Dried Orange Peel

Dried Orange Peel
Dried Orange Peel

Orange peel, however, like grapefruit, tangerine, and lemon peel, is used in cooking to give baked goods the desired flavor. At the same time, dried zest retains its aroma and color in the same way as fresh. Let's dry it for future use!

Finished Dried Orange Peel
Finished Dried Orange Peel

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

After eating an orange, no longer throw away the peels from it, give them a "second life" and use in your home. For example, they are put in the dishwasher so that there are no soap streaks on glasses and glass plates. Pour in vinegar, let stand for a week and use citrus vinegar as an all-purpose cleaning agent. They clean the coffee pot, mineral deposits in the bathroom, disinfect the cutting board, etc. Citrus peels are highly antibacterial. They contain a lot of citric acid, which kills mold bacteria, removes stains and deposits.

However, the most common way to use orange peels is to add them to baked goods. They give products amazing aroma, color and taste. And in order to always have the opportunity to use the zest, even when there is no fresh fruit at hand, it should be dried for future use. Dried orange peels have excellent color and aroma retention. They can also be used for compotes, jams and medicinal teas. They can often be found in meat stews or in combination with star anise and cinnamon.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 16 kcal.
  • Servings - Any
  • Cooking time - 5-7 minutes to prepare the zest and time to dry


Orange - any amount

Step by step preparation of dried orange peel:

Orange peeled
Orange peeled

1. Wash the orange well under running water and rub it dry with a paper towel. If possible, rub the zest lightly with baking soda or dry mustard powder. Since recently, unscrupulous manufacturers have been treating them with harmful chemicals that are not desirable to enter the body. Then make shallow cross-shaped cuts on the orange and carefully remove the skin. Eat the orange, and continue working with the zest.

A white film has been cut off from the peel
A white film has been cut off from the peel

2. Cut off the white bitter film from the peel so that you only have a thin orange part.

The peel is cut into strips
The peel is cut into strips

3. Use a sharp knife to cut the skin into strips about 2-3 mm thick. The stripes can be of any length.

Finished dried rind
Finished dried rind

4. Put the zest on a baking sheet and send to dry in the oven with the door ajar at 80 degrees. Drying time will be about 1 hour. It can also be dried naturally - in the sun for a day or at room temperature for 2-3 days. At the same time, stir it periodically. The finished rind becomes brittle and prone to brittleness. Optionally, it can be soaked in water before use to soften it.

Store dried rinds in a dry place in a glass container. You can also make a seasoning from them: grind dried peels into powder using a coffee grinder. This powder is added to cocktails, vitamin mixtures, baked goods, and main courses.

See also a video recipe on how to prepare an orange peel.
