20-25 cm.
- The perforated slatted ceiling cannot be disassembled anywhere. To access the space behind the ceiling, the extreme slats are removed and the modules are gradually dismantled in the required volume.
- With frequent dismantling of the ceiling, the slats may deform.
- Working with a perforated tension web requires precise assembly technology. The results of careless work will appear on the finished product, in contrast to traditional stretch ceilings.
- During the creation of lighting effects, the PVC film must be attached at a sufficiently large distance from the ceiling, therefore, lighting devices above the stretch ceiling are not installed in all rooms.
Installation of slatted perforated ceilings

The installation technology of perforated slatted ceilings does not differ from the installation of ordinary slatted roofs.
The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- Measure the perimeter of the room and find out the total length of the U-shaped profile, which ensures the abutment of the ceiling to the walls of the room.
- Line the ceiling with supporting stringers in 1, 20 m increments and determine the footage of the material. The marks should be parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the future placement of the battens.
- Mark out the hangers to fix the stringers. Place the fasteners with a pitch of 120-150 cm, with an indent from the ends of 30-35 cm.
- Calculate the total area of the room to determine the number of battens. The slats are produced in various widths, they are selected depending on the characteristics of the room. The wide version is suitable for high ceilings. It is recommended to install narrow planks in spacious rooms.
- Draw horizontal lines on the walls to expose the U-profile.
- Fasten the U-profiles to the walls with dowels. The fasteners are installed in increments of no more than 50 mm.
- Attach the hangers to the ceiling. The best option is to use adjustable products that will help level the ceiling surface.
- Cut stringers of the required length from the blanks. The dimensions of the products should guarantee a 1 cm gap between the stringers and the profile on the wall to compensate for the expansion of the material when it is heated.
- Attach stringers to the hangers.
- Cut the slats of the required length from the blanks, providing a gap of 3-4 mm between the ends of the slats and the profiles. If the ceiling is of a simple shape, the slats can be cut immediately to the entire area. Otherwise, the slats are cut to individual sizes.
- Install the rail into the stringer and profile and press until it clicks. Fasten the rest of the elements in the same way.
- Adjust the last strip to the width, if necessary, cut the material with a knife and break off. After finishing, the cut edge should be flanged so that it does not wrinkle.
- Make holes in the perforated false ceiling for light fixtures. Cut the slats with metal scissors.
How to install a cassette perforated ceiling

A typical installation instruction for a perforated cassette ceiling is as follows:
- Draw a frame mesh of the profiles on the ceiling, mark the position of the ceiling hangers. Determine the footage of the profiles and the number of cassettes from the figure. If necessary, determine the place of installation of smaller cassettes, which are made by cutting off the excess part from a standard product.
- Cover windows and doors while working, heat and dry the room (if it's cold outside). During installation, a certain thermal regime must be maintained in the room.
- To equip a perforated cassette ceiling, you will need main and additional guides, wall profiles and perforated cassettes.
- At a distance of 15-25 cm from the ceiling, mark the lines for the location of the wall profiles on the wall. They should all be in the same horizontal plane. The opening between the cassettes and the ceiling is left to accommodate communications.
- According to the markings, fix the profiles to the walls using self-tapping screws and plastic dowels. Place the fasteners with a pitch of 400-500 mm.
- In accordance with the plan, mark on the ceiling the location of the suspensions of the main and auxiliary profiles, as well as the installation locations of lamps and other elements.
- Fix the profile hangers to the ceiling. The mounting method is specified in the instructions for the suspensions.
- The cassettes are stacked on top and held in place by their own weight. When finished, the cassette ceiling forms a continuous surface.
Cassettes of the Russian company “Albes” are popular among users. Ceiling modules have dimensions of 600x600 mm, they can be installed in the cells of the Armstrong suspension system frame. Perforated ceilings Albes differ from similar products by their low price.
Do-it-yourself perforated panel ceiling

The installation of panel ceilings does not fundamentally differ from the installation of cassettes, there are differences only in the methods of fixing the panels:
- The panels are connected using the closed joint method with a gap of 10 mm or with a V-shaped chamfer.
- The modules are fastened to the supporting profiles with latches. There are options for fixing products to profiles using standard fasteners.
- Often one side of the panel is hinged. To repair the nodes above the ceiling, it is enough to lower one side of the module, the other will remain hanging on the hinges.
How to fix a stretch perforated ceiling

The installation of a perforated canvas does not differ from the installation of typical stretch ceilings and is carried out in the following sequence:
- Choose one of two options for the location of the luminaires in the room - standard or built-in. The standard option is to mount the lighting device under a stretch ceiling. In this case, the gap between the film and the floor slabs will be within 50 mm. Built-in lamps are placed over the PVC film, so the ceiling is stretched at a distance of 200-250 mm from the ceiling. Keep this in mind when marking up profiles.
- Fasten electrical wires for lighting, ventilation, etc. to the floor slabs. Lead the wires to the locations of the fixtures.
- Mark the location of the wall profile (baguette) on the wall, depending on the lighting option.
- Draw horizontal lines around the perimeter of the room, through the mark.
- Determine the length of the baguette. According to the obtained dimensions, cut the profiles from the blanks.
- Using dowels, fix the baguette to the wall according to the markings.
- Heat the room to a temperature of at least +40 degrees, you can use a heat gun.
- Start installation of the stretch ceiling from the corner of the room. Attach the corner of the perforated canvas to the baguette.
- Fix the second corner of the film diagonally across the room.
- Secure the two remaining corners.
- Stretch the sides of the canvas from the corners to the middle. There are many ways to fix the canvas, the most common are harpoon (by the type of fastening device on the film in the form of a harpoon) and glazing bead (wooden glazing beads clamps the canvas on the profile). Before work, heat the canvas with a building hair dryer to a temperature of +60 degrees.
- After installing the perforated ceiling, make technological holes for the chandelier or lamps.
How to install a perforated ceiling - watch the video:

Perforated ceilings remove the contradictions between the intended appearance of the room and its functionality. They have a significant number of useful qualities and have a good reason to be used.