How to make a polymer fence

How to make a polymer fence
How to make a polymer fence

The technology for assembling polymer fences, their types, advantages and disadvantages, features of PVC-coated fences. There are very few disadvantages to such a fence. The polymer board is not difficult to scratch, and under constant exposure to moisture, the composite slightly deforms.

DIY composite fence installation

Installation of a polymer composite fence
Installation of a polymer composite fence

For the construction of such fences, supporting supports, covers for them and plugs for grooves, railings, balusters, corners of fasteners, decking and decorative elements are needed. The longitudinal elements of the fence have a factory length of 4 m. To cut them to size, you will need a circular or end-saw.

The process of erecting a fence should begin with the preparation of its location. First of all, it is necessary to remove stumps, debris, bushes and trees that interfere with construction. After that, you should break the perimeter of the fence according to a previously prepared scheme. It should indicate the length of the fence, calculate the number of supports and the distance between them, taking into account the wicket and the gate.

In the corners, when transferring the fence plan to the terrain, it is necessary to hammer in the pegs and connect them with a stretched cord, which should be used as a guide for subsequent work. After that, along the cord, it is necessary to mark the points of the location of the intermediate supports and racks of the entrance group with pegs. Depending on the type of fence, the distance between its supports can be from 0.5 to 3 m.

Use steel pipe 89 mm in diameter as the material for the support legs. During installation, it can be concreted in the ground or fastened with anchors if a foundation is provided for the fence. When installing it, before concreting at the locations of the racks, it is worth laying embedded parts made of metal.

Racks must be mounted strictly vertically along a stretched cord, controlling the process with a plumb line and a building level. After installing the pipes, you should put on the supporting wood-polymer profiles on them. These are decorative pillars that will carry the load from the grilles of the intake sections, while simultaneously performing an aesthetic function.

When the pillars are in place, it's time to fill in the space between them. Much depends on the type of fence chosen. For example, if it is a fence with a handrail or a picket fence, then horizontal supporting elements must first be attached to the decorative posts. For this, special bolts are intended. Before installing them in the profiles at the same level, make holes with a diameter of 8 mm and tap into them with an internal thread.

After that, the horizontal elements of the fence must be bolted to the supports. This work must be performed with a special quality, the reliability of the entire structure depends on it. It should be completed by the installation of composite boards that make up the filling of the fence frame.

A polymer fence made in this way will become a reliable protection and an excellent decoration of the site.

Installing a polymer-coated fence

PVC coated welded mesh
PVC coated welded mesh

In addition to polymer fences, polyvinyl chloride-coated fences are very popular. Most often, their enclosing element is a profiled sheet, one-piece PVC or welded mesh.

The profiled sheet is a galvanized metal sheet with a corrugated surface. In the finished form, the sheet is painted with an anti-corrosion compound, a primer and covered with a PVC layer. Due to the presence of polymer, fences made from such a sheet have enviable durability, do not fade in the sun, and do not rust under the influence of inclement weather. A wide range of colors of the polymer coating of profiled sheets allows the fence to be successfully combined with the roof of the house and yard buildings.

PVC coated welded metal mesh is used to create fencing around the area, which must remain viewable. Such fences are often used to enclose kindergartens, gas stations, parks, industrial sites, etc. Without interfering with inspection, they protect the territory from intruders.

In addition, there are other benefits of mesh fencing:

  1. Lack of shade, undesirable for green spaces, and free access to air.
  2. Having sufficient strength, the fence is devoid of sharp corners and therefore is not dangerous for children.
  3. Thanks to the polymer coating, the mesh fence has an enviable durability. He does not rust, he does not need painting, but with all this, his appearance remains quite presentable.
  4. The cost of such a fence, transportation of materials and installation are not considered expensive.

One-piece PVC mesh is a polymer fabric. Its color, size and shape of the cells are quite varied. However, so is the width of the rolls in which this material is supplied. A fence made from such a mesh is usually used to fence pastures or as a support for climbing plants.

The installation of the polymer mesh is extremely simple: it is hooked onto pre-dug pillars. In order to exclude the penetration of small animals under it, horizontally wide strips are attached to the bottom of the fence parallel to the ground surface.

How to make a polymer fence - watch the video:

Beautiful appearance, light weight and high strength are the main reasons for the growing popularity of polymer-coated fences.
