Fiberglass on the ceiling, its properties and differences, the scope and technology of pasting, the nuances of working with the material and its popular manufacturers.
Scope of fiberglass on the ceiling

Painting fiberglass or "cobweb", as it is also called for its external similarity, is both a reinforcing and a decorative material at the same time. He found himself widely used in construction and is often used in the decoration of residential premises when leveling and strengthening ceilings in such cases:
- Smooth fiberglass is used in plastered rooms or with a plasterboard finish, effectively replacing the finishing layer of putty. A beneficial effect is given by its use for external reinforcement of surfaces prone to cracking.
- Ceilings can be leveled with fiberglass if there is no possibility of installing suspended structures made of plasterboard, for example, if the height of the room is insufficient.
- Instead of pasting the walls or ceiling of the room with embossed wallpaper, you can purchase a fiberglass, which will serve as a means of increasing the strength of the surface of the enclosing structures. It is fixed with special glue, then primed, puttyed and painted. Using the reinforcing functions of fiberglass, you can significantly increase the service life of the coating, and you can repaint the ceiling a couple of dozen times.
Ceiling fiberglass manufacturers

The most popular products from the following manufacturers:
- Finnish brand Wellton … Its material can withstand repainting very well. Fifty-meter roll of fiberglass with a density of 45 g / m2 has a price of 1060 rubles, and a material with a density of 30 g / m2 - 980 rubles. for 50 m.
- Materials of the Russian company Oskar … Very durable and affordable. They allow for multiple repainting, while not requiring a significant consumption of paints and varnishes. Price per roll of material with a density of 50 and 25 g / m2 is 1035 and 960 rubles. respectively.
- Fiberglass Ecotex … Material with a density of 40 g / m2 can be purchased for 534 rubles / 50 r.m.
- Dutch brand Spectrum … The company offers fiberglass with a density of 50, 45 and 30 g / m2 at the price of 912, 843 and 708 rubles. per roll, respectively.
- Chinese brand Nortex … Its fiberglass with a density of 50 g / m2 sold at a price of about 600 rubles / roll.
The materials of all the above brands have the same manufacturing technology, and their properties differ little from each other. Which of these manufacturers to hand over their money will have to be decided independently.
Using fiberglass to strengthen the ceiling

Fiberglass, glued to the ceiling, will strengthen its base and prevent cracks. When working with material, the room should have a positive temperature of 18-25 degrees and a complete absence of drafts.
The work should be performed in the following order:
- Before gluing the fiberglass to the ceiling, you need to prepare its surface. All old coating or its remnants must be removed: whitewash, paint, wallpaper and plaster. Cleaning can be done with a trowel and metal brush. Remains of the lime layer should be removed with water and a cloth, wetting the surface abundantly. All potholes that will inevitably appear during the preparation of the ceiling must be primed and sealed with putty. Ideally, it is better to putty the entire ceiling surface, as it should be completely flat.
- After the ceiling has dried, it must be primed with a generous application of the deep impregnation composition using a brush or roller. This procedure will improve the adhesion of the substrate to the adhesive that will be applied to lay the fiberglass mat on the surface. The drying time for the primer should be 20-30 minutes.
- Then you can start gluing the fiberglass to the ceiling. For this, special formulations are used. It is not recommended to fix fiberglass with PVA type glue, since it can give yellow spots when it dries, which can show through even through the paint. The desired mixture can be bought in the store, it is sold in buckets as a ready-made composition or in packs as a powder. The last option is more economical. The package contains 300 g of dry glue. Its contents must be diluted with water and mixed until smooth. Water is taken 11 liters, and the mixture is enough for pasting with a painting canvas of 50 m2 surface.
- After preparing the glue from the roll, measure the canvas, and then cut it into pieces of the desired size, taking their length with a small margin. The canvases must be glued end-to-end, and the glue must be applied to the ceiling with a roller or wide brush. A piece of canvas is applied to the glue-smeared surface and smoothed from the center of the canvas to its edges. This work is conveniently done with a plastic spatula designed for upholstery work. When gluing fiberglass to the ceiling for painting, it is not recommended to do a strong pressure on the tool, since at this stage the "cobweb" is quite vulnerable, and it can be easily broken.
- After pasting the ceiling with fiberglass, the excess material should be cut along its length. At the last stage of work, the laid canvas must be covered with a layer of adhesive on top. In a day, the fiberglass will dry out, and the ceiling will receive a strong reinforcing layer, which will allow you to forget about repairs for years.
The use of fiberglass for decorative ceiling decoration

Fiberglass on the ceiling can be used for decorative purposes. The chaotically arranged glass strands of the material create a kind of pattern that can be "immortalized" on the ceiling with the help of its coloring, which emphasizes the unique structure of the "cobweb". Interior acrylic or water-based paints are used for the processing of fiberglass. They dry quickly and do not have a pungent odor. The rules for painting glass fiber are as follows:
- The best result will be ensured by a roller equipped with a medium bristle. It is convenient to paint the ceiling from the floor with the help of a telescopic extension-handle, on which a roller can be fixed.
- For painting, you can use a paint ditch with ribbed walls to remove excess paint from the instrument.
- For uniform coloring of the fiberglass, it must be painted with a roller alternately in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the ceiling.
- After the first coat of paint has dried, you need to paint the ceiling a second time. This is often enough to get the desired effect.
Leveling the ceiling with fiberglass

Fiberglass, as mentioned above, is a reinforcing and leveling material for the ceiling with a certain structure, which creates a kind of surface pattern. If you sacrifice this pattern and apply an intermediate layer of putty on it before finishing, the leveling properties of the fiberglass can be significantly enhanced and, as a result, a mirror-like surface of the ceiling can be obtained. To achieve this effect, you need to do the following:
- After pasting the ceiling with fiberglass and drying the covering layer of glue, a thin layer of gypsum putty should be applied to the surface. Its consistency must be such that it is possible to apply a sufficiently thin layer to the adhesive surface of the canvas. This procedure is performed with a rubber spatula.
- After applying and completely drying the putty, the ceiling surface must be carefully sanded with a fine abrasive mesh, being careful not to expose the structure of the canvas.
- After sanding, the ceiling should be cleaned of gypsum dust, primed and painted a couple of times in different directions of the roller movement. But the best effect can be achieved using a paint sprayer.
Fiberglass for plasterboard ceiling

The ceiling is often leveled by creating plasterboard suspended structures. Painting "cobweb" to strengthen them can also be used with success. It is recommended for use, regardless of whether the gypsum board joints were processed with a serpyanka tape or not.
In this case, fiberglass plays the role of insuring sheets against deformation in case of improper storage. Pasting of drywall with fiberglass is carried out according to the method described above, and the nuances of the work lie in the preparation of gypsum boards for reinforcing their surfaces.
Before pasting such a ceiling with fiberglass, you should putty the joint seams of the drywall sheets and the recesses of the self-tapping fasteners. Then the entire ceiling area must be covered with a layer of glue, which will fulfill the purpose of the primer, preventing the absorption of the next glue layer on which the fiberglass will be fixed. The previous layer of glue should dry completely.
How to use fiberglass - watch the video:

When choosing fiberglass, product reviews should be taken into account. And to paste over the ceiling with fiberglass is not as difficult as it might seem - any able-bodied owner can master this work.