Bath in the basement: construction technology

Bath in the basement: construction technology
Bath in the basement: construction technology

It is quite possible to equip a bathhouse in the basement of the house with your own hands. All important nuances - from the arrangement of the sewage system to the installation of the chimney - read in our article. The technology of building a bath in the basement in steps! Content:

  1. Features of the organization
  2. Construction technology

    • Basement insulation
    • Bath ventilation
    • Arrangement of drain
    • Dehumidification system
    • Bath heating
  3. Important nuances
  4. Security measures

The basement bathhouse is a popular building for today's private house owners. Firstly, it is a great opportunity to relax and unwind from the comfort of your home. Secondly, a chance to save a useful part of the territory in a tight area. It is very quick and even easy to organize a bath in the basement of the house. But only if all actions correspond to the project, and the safety regulations are strictly and unquestioningly observed.

Features of the organization of a bath in the basement

Preparation of the basement for a bath
Preparation of the basement for a bath

The organization of a bath in the basement is a simple but very expensive business. To obtain a safe, comfortable and cozy recreation area, you will have to use only high-quality expensive materials. It is better to leave the implementation of the project to private specialists, otherwise, you can really cope on your own, using our valuable tips and being guided by important advice.

According to the safety rules, the bathhouse must be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the nearest building. Therefore, along with the cost of the arrangement, another problem arises - the coordination of the project in various instances. As a rule, such a process takes up a certain part of the resources, but still has resolution paths.

Given the specifics of the construction of a bath in the basement of the house, several specific features can be distinguished:

  1. If the bath was planned at the stage of building the house, the owner or builders must certainly have a project in hand, according to which all subsequent work will be carried out.
  2. If any residential or utility area has already been equipped in the basement room, all communications, including ventilation and electrics, will necessarily be subject to replacement or redevelopment.
  3. The installation of a chimney for a bath in the basement always entails much more trouble than in a separate one- or two-story building.
  4. It is extremely important to provide the bathhouse with reliable drainage devices. Especially if the pool equipment is planned.
  5. It is recommended to route the electrical wiring as low as possible. Ideally, under the floor. Only special heat-resistant lamps are allowed as lighting devices.

Otherwise, the process of arranging a bath in the basement is similar to organizing a separate building for hygiene procedures.

Bath construction technology in the basement of the house

The bathhouse is a very specific room. Extreme microclimatic conditions force to comply with all the rules at all stages of the arrangement. Excess moisture should be regularly eroded and dried, and the high temperature regime prevents the use of budgetary and impractical materials and devices. All processes and actions should be weighed and deliberate.

Insulation of the basement for a bath

Mineral wool insulation of the basement
Mineral wool insulation of the basement

Do-it-yourself construction of a bathhouse in the basement requires high-quality and durable insulation of all walls. In order to avoid the destruction of the insulating layer under the influence of steam and moisture, it is recommended to organize an air corridor in the layers. The empty space between the insulation and the wall is necessary for the moist air to dry out. For this, an indent of 10-20 cm is enough: the basement room, as a rule, is not too large, and saving space in this case is always appropriate.

It is not recommended to use polystyrene as a heater for a bath. Such material does not tolerate too extreme conditions and, under the influence of high temperatures, begins to emit toxic fumes. The best solution would be to buy a special insulation material with a foil interlayer.

On a note! For wall cladding of the bathhouse in the basement, it is better to choose natural hardwood, not covered with any varnishes.

Bath ventilation in the basement

Base deflector
Base deflector

Taking into account the specific features of the bath room, it is necessary to initially install forced ventilation in the basement. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid excessive dampness and the negative consequences caused by it, such as unpleasant stagnant odors, fungi, mold and other parasites.

It is better to entrust ventilation communications and their planning to an experienced specialist with knowledge of the specifics of such premises. Otherwise, the risk remains to pay a large sum for a completely non-functional system.

The best option for a bath of this kind is a basement deflector. Such a device is capable of performing all important functions, despite its low cost:

  • Natural and forced ventilation processes;
  • Supply of the required amount of fresh air;
  • Supply of fresh air directly to the fireplace and stove;
  • Removal of any gases from the room.

The deflector is connected to the duct fan and does not require much effort to equip it.

Arrangement of a drain for a bath in the basement

Pumping station in the basement of the house
Pumping station in the basement of the house

Any bath itself already implies the use of a significant amount of water. The sewerage system must be well thought out and well done. Many experts recommend using pumping stations. Since the pipes of the main sewerage system of a private house will be located above the sewerage system of the bath, the natural flow of water into the sump is impossible.

A high-quality pumping station will facilitate the movement of water masses in the right direction. In fact, such an apparatus is: a special pump that lifts the drains, and a large tank that holds the collected drains.

In some cases, you can do without sewerage by equipping a high-quality drain. It should be equipped in such a way that not only the water completely leaves, but the musty smell is not allowed to return to the bath.

For a full drain, you must:

  1. Make a vertical concrete shaft to the depth of soil freezing;
  2. Horizontal section - approx. 0.5 m;
  3. Take a third of the mine to the washing room, two-thirds to the steam room;
  4. If the pipe is installed at a noticeable slope, water will be able to go out of the territory.

Drainage system in the basement for a bath

Dehumidifier in the basement for a bath
Dehumidifier in the basement for a bath

Creating a bathhouse in the basement with your own hands also involves arranging a drainage system, especially if the layout has room for a pool or any type of font. An air dehumidifier is a device consisting of a radiator and a fan. This is a kind of monoblock type air conditioner.

He is capable of:

  1. Eliminate the abundance of vapors from the air, precipitating them in the form of condensate on the radiator;
  2. Air conditioning;
  3. Supply air back into the room - slightly warmed up and dried.

Alternatively, you can install a high-quality window air conditioner, which is also able to remove excess moisture from the air. But it is not very effective in this regard and is terribly noisy. Therefore, a window air conditioner should be considered as the last possible option.

On a note! Any antifungal ceilings and walls that prevent moisture parasites from forming should be approved for use in the sauna.

Sauna heating in the basement

Stove with chimney in the basement steam room
Stove with chimney in the basement steam room

The stove is one of the most important primary elements of the bath. Its optimal location is next to the chimney.

For the competent arrangement of the stove in the basement of the house, you will need a reliable foundation:

  • A pit, with a perimeter slightly larger than the perimeter of the furnace, is dug at a certain distance from the walls.
  • Then the pit is covered with rubble, tamped tightly and completely filled with concrete.
  • The stove is installed in such a way that the pipe goes out through the hole in the wall of the basement, and the firebox goes into the dressing room.

A good chimney is needed for a Russian stove. At the stage of building a house, it can be organized completely without problems, but if the bath is already equipped in a residential building of several floors, some troubles may arise with the installation of a chimney. The best option for a sauna with a wood-burning stove is a ceramic chimney. Such a gas exhaust system will also be able to heat the floors going up. But it is advisable to plan its design even at the stage of building a house.

Important nuances in the construction of a bath in the basement

Steam room in the basement bath
Steam room in the basement bath

Safe arrangement of a bath in the basement of a residential building is possible only if it is planned at the stage of foundation installation. In confirmation of this, there were several reasons:

  1. At the construction stage of the house itself, a separate exit to the street must be prepared and equipped in advance.
  2. Since high humidity destroys ceilings and walls, built in the usual way, their arrangement especially for a bath must be correctly made even at the stage of building a building.
  3. The basement floor, equipped with a steam room with a stove, is more susceptible to fire than other floors, which means that all floors located above are under attack.

Safety measures during the construction of a bath in the basement

Chalet-style sauna in the basement
Chalet-style sauna in the basement

Even a clear understanding of the technology of building a bath in the basement does not guarantee the complete safety of the premises. In such a case, it is very important to take into account all the risks of a dangerous situation and take the necessary measures to prevent it.

So, the reasons giving rise to emergency situations can be:

  • Poorly organized fire safety system in the steam room even at the stage of arranging the recreation area. The bathhouse in the basement is even more susceptible to fires than in a separate wooden house.
  • Saving on waterproofing can have dire consequences. Since all rooms of the bath are constantly exposed to high humidity, some elements of the building may begin to deteriorate over time. High-quality waterproofing will help to avoid such troubles.
  • The device of a cheap and low-quality ventilation system can also cause damage and deterioration in the performance of those materials that were used in the process of building the whole house.
  • The absence of an additional exit from the bath in the basement to the street can simply deprive visitors of the opportunity to get out in the event of an emergency.
  • The choice of unsuitable materials (flammable, not heat-resistant) will inevitably turn into a disaster, leading to the need to redo a significant piece of work from scratch.

How to build a bathhouse in the basement - watch the video:

Starting the construction of a bath in the basement, it is necessary to rely not only on the owner's preferences and the desired layout, but also on other more important factors: the dimensions and dimensions of the room, the specifics of the materials used, the characteristics of the site. After examining the photo of the baths in the basement of the house, you can choose the optimal stylistic solution that gives the recreation area additional comfort. At the same time, do not forget about the observance of safety rules.
