Painting drywall walls: step by step instructions

Painting drywall walls: step by step instructions
Painting drywall walls: step by step instructions

Self-painting of plasterboard walls, the choice of paints and varnishes, tools, preparation of the bases for work, the technology of applying the composition to the surface of the gypsum board. Remember that paintable drywall walls should be sanded to perfection. You can check the quality of the preparatory work using the light of a lamp or lantern, which must be directed at the wall at different angles.

After complete drying, you can apply a layer of paint to a small area to see the quality of the work: if the putty lies flat and no flaws are visible, then you can start a full painting. This completes the preparation of drywall walls for painting.

The technology of applying paint to drywall walls

Applying paint to drywall walls
Applying paint to drywall walls

Any paint on drywall walls must be applied in several layers, and only after the previous one has completely dried. Irregularities of the putty, seams, differences in color, structure, etc. can be seen through the first layer. Further layers will even out the overall color and texture.

For convenience, the paint is poured into a special tray, into which it is convenient to dip a brush and roller. To make the painted wall look perfect, follow the instructions for applying the paint composition:

  • We begin painting work with the use of a brush that paints the perimeter of the working area, and also outlines obstacles (connectors for switches and sockets, protrusions, etc.). This precaution prevents paint stains on obstacles, as can happen when using a roller.
  • Before starting work with a roller, completely dip the tool in a bucket of paint so that it is well saturated with paint.
  • Regardless of the type of coloring composition, paint should be started from the corners of the room, the direction is from the ceiling to the floor.
  • In each new fragment of the working surface, it is again necessary to mark the perimeters with a brush.
  • Always apply each paint layer with a roller in one direction.
  • To evenly distribute the paint, it is enough to draw one strip 3 times.
  • We paint large areas with stripes perpendicular to the direction of the roller 70-80 cm wide. Do not paint over the places where the coloring composition has already set, but has not yet completely dried.
  • The paint should be stirred so that it does not thicken and the color is uniform. A thick water emulsion can be carefully diluted with water, oil - with a solvent.
  • The final layer is applied after 100% drying of all the previous ones.
  • The excess trace of water-based paint should dry completely, then it is simply cleaned off with sandpaper. The glossy finish is more difficult to remove, so minor imperfections should be carefully leveled and covered with another coat of paint.

Before painting drywall walls with water-based paint, remember that it is always applied in several layers, which should go in different directions. As a rule, water-based paint is applied 3 times: vertically, horizontally, vertically. After the last drying, the final color will be visible.

Enamel and oil paints are also applied in 3 layers. The first one is applied in zigzags, which should immediately be evenly distributed over the entire working surface with a roller. After drying, a second layer is applied, the main one. It should be the thickest and most dense. The final coat should be thin and neat.

How to paint walls from gypsum plasterboard - look at the video:

Painting drywall walls with your own hands is similar to painting plastered and putty surfaces. Subject to certain technologies and rules, even a beginner can cope with such work. Beautiful smooth walls will delight the eye for years to come.
