How to make a plastic fence

How to make a plastic fence
How to make a plastic fence

Varieties of plastic fences, the advantages and disadvantages of PVC fences, the choice of structures for various operating conditions, the technology of installing a fence. A plastic fence is a thick PVC fence that looks like a wooden fence. It is widely used by summer residents and owners of estates for fencing and decorating plots. The article provides introductory information about structures of this type and the technology of installing a fence.

Features of a plastic fence

Monolithic plastic fence
Monolithic plastic fence

The structure is sold in blocks or disassembled. The kit includes vertical panels, supports and horizontal beams. The pillars are reinforced from the inside with metal elements. The product includes many stiffeners, so the bending strength of the fence is very high. To fix the elements to each other, only the fasteners supplied in the kit are used.

On sale you can find several types of plastic fences that are designed to perform various tasks: classic, picket fence, wattle fence, monolithic and combined. They can be installed around the perimeter of the site to mark its boundaries or inside to decorate the yard. The fence, which is mounted on the border of the territory, is built with a height of 2-6 m, inside the site - 1 m.

Varieties of plastic fences:

  • Classic fence … It is used to close the area from prying eyes, as well as to protect it from dust, snow drifts, wind. It is made of wide plastic boards, which are fastened without a gap. Each element has a textured surface that imitates a cut of wood, so such a fence is expensive. However, the design has its drawback - it creates too different shadows. Vegetables will not grow directly next to it.
  • Fence … This is a kind of classic fence, in which a gap is left between the boards. Planks are attached in two rows to horizontal beams 50x50 or 40x60 mm. Elements can be fixed vertically or at an angle. They close the area from prying eyes, do not interfere with the flow of fresh air, but let in a lot of light. Such a fence is an inexpensive structure. It can perform both protective and decorative functions. Each panel mimics a wooden plank.
  • Network … It is used if the buildings or plot are made in a rustic or ethnographic style. Most often the planks are laid "crosswise" at an angle to the vertical. Plays a decorative role.
  • Monolithic fence … The workpiece is sold section by section. Each piece is made of one piece plastic panel without any pattern. Fragments are attached directly to the posts, so installation is very quick.
  • Combined hedge … The structure is a monolith at the bottom, a braid is located at the top.

The installation of the fence is carried out in two stages. First, the racks are attached, and then the horizontal beams and vertical strips. Fence posts are installed in various ways. In the absence of a foundation, they are buried. The supports are fixed to the tape base with the help of anchor bots, which are passed through special "shoes" in the lower part of the racks.

Manufacturers paint plastic products in various colors, but the most popular are light-colored products - white, beige, woody. They create a festive mood. If there is a desire to change the color, it is necessary to use special products designed for PVC.

The fence is cleaned with household detergents, which allows you to quickly restore it to its original appearance. A soap solution is recommended for this purpose. Do not wash the surface with powders or use abrasive products. They violate the top layer, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the fence, but at the same time the strength characteristics do not deteriorate.

The methods of fixing the boards and beams of the product are different. Self-tapping screws, anchor bolts, rivets or welding can be used. Each manufacturer chooses its own fastening method, which is indicated in the instructions for the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plastic fence

What does a PVC fence look like
What does a PVC fence look like

Plastic supports compare favorably with structures of a similar purpose made of other materials. Users appreciate the product for the following qualities:

  • Simple installation technology. You can easily build a plastic fence with your own hands without any experience in such work.
  • Nice appearance. The fence does not require decoration.
  • Strength. The fence is able to withstand significant mechanical stress. PVC boards are several times stronger and more resilient than wooden boards.
  • The light weight of the fence does not require the obligatory manufacture of the foundation for the supports.
  • The material is devoid of drawbacks that reduce its service life: it does not rot and does not rust, is not destroyed by insects, and does not absorb water.
  • Plastic can be used in a wide temperature range from -30 to +30 degrees. It is neutral to sunlight, does not turn yellow, does not fade, does not crack.
  • Manufacturers guarantee the operation of the product for 15 years.
  • The sections are convenient for transportation.
  • The fence is made from environmentally friendly material. It does not pollute nature, does not harm humans.

Users should also be aware of the disadvantages of this type of structure:

  1. Externally, the original plastic fences are very difficult to distinguish from a fake. There is a danger of purchasing a product made of toxic or inferior material. This design will not last long.
  2. The fence gets dirty quickly. Even the rain leaves traces of splashes, therefore it requires constant cleaning.
  3. The cost of a fence is much higher than other products of a similar purpose.
  4. The structure is not as strong as a concrete or stone fence and cannot be considered a reliable fence.

Plastic fence installation technology

The construction of a fence is carried out in several stages. Let's take a closer look at the sequence of operations for installing a PVC fence.

Preparatory work before installing the fence

How to make a pit for a support for a PVC fence
How to make a pit for a support for a PVC fence

Before making a plastic fence with your own hands, thoroughly examine the territory on which it will be placed. The hedge does not require the obligatory presence of a foundation or a plinth, but no one forbids building them as decoration.

However, in some cases, a foundation is required to install a plastic fence. This option is used if groundwater is located close to the surface or heaving soil. It is more laborious and costly than installing a hedge on dry ground.

To work, you need the following tools:

  • Roulette … With its help, the fence is marked.
  • Excavation tools … They are needed to make pits for supports or trenches for a foundation or basement. For such purposes, a shovel or drill is used. The latter devices can be electric or gasoline. They are very useful for making holes in hard ground.
  • Welding tools … They are used if the posts and horizontal bars are metal.
  • Drilling tools … With their help, holes for bolts or rivets are made.
  • Wrapping tools … Facilitate fastening of horizontal beams or vertical elements with self-tapping screws. For such purposes, battery-powered screwdrivers or drills with adjustable spindle speed are used.
  • Level … Indispensable for placing elements in a vertical plane.

Installation of poles for a plastic fence

Installation of a support for a plastic fence
Installation of a support for a plastic fence

Consider how to attach supports to the ground and to the base.

In the absence of a foundation, we perform the following operations:

  1. Remove the protrusions and fill in the depressions in the place of the future partition. Select the type of fence, determine its dimensions. A fence that is too high is illegal and can cause discontent among neighbors.
  2. Drive pegs in the corners of the area and pull the cord. Mark the location of the pillars. The distance between them should be equal to the length of the finished section, usually 2.5 m. Also indicate the location of the wicket and gate.
  3. Run holes for the posts of the same size, otherwise the fence will skew. The depth of the pit is 1/4 of the height of the pillar, but not less than 60-80 cm, the width is 2.5 times the diameter of the support. Use square or rectangular profiles with rounded edges as uprights. Pipes can also be used. For racks 100x100, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 250 m, for racks 125x125 mm - 300 mm
  4. Place a 10-15 cm thick cushion of sand and gravel on the bottom and compact it carefully.
  5. Install poles in the pits, set them in a vertical plane using a plumb line or a building level and temporarily fix them with pegs. Check that their top ends are aligned in a horizontal plane.
  6. Fill the holes with concrete.

The construction of a fence with a base is carried out as follows:

  • At the location of the fence, dig a trench under the strip foundation. Its size depends on the soil. In places where there will be pillars, dig holes of appropriate depth.
  • Pour 15 cm of sand and gravel on the bottom and compact it.
  • Collect the formwork in the ditch.
  • Place the supports in the pits, as in the previous case.
  • Pour concrete into the formwork and let it cool for a week.
  • Secure the fence elements.

The pillars do not have to be filled with concrete. It is allowed to fasten them to the anchor bolts, but in this case metal thrust bearings with holes for fasteners must be welded to them. For this, the surface of the foundation in the places where the racks are installed must be carefully leveled. Install the supports in their original place, mark the position of the holes and drill them with a drill. Secure the posts with bolts.

Fastening sections of a plastic fence

Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic fence
Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic fence

The horizontal lines (crossbars) and sections are fixed after the concrete has completely hardened. The technology depends on the type of fence and its design. For fastening vertical boards, two plastic bars are required, which are fixed to the bottom and top of the posts. If the supports are dug in correctly, there will be no problems with the installation of the longitudinal beams.

Monolithic plastic fences are easily assembled. No horizontal beams are required to fix the section. The panels are screwed to the posts with self-tapping screws or installed on special brackets on the supports.

The assembly of prefabricated structures is more difficult. To hold the vertical elements, it is necessary to fix two horizontal beams between the supports, at the top and bottom of the fence. The easiest way to fix the beams is to fasten them with self-tapping screws. You can also weld or glue these elements. The result is a rigid structure to which the boards are vertically attached.

Often, special holes are provided in the supports to fix the beams. In this case, the installation of the sections is carried out as follows:

  • Install the lower rail into the grooves of the posts, push them in until you hear a click.
  • Attach the vertical elements to it according to the instructions of the fence manufacturer.
  • Connect the vertical planks to the top rail, which is then secured to the posts.
  • If necessary, install a decorative grill over the main hedge and fix it to the top bar.
  • Glue plugs to the tops of the posts to prevent water from entering. Clear dirt from the fence.

How to make a plastic fence - watch the video:

A plastic fence is a novelty, but very quickly gaining popularity among users. This is facilitated by acceptable protective and decorative qualities, as well as a democratic price. In order for the fence to perform its functions, it is necessary to choose the right material and take the task seriously.
