Painting wooden walls

Painting wooden walls
Painting wooden walls

Varieties of paints for wooden walls, the creation of decorative and protective coatings, painting supplies and features of their use. Painting of wooden walls is a coating with a composition with a certain shade to increase the life of the structure and obtain a beautiful surface. A high-quality coating depends not only on the characteristics of the facing material, but also on external factors. Knowing the basic rules for painting wooden walls will help you complete repair work quickly, and the result can be enjoyed for many years.

Choosing paint color for wooden walls

Paint for wooden walls
Paint for wooden walls

Wood is a popular building material that is highly susceptible to external influences. Wooden walls are subject to the negative influence of external factors, regardless of the location of the walls - outside or inside the house:

  • External walls require protection from fungus, mold, microorganisms.
  • They are affected by sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
  • Moisture in all forms is very harmful to the tree - rain, steam, snow.
  • The tree does not like temperature extremes.
  • Lumber suffers from the abrasive effects of wind, dust and dirt.

To preserve the positive properties, the wood is protected with high-quality professional paint. In addition to protective functions, such a coating performs a decorative function: from the outside it gives the mansion individuality, creates a harmonious atmosphere inside the building.

The choice of coating color is influenced by the type of lumber from which the wall is erected:

  1. It is preferable to paint the lining with varnish and colorless impregnations, they do not cover the texture and natural appearance. Indoors, boards are often painted with wood stain or varnish, the number of layers can be up to four. To obtain a darker shade, the stain is applied several times. The lining for an open balcony is first covered with an antiseptic, then treated with a glaze from ultraviolet radiation and varnished, which will protect the boards from moisture.
  2. It is recommended to paint external walls made of new timber in a noble dark color or light brown shades.
  3. Painting the wooden walls of the kitchen, bathroom, toilet is done with glossy products, such coatings are easier to clean.
  4. Glossy shine will give the wooden wall a unique look.
  5. Matt paints completely change the color of the boards, but leave the wood grain visible. They are also used in cases where reflections on the walls are undesirable.

Composition of paint for finishing wooden walls

Opaque paint for wooden walls
Opaque paint for wooden walls

Lumber paints are divided into transparent and opaque. Varnishes and impregnations are considered transparent. Opaque are on organic solvents and water-dispersion. The best paints for treating wooden external surfaces are oil and alkyd, they are made on organic solutions.

They create a protective opaque film of any shade above the boards, which does not allow moisture to the wood, prevents the formation of rot, allowing the wood to tolerate significant temperature changes well. On sale there are water-dispersion solutions for painting the exterior walls of a wooden house, which have good environmental friendliness.

Inside the premises, the walls are finished with water-dispersion paints, which differ in that the surface "breathes" after painting, and there is no unpleasant smell in the house. The most famous water-based paint for wood is wood stain. It is bought in powder form and then diluted with water. The stain palette is diverse: from light shades to dark red colors.

Acrylic paints allow the wood to "breathe", do not emit unpleasant vapors, therefore they are also used to decorate the walls inside the house. After drying, such substances form an elastic film on top of the boards, which easily stretches when the wood is deformed. Perfectly keep the boards intact for up to 10 years.

Oil paints change color over time, become dull. When using oil paint, it should be borne in mind that the coating dries for a long time, but no more additives are required for additional wood protection.

Acrylate paints for outdoor use are more resistant to atmospheric precipitation and retain their original appearance longer than oil paints.

You can use other types of paints with various additives from high humidity or ultraviolet radiation. The composition of the product and its properties are printed on the packaging of the substance. Paints differ in the degree of flow, which is indicated on the packaging. The characteristic affects the number of layers with which the surface should be covered in order to obtain a quality result.

The varnish is used to highlight the natural beauty of wood and to protect wooden structures from external factors. Planks made of valuable tree species - oak, beech, walnut, are treated with transparent varnish. Colored varnishes slightly change the natural color of the boards, so cover the boards in an inconspicuous place before using and evaluate the result. Before varnishing, the surface is carefully sanded, covered with a stain to increase the color saturation and dried thoroughly.

To extend the performance of floors, it is necessary to use additional protective equipment:

  • Primer … Washes away dirt from the surface and ensures good adhesion of the coated wall.
  • Antiseptics … Protects lumber from mold and mildew. They are divided into covering and glazing. Covering antiseptics are opaque, but the relief of the board after application is clearly visible. The service life of this substance is 7 years. Glazing antiseptics are transparent, preserve the structure of the tree and slightly change its color. This coating protects the material for up to 5 years.
  • Bio moisture protection agent 3 in 1 … Contains components for biological and atmospheric protection, decorates the walls of the house. It is produced on a water basis and on chemical solvents. Antiseptic paint on water has no odor, dries quickly, the surface is contrasting. Such impregnations protect lumber for up to 5 years.
  • Mordants … Used to give wood of varying degrees of saturation. The product is available in oil and water bases, can be applied before painting or used as a decorative finish.

Some coatings are used as the only decoration.

Painting supplies for painting wooden walls

Painting supplies
Painting supplies

Before work, you should stock up on special tools for painting, because without high-quality devices you cannot get a good result.

The rollers can be of different designs, they are chosen depending on the wall area and the quality of the base surface:

  1. The most common roller length is 150-200 mm. The larger the wall, the wider the tool should be. Large surfaces are painted with rollers with removable fur coats.
  2. A roller with a short pile (4-8 mm) is used for smooth boards, as well as when using silk paints.
  3. A medium pile tool is used for wood with a subtle texture. With this tool, you can paint the walls with matte paint.
  4. Long-haired rollers are used to paint walls with a rough or uneven surface.
  5. The length of the handle should provide ease of use and allow you to adjust the pressure on the wall. Choose long handles for hard-to-reach areas. The painting of the wall behind the heating devices is carried out with special rollers with short curved handles. They are also used for finishing corners.
  6. Do not buy foam rollers. Air comes out of the roller and blows out bubbles that spoil the painted surface.
  7. For latex paint, use synthetic rollers to keep them from swelling with water.
  8. Oil and alkyd paints are applied with a roller from any material.
  9. Purchase an embossed ink drawer with the roller to remove excess product.

Choose brushes depending on the composition of the paint:

  • For aqueous solutions, buy a nylon polyester brush. The material does not absorb water and retains its shape, and the bristles swell and deform.
  • Alkyd and oil paints can be applied with any tool.
  • Enamel coatings, like all solvent-based substances, are applied with a natural bristle brush. There are no traces after them, the layer is uniform.

For painting, stock up on brushes of different diameters:

  1. Large diameter tools (75, 100 mm) are used for painting large areas.
  2. Buy 50mm brushes for edging boards.
  3. The corners are machined with a tool with a diameter of 25 mm.
  4. Narrow places (near doors, windows) are painted with brushes with a diameter of 12 mm.
  5. A narrower tool is used to correct defects in finishing after the end of the main work.
  6. Do not use brushes with a diameter of 200 mm for delicate work, they become heavy with paint and are not suitable for demanding work.

Choose a quality tool for the following reasons:

  • A high-quality brush has a conical shape, which quickly recovers after bending, the bristles are thick and long.
  • Short fibers are located along the edges of the brush.
  • The length of the working part is 1.5 times its width.
  • The ends of the bristles are split-edged for a smooth finish. With such a brush you can paint the surface of any texture.
  • Low-quality brushes can be distinguished by short and coarse bristles, with a wooden wedge in the middle, the bristles are easily pulled out of the bunch.

Spray guns are needed for processing large areas. The best option for non-professionals is an airless spray that does not use air for spraying. Portable devices are convenient for painting wooden walls inside the house, external walls are processed using products on wheels.

When using a spray gun, streaks and blots do not appear on the walls, the substance does not get on the face and hands. Material consumption is less than when painting with a brush. If the wall is painted with nitro enamels by spraying, then it is necessary to apply 4-5 layers.

Wood wall painting technology

There are several typical options for painting walls in a wooden house, which mainly depend on the consistency of the customer. Let's consider in detail all the possible works when painting walls.

Preparatory work before painting a wooden wall

Antiseptic wall treatment
Antiseptic wall treatment

The wall for painting should be carefully prepared, otherwise the paint will peel off and the work will have to be done again:

  1. Cover areas that should not be painted with foil. Cover the sockets and switches with tape.
  2. Clean the surfaces from dust and dirt. To remove paint, it is recommended to use special liquids that dissolve the old coating. You can also heat the old layer with a hot air gun until it comes off the surface, and then remove it with a spatula without damaging the boards.
  3. Inspect the surface for the condition of the wood. If it is rotten, replace it and then continue finishing.
  4. Remove knots. Make sure that no resin is released from the remnants of knots, it is able to show through even through varnishes and paints. Treat such areas with a special liquid and paint with shellac that does not let the resin through.
  5. Remove oil stains with nitro thinner or extractive gasoline.
  6. Seal chips, cracks and other defects with wood putty, and then treat the place of putty with fine sandpaper.
  7. Press the nail heads into the wood and cover with an anti-corrosion filler. If this is not done, the wall around the nails will darken.
  8. If fungus or mold is found on the wall, completely remove the old coating and treat the entire wall with an antiseptic.
  9. To smooth gaps between the boards, use a colorless sealant that will not show through the floor.
  10. Rinse the surface with water and wait until the surface is completely dry.
  11. To protect the wall from insects, cover the walls with antiseptic.
  12. Saturate the wood with a fire retardant to improve fire resistance.
  13. Prime the wall with special liquid or topcoat to increase adhesion and reduce paint consumption. The entire wall is covered with a primer, especially those parts that have recently been putty. The color of the primer must match the color of the topcoat. The work is done with a brush, roller or spray, depending on the amount of work.

Check the expiration date of the paint. Stir the contents in smooth circular motions before opening the can of paint. Do not shake the container, unwanted bubbles may appear. Open the can, make sure the paint looks like a solid dispersion without delamination, and there is no sediment underneath. Stir again if necessary. Keep the liquid in this state until finishing work is completed.

It is recommended to thin the paint for the initial layer to 5-10%, which will reduce the effort to overcome the friction of the brush on the unpainted surface. The degree of consistency is selected individually and depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. The diluted product fits well, but for reliability, apply it in several layers.

Features of applying paint to wooden walls

Applying paint to wooden walls
Applying paint to wooden walls

The walls begin to paint when the ceiling has already been processed, and the walls are perfectly dry. If you handle raw logs, they will dry out over time, cracks and blistering will appear on the painted surface.

It is recommended to paint during the day, without lighting lamps. In the evening, you can turn on the carry. The last layer of paint is placed along the incidence of light from the window opening.

Outer walls are treated in calm weather. Walls in a wooden house should be painted at a temperature of + 15-18 degrees

Painting begins with finishing all areas where clear boundaries of the coating are needed: corners, joints of ceilings and floors, places near doors or windows. A 6-7 cm wide strip is drawn along the border with a brush or a small roller, and the line of joining the wall with other surfaces will turn out to be even.

Ways to paint wooden walls:

  • Transparent premium … Designed for demanding owners. The work consists of the following stages: rough sanding of a wooden wall, fine sanding using modern grinding machines, impregnation with an antiseptic, treatment with a primer (primer), varnishing (by spraying) in 2 layers. The result is a smooth and flexible finish that will last at least 12 years.
  • Transparent economy … It is cheaper than the first option due to the reduction in the number of operations. The wall is sanded with a coarse sandpaper, then impregnated with an antiseptic and covered with a finishing paint with a brush in 2 layers. The wall will look unchanged for 5-7 years, after which it is recommended to refresh the surface with another layer of paint, which will last another 5 years.
  • Covering technology … It is used to protect the exterior walls of houses from atmospheric influences. The wall is roughly sanded, primed, and then 2 coats of topcoat are applied. After processing, the structure of the wood is completely hidden, but the boards will be reliably protected for 12-15 years.

Using a roller to paint wooden walls

Roller for painting wooden walls
Roller for painting wooden walls

Roller painting is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Dip the roller in a ditch with paint, wait until the instrument is well saturated with liquid.
  2. Roll the roller over the ribbed part of the cuvette, distribute the paint evenly over the instrument and remove excess liquid.
  3. Check the readiness of the roller for work: the paint should not drip, and when you press the roller, it should not run out.
  4. The tool is moved along the wall from top to bottom, without separation from the wall. Movements should resemble the letter W.
  5. First, go through the unpainted areas with the tool. After the roller has given up all the paint, go back to the painted wall and walk on it again. Thus, an even coating without smudges is created on the surface.
  6. After painting the entire wall, the work is postponed until the finishing material is completely dry (usually 12-15 hours are enough, but it all depends on the type of paint).
  7. The application of the next layer again begins with a layer of the border of the painted area.

Applying a brush to paint wooden walls

Paint brush for wooden walls
Paint brush for wooden walls

Shake a new brush before use to remove dust and fallen bristles, if necessary, wash with soap and water and soak in boiling water. To work with a brush, you need a small plastic container or bucket. Dip the brush into the paint a third, wipe off excess liquid on the edges of the container. Take a brush like a writing pen and get to work.

Start decorating the wall from the top corner of the room closest to the window. Cover the wall in sections, working width 3-5 boards. An even layer of paint is applied to the boards, rubbed in the transverse direction, and then in the longitudinal direction. Thoroughly cover the ends of the boards, through them the material quickly absorbs moisture. Remove smudges until dry.

After processing the first section, proceed to the next. The wall is painted completely and left until the coating is completely dry. Based on the results of finishing the wall, a decision is made to apply the next layer. It is recommended to paint the wall three times.

In the room, conditions should be created for drying the wall. To do this, the temperature in the room is increased and the windows are opened after 2-3 hours. Drafts during drying are not allowed.

Inspect the wall for defects, brush and roller stripes are not allowed. Dark spots on boards can appear for the following reasons:

  • The wall is poorly primed, the paint has soaked into the boards.
  • In these places, there were unpainted areas.
  • The short nap roller could not handle uneven areas.
  • The second layer of paint was applied to the not dried previous layer.

After determining the reasons for the appearance of stains, a decision is made on the method of eliminating the defect.

Useful tips for painting wooden walls

Bosch spray gun
Bosch spray gun

Here are some tips to help you make your job easier:

  1. For the spray gun, buy paint with a specific thickness. The characteristics of the paint must meet the requirements of the device.
  2. After varnishing, bristles form on the surface of the board - raised wood fibers. Wait for the varnish to dry and remove them with fine sandpaper followed by re-varnishing.
  3. If a film appears in the container on the surface of the paint, cover it with a piece of nylon and lower the brush into the jar through it.
  4. The paint in the jar will not dry for a long time if you put thick paper on top of the liquid and pour linseed oil on top.
  5. Do not skimp on paint, the optimal layer of the substance will provide an even coating, but a thick layer can provoke a large number of drips.
  6. Buy paint from the same batch, otherwise the shades will be different.
  7. During renovation work, you can cover the old paint with a substance of the same type. Oil paint can be repainted with acrylate paint, but never the other way around.

How to paint wooden walls - watch the video:

Painting wooden walls requires accuracy and strict adherence to finishing technology. Departure from the recommended work order at any stage of finishing can lead to a violation of the structure of the wood, which cannot be restored.
