Visual increase in the height of the ceiling without disturbing the supporting structures of the building, various ways to raise the low ceiling, the choice of colors and decor, the use of the correct suspended structures, lighting, furniture and curtains. If it is necessary to carry out repairs in typical buildings with a low ceiling, the question arises of how to increase the height of the room. Most often, the construction of the building does not actually allow to increase the height of the room. In this case, different ways of visually raising the level of the room come to the rescue. Let's take a closer look at these methods.
Room decor to increase the ceiling height

If it is actually impossible to raise the level of the low ceiling, then you should resort to visual effects, which are achieved in different ways. The easiest option is to decorate the room.
Several ways to decorate a room to increase the height of the ceiling:
- The use of moldings (decorative convex strips) does not require large investments and complex manipulations, which can be easily attached to the ceiling, creating the effect of moving the surface upwards. To do this, at some distance from the perimeter of the ceiling, make a square, rectangle, triangle or other shape from moldings, create a small copy of it in the inner space of this outline.
- Install decorative beams on the ceiling surface, they will create the impression of remoteness of the main surface of the ceiling.
- Use paintings, mirrors or other vertical elements. Place all wall elements in the center of the wall, at eye level. Do not allow them to be located above the middle level of the room.
- Place vases, vertical figurines on low surfaces.
The cardinal means for visually raising the ceiling include working on lighting, changing the color scheme of the entire design in the room, changing the format of the ceiling, using graphic design when developing a repair plan, choosing the right furniture.
Avoid horizontal stripes in the interior that land the space. Use only vertical stripes, decor or designs that tend upward.
Choosing a color to increase the height of ceilings

Figures of the same size, but painted in different colors, are visually perceived in different ways: the darker the object, the visually smaller it seems. Based on this optical effect, in order to visually increase the size of any object, it is painted in light colors. This also applies to the decoration of the walls and the ceiling in the room.
Before you increase the height of the low ceiling, pay attention to some tricks when choosing the color and colors of materials for repairs:
- The colors that can visually enlarge the object include white, milky, pearl, creamy, white-gray, light shades of blue, gentle tones of green and yellow.
- Excellent results can be achieved if all walls and ceilings are finished in the same color. However, an even greater space-increasing effect can be achieved if the ceiling is a couple of tones lighter. In this case, the upper horizontal surface of the room seems to move slightly upward.
- It is not recommended to create piping around the perimeter of the ceiling, especially in dark or bright colors. Installation of a ceiling plinth is allowed, the color of which will match the color of the wall decoration.
- One of the options for expanding the space in height is playing on contrasts, in which the ceiling has light cold tones and the walls are painted in bright colors.
Varieties of ceilings to increase the height of the room
Despite the fact that virtually any suspended structure on the ceiling eats up space, a competent choice of the design and material of the ceiling can visually increase the height of the room. Consider the formats of suspended ceilings that visually increase the level of the room.
Stretch ceiling

The best option for increasing the height of stretch ceilings is a PVC film canvas. Moreover, it must be necessarily glossy so that the room is partially reflected in it. This option adds depth to the overall space of the room.
To achieve the lightness and weightlessness of the entire ceiling structure, you can use a translucent film and hidden lighting located in the ceiling space.
The color of glossy ceilings practically does not play a role in the perception of the height of the room due to the unobtrusive reflection. Even dark tones can expand the space a little.
Mirrored ceiling

A more complex, less secure, but at the same time effective option for decorating the ceiling, which can increase the height of the room, is a fully or partially mirrored structure.
If you trim the entire ceiling surface with only mirrors, the space will certainly expand, but in a sense it will become uncomfortable. A clear mirror image can highlight flaws in the overall interior of a room. Furniture, decor elements, personal belongings - everything will double. A completely mirrored ceiling is a bold choice for rooms with perfect design and order.
To avoid unnecessary reflections, combine mirrors with other finishes by arranging mirrors around the perimeter of the room or staggered with other types of panels. A simplified version is the use of mirrors to decorate a narrow strip around the perimeter of the room under the ceiling.
A safer option for a mirrored ceiling material is mirrored polystyrene. Plates of this material can even be glued to plaster, thus avoiding the creation of a frame for a suspended ceiling.
An alternative to a reflective ceiling to increase the space of the room can be to create an accent on the floor. In this case, when decorating the lower plane of the room, it is necessary to use reflective materials, for example, glossy tiles, laminate or any other material created using the "mirror floor" production technology.
Tiered ceiling

The creation of a multi-level ceiling, like any single-level suspended structure, actually takes away the height of the room, but if you think over the design correctly, you can achieve the opposite effect. In the case of installation of two or more levels of the ceiling, the lower plane should be located along the perimeter or on 2-3 sides, but not in the middle of the room.
The form of different levels practically does not play a role in creating a special perception. These can be either rectangular sections or levels with rounded or abstract elements. Make the highest level in the center of the ceiling, and the area of this part of the structure should be noticeably larger than the area of other levels.
As for the material for a multi-level structure, any option can be used when creating the lower levels, for example, sheets of drywall for painting or wallpaper, fabric, PVC film, and for the inner highest part it is better to use a material with a reflective effect.
You can add special charm to a room by creating an image on the ceiling, the elements of which visually stretch the ceiling up. These options include photowall-paper or stretch ceilings with a three-dimensional image (3D technology), for example, a cloudy sky, a drawing of a multi-level ceiling with a decorative window, an abstraction in which decorative stripes rush to the center of the ceiling, creating the effect of a dome. The design option depends entirely on the direction of the room design.
Wall decoration with increasing ceiling height

When finishing vertical surfaces, you can also visually increase the height of the room. To do this, you need to use one or more tips for choosing the type and color of material for the walls, as well as the option for placing it on the vertical planes of the room.
So, here are some tips for decorating walls in order to visually increase the height of the ceiling:
- Glue wallpaper with a suitable pattern and color close to the ceiling.
- Do not use wide horizontal stripes, curbs to separate the ceiling space from the walls. Better to attach thin strips to match the wall decoration.
- Wallpaper or paint the walls with an allowance for the ceiling surface. Those. finish the perimeter of the ceiling in the same way as the walls. Thus, the ceiling visually becomes smaller in area, and the walls seem to stretch upwards. The strip should not be too wide, it all depends on the parameters of the room. If the area of the room is less than 13 m2, then discard the overlap on the ceiling.
- Draw a perspective drawing on the walls and ceiling. It can be a landscape, a false window.
- In small rooms, the creation of two levels of decoration on the walls will help to visually increase the height of the ceilings. The boundary between the lower and upper parts should be approximately 120 cm. For the lower part, it is better to choose plastic or wood panels, tiles, and for the upper part, paint or wallpaper.
- The presence of many vertical stripes with a sharp contrast in tones overloads the space and can visually lower the level of the ceiling.
- Don't oversaturate the walls with drawings. It is better to place wallpaper with images in separate areas, and make the rest of the walls plain or with a small unobtrusive print or texture.
Selection of furniture to increase the height of ceilings

The factors that influence the visual perception of the size of the room include the choice of furniture.
Rules for the selection of furniture, the implementation of which is necessary so as not to reduce the visual dimensions of the room:
- Do not install tall, bulky "wall" type headsets and cabinets with mezzanines, which significantly burden the interior design.
- Lower furniture pushes the surface of the ceiling slightly away. However, don't overdo it. Choose narrow furniture modules - shelves, showcases, racks, the effect of which will be similar to the use of vertical stripes on the walls.
- If there is a need for roomy furniture, then install a wardrobe, the doors of which are best made mirrored.
- When choosing furniture, give preference to light and cold colors. To diversify the interior, you can combine increasing colors with dark or bright ones, for example, the lower part of the cabinet furniture is made in dark or bright colors, and the upper part in light or cold shades.
- The use of a single color in the design of a room for walls, ceilings and furniture greatly increases the overall space, but this option can be boring and inexpressive. If a significant number of interior elements are white, then a sterility effect is created, which is not particularly suitable for a living room.
- If the use of a minimum amount of furniture is envisaged, then install, for example, two narrow-height modules under the ceiling, located in adjacent corners of the room.
- Do not forget about the shape of the furniture handles - they should also be rectangular, place them vertically.
- Use spotlights in furniture that add dimension to the entire structure.
How to increase the height of the ceiling with curtains and tulle

Curtains and tulle are the most common decor options for window space. In addition to decorating a room, protecting from the sun and unwanted glances, the textile decoration of windows plays an important role in the visual determination of the size of the room.
Tips for decorating windows with textiles to visually increase the height of the ceiling:
- Place curtains on both sides of the window, avoid decorating only one side.
- Attach the curtain rod as high as possible.
- When choosing curtains and tulles, use colors and colors that increase the height of the ceiling.
- When sewing curtains individually, add vertical elements to the overall design: ruffles along the side seams, frills, ribbons.
- Curtains and tulle should not be short. The best option is to reach the floor or even longer, so that some of the fabric lies carelessly on the floor.
- If the room provides for suspended structures on the ceiling, then leave a small opening near the window in order to place the cornice in it. Thus, the cornice will be hidden by the suspended ceiling, and the impression of the airiness of the ceiling will be created.
- Light tissues help to visually increase the overall space.
- Lambrequins will not interfere with the perception of the ceiling height if they are not very wide.
The right lighting to increase ceiling heights

How to increase the height of the ceiling in a house using lighting? The answer to this question is ambiguous and multifaceted. Use your imagination and practical advice to solve it.
Recommendations for visually increasing the height of the ceiling using lighting:
- Do not install bulky hanging chandeliers.
- Luminaires should be small. Acceptable shape is flat.
- The luminaires should be directed upward so that the light is slightly diffused due to reflection from the ceiling.
- The best option is built-in lamps or lighting fixtures located in the ceiling space.
- Do not place the light source in the center of the room, but rather install several spotlights across the entire surface of the ceiling in any suitable order.
- If the overall design of the room allows, install several fixtures on the floor so that the light extends upward. This option, in addition to visually raising the level of the ceiling, produces a stunning effect of light weightlessness of the entire room.
- Eliminate dim light that eats up space. Use only bright lighting.
- LED strip or LED lamps located in the ceiling niches around the perimeter of the room can create the effect of the airiness of the ceiling, and the use of different colors of these lighting fixtures will help create a special mood.
How to increase the height of the ceiling in the house - watch the video:

The options described in the article allow you to develop your own individual plan before visually increasing the height of the ceiling. Of course, each room requires an individual approach: it is possible to use one or several options at once.