There are preservatives in the store ryazhenka, so I propose to cook it yourself, I share the recipe for homemade fermented baked milk.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Until 10 years ago, no one even thought that the abundance of goods in stores would not please us at all. In stock, of course, there is everything !!!! But with the advent of such an abundance, we began to understand the full value of homemade natural food. Today we'll talk about how to make fermented baked milk at home. Don't be intimidated right away, thinking that it is difficult. A step-by-step guide will help you get this healthy dairy product without the use of fancy appliances and pharmacy starter cultures.
With the advent of store-bought dairy products, some modern housewives have pushed home cooking aside. However, due to environmental problems and deteriorating health, the traditions of home cooking have now begun to revive. The benefits of fermented baked milk are due to its composition. A glass of fermented baked milk will provide the body with 1/4 of the daily intake of calcium and 1/5 of phosphorus, and lactic acid will improve appetite, kidney function and gastrointestinal tract. If you follow a diet, then this product is invaluable: prebiotics will saturate the body with fat-soluble vitamins, increase immunity and improve digestion.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 67 kcal.
- Servings - 1 liter
- Cooking time - about 5-8 hours

- Milk - 1 liter (preferably homemade or purchased with a high percentage of fat)
- Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon
Step by step cooking homemade fermented baked milk

1. Pour the milk into an oven-safe saucepan. Add sugar and stir. Place it on the stove and boil. Watch the boiling process so that the milk does not escape.

2. Then transfer the milk to the oven, which heat to 180 ° C and simmer for 2 hours under a closed lid. The milk will change color, take on a caramel shade and a thick crust will appear. The film can be left by mixing well in milk, or carefully remove it.

3. When the milk cools down to 40-50 ° C, put sour cream in it. It acts as a leaven.

4. Mix food well and taste. You can add some sugar if needed.

5. Stir the milk with a whisk until the sour cream is completely dissolved. To increase the intensity of the process, wrap the pan with the future fermented baked milk with a warm blanket and leave it for about half a day. At the same time, watch out for the formation of clots in order to stop the fermentation process in time. Otherwise, the whey may separate and you will not get fermented baked milk, but cottage cheese.

6. After this time, the consistency of the milk becomes viscous, thick and transforms into fermented baked milk. The drink can be consumed cold, it can also be used for baking.
Advice: in the absence of time to prepare milk heating, you can use ready-made store baked milk (4% fat). Also, baked milk can be used to make fermented baked milk in a yogurt maker or using purchased special starter cultures.
See also a video recipe on how to cook homemade fermented baked milk.