Features of glass fences and barriers, their advantages and types of material used.
Installation of glass railing

A glass fence with a height below 1300 mm is called a fence. It does not require a capital foundation and is mounted on existing structures. A handrail is usually attached on top of such a fence.
In suburban areas, such structures are installed on an existing fence, with the goal of increasing its height and creating a decor, as well as for decorating verandas and terraces. On the backyard territory, glass fences are convenient for zoning: due to their transparency and low height, they absolutely do not hide the territory and at the same time do not give shade.
To install glass fences with your own hands, you need skills and special tools. If this is not the case, it is not recommended to make any manipulations with the glass. The reason for this is the high cost of parts and the risk of damage from the actions of an inexperienced craftsman. As an exception, you can assemble small fences prepared for installation that already have holes in the glass. In this case, the success of the work depends only on the quality of fixing the bearing profiles on the base and the accuracy of the installation of the glass sheet.
When assembling the railing, there are many elements to be involved. These are frames, posts and sheets of glass, decorative brackets and lamps for lighting, as well as many fastening bolts.
Depending on the purpose of the object, the intensity of its operation, glass enclosures can have different designs. Let's list them:
- All-glass structures … This option provides for the fastening of handrails on top of the structure or their absence. Solid glass railings are used in areas with high traffic.
- Structures with glass fastening between the posts by means of handrails … This option involves the installation of load-bearing supports. The racks can have a round, square section and a height of 0.3-1.5 m.
- Structures with aluminum profiles to hold glass … It is inserted into the profile, which in turn is fixed with anchors or with dowels to the desired surface. The profile for fixing glass railings can have a lot of color shades. When choosing it, one should take into account the peculiarities of the base.
Watch a video about glass railing:

Today, the installation of a fence or glass fences requires a little more cash costs per 1 m2, if you compare it with the construction of, for example, a concrete fence. In general, the creation of a glass structure is not particularly difficult.