Homemade aloe facial masks

Homemade aloe facial masks
Homemade aloe facial masks

What are the benefits of cosmetic masks with aloe for the skin of the face, features of preparation and use. Everyone knows that aloe is a very useful plant that is widely used in folk medicine. But few people know that aloe juice is useful for cosmetic purposes as well. Today this component is simply irreplaceable in tonics, lotions and creams, softening masks for skin care. It is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetic masks in stores, because you can do everything yourself, using natural and healthy ingredients that are ideal for caring for a specific skin type. If such formulations are used constantly, a positive result will be noticeable very quickly.

The effect of masks with aloe on the skin of the face

A girl holding a leaf of aloe in her hand
A girl holding a leaf of aloe in her hand

The main difference between aloe juice and other plant components is precisely its transdermal ability to deeply and quickly penetrate the epidermis. Consequently, the skin is hydrated four times more thanks to the use of homemade masks with the addition of fresh aloe juice, unlike other products.

Aloe juice has a unique composition that has a specific effect on the skin:

  1. Aloe juice has gained great popularity thanks to allantoin, which is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. Thanks to its effect, the skin is quickly saturated with useful components, effective hydration is provided. This helps to achieve a positive result much faster, there is an accelerated restoration of the structure of the epidermis, including damaged cells. The process of wound healing is accelerated.
  2. Aloe contains a large amount of valuable enzymes, trace elements, including minerals. There are more than 200 items of useful elements, but until the end, scientists have not been able to study the full composition of aloe, so new components are periodically discovered.
  3. Effective cleansing of epidermal cells takes place, from which toxins and other harmful substances are removed.
  4. Aloe juice contains 20 natural amino acids, which provide regenerating properties. It is the main building material not only for skin cells, but also for the whole organism.
  5. Thanks to the effect of beneficial elements, the process of skin regeneration is accelerated 10 times - collagen and connective tissue are more actively formed, all dead cells are destroyed.
  6. Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes the skin, thereby eliminating the problem of dehydration.
  7. Aloe masks help to get rid of wrinkles and stop premature aging of the skin.
  8. Aloe contains vitamins B, E and C, due to which it has a strong cleansing and antioxidant effect.
  9. Vitamins of group A and beta-carotene provide reliable protection of skin cells from oxidation.

With regular use of face masks with the addition of aloe vera oil or fresh aloe juice, you can achieve the following results:

  • there is an accelerated restoration of the correct acid-base balance of skin cells to fight various types of bacteria;
  • the passage barriers of skin cells are strengthened, due to which the epidermis receives reliable protection from the effects of aggressive environmental factors;
  • the complexion is significantly improved, at the same time the skin tone of the face is evened;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, so aloe is recommended to be used to care for dry skin types;
  • deep cleansing and removal of toxins from cells is performed;
  • mimic wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, as aging skin receives full nutrition and hydration;
  • removes inflammation on problem areas of the skin;
  • the production of subcutaneous fat is normalized;
  • pores are narrowed.

With regular and proper facial treatments using homemade aloe vera masks, you can restore your skin to not only a healthy glow, but also look several years younger. These formulations are just perfect for all types of skin care. Masks not only dry out, but also normalize the production of sebum. At the same time, dry skin is fully hydrated and nourished.

It is recommended to use masks with aloe and for the care of mixed skin types, as they restore tone and perfectly cleanse the epidermis. Aloe has a calming effect on problem areas, eliminates inflammation, removes redness and disinfects.

Aloe face masks: recipes

The girl squeezes out aloe juice
The girl squeezes out aloe juice

Before proceeding directly to the preparation of homemade aloe masks, you must not only choose the right one, but also prepare the plant. It is important to remember that the formation of biologically active stimulants in aloe leaves occurs precisely in the dark and at a slightly low temperature. All organic elements, which are formed in this way, several times increase the effect of the remaining substances contained in the leaves of aloe.

For the preparation of a cosmetic mask, it is always recommended to use only the lower leaves of the plant, which must be washed with plenty of boiled water.

Then each sheet is wrapped in a paper napkin and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. Thanks to this treatment, you can get a large amount of healthy aloe juice.

Apply any cosmetic masks, including with aloe, you need only on previously cleansed skin. For this purpose, it is recommended to use special products for washing and cleansing pores.

Anti-wrinkle aloe mask

Woman and a few leaves of aloe
Woman and a few leaves of aloe

This homemade mask is just perfect for treating dry skin prone to premature wrinkles. It turns out to be excellent hydration and nutrition, the skin acquires a fresh and healthy look, and a pronounced rejuvenating effect is obtained. If you use such a cosmetic mask at least every other day, your skin condition and color will improve very quickly. Facial wrinkles and other skin imperfections are almost completely removed.

A rejuvenating aloe mask is prepared as follows:

  1. You will need to take a chicken egg, salt, cosmetic oil (any), baby nourishing cream, aloe juice, which must be pre-cooled.
  2. Aloe juice must be prepared in advance, and then mixed with baby cream in a 1: 2 ratio.
  3. Treat the skin with the resulting composition, with the exception of the area around the eyes.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse off the remnants of the product with clean and warm water, then blot with a dry towel. Do not rub the skin.
  5. Mix fine table salt (0.5 tsp) with egg until completely dissolved.
  6. Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 7-10 minutes, until it dries slightly.
  7. Then rinse off the product with warm water and apply a thin layer of baby cream on the skin.
  8. Remove the remaining cream after 5 minutes with a paper towel.

Aloe honey mask

Aloe leaves and a jar of honey
Aloe leaves and a jar of honey

The mixture of honey and aloe is one of the most popular homemade facial masks. Honey is an excellent remedy, and in combination with aloe, its positive qualities are enhanced several times. This mask is ideal for treating a variety of skin types. There is a comprehensive improvement in the general condition of the epidermis - it has a moisturizing effect, the keratinized parts of the skin are gently removed. There is an increase in elasticity and healing of the walls of the capillaries, skin cells are saturated with useful vitamins and valuable microelements, thereby accelerating the process of renewal and regeneration of the dermis.

A face mask with aloe is being prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. The mask contains turmeric, essential oil, glycerin ampoule, natural liquid honey and aloe leaves.
  2. First you need to take aloe leaves and chop in a blender or finely chop with a knife, as the result should be a gruel of a uniform consistency.
  3. Turmeric is added to an enameled container with aloe in the following proportions - 1: 3.
  4. Glycerin with essential oil is gradually introduced - 2-3 drops are taken for the entire volume of each product.
  5. At the end, liquid honey is added, it is advisable to use a fresh product. Quite enough 1, 5 tbsp. l. honey.
  6. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  7. The container is covered with a layer of polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours, as the mask should cool and thicken.
  8. The finished mask is applied to the skin with light movements, with the exception of the area around the eyes.
  9. The composition should not be rubbed in too much.
  10. The mask is washed off after half an hour with cool water or chamomile decoction.

It is recommended to use this composition 1-2 times a week for dry skin care and 3 times for oily skin.

Fruit mask with aloe

A girl holding orange slices in her hands
A girl holding orange slices in her hands

This mask is recommended for the care of very dry skin, which constantly needs additional hydration and nutrition. In this case, you will need to use the pulp of a ripe avocado. Depending on the skin type, you can independently select various fruits - for example, peach, orange or grapes are ideal for oily skin care.

Aloe mask is prepared as follows:

  1. You will need to take the juice and pulp of aloe, previously crushed to a state of gruel. Used avocado pulp (can be replaced with any other fruit), cold-pressed olive oil, sour cream (not very fatty).
  2. In a blender, the pulp of the fruit is crushed, aloe leaves are added, sour cream and a couple of drops of olive oil are added.
  3. You need to add sour cream gradually, until a composition of a homogeneous and thick consistency is obtained.
  4. The resulting mask is applied to previously cleansed skin.
  5. To obtain the desired result, you must undergo a full course - the mask is done every other day for 10 days. Then a short break is taken and, if necessary, you can take a second course.

Regular use of such a mask helps to restore lost freshness to the skin, sour cream provides good nutrition, and aloe juice has a rejuvenating effect.

Aloe and Oatmeal Mask

Pile of oat flour
Pile of oat flour

This mask can be used to treat a variety of skin types. For its preparation, oat flour is ideal, which can be made from oatmeal, previously chopped in a blender.

A cosmetic mask is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take natural liquid honey and mix with the juice obtained from one aloe leaf.
  2. Before making such a mask, it is recommended to place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for a day.
  3. Oatmeal is added in small portions, thoroughly mixing the composition so that no lumps appear.
  4. As a result, a sufficiently thick mass should be obtained, which is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face.
  5. The composition is washed off after half an hour with warm water.

Mask with cottage cheese and aloe

Aloe leaves and a bowl of cottage cheese
Aloe leaves and a bowl of cottage cheese

This mask is ideal for the care of delicate and sensitive skin. It is recommended to use homemade cottage cheese, as the store product contains a minimum of useful elements.

The mask is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. The mask contains aloe juice (2 tbsp. L.), Cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Liquid honey (2 tbsp. L.).
  2. First, cottage cheese is mixed with honey and aloe juice.
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  4. The finished mask is applied to previously cleansed skin.
  5. The composition is washed off after 15 minutes with cool water.

This mask is ideal for the care of aging and aging skin. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to use the mask twice a week.

Moisturizing mask with aloe juice

Girl and a drop of aloe juice
Girl and a drop of aloe juice

It is an ideal mask for the care of dry and dehydrated skin. You need to use this cosmetic product regularly, at least 2 times a week, since only in this case a positive result will be noticeable.

To prepare the mask, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. The mask contains peach oil (3 ml.), Strawberries (3 berries), dry St. John's wort (6 g), aloe juice (30 g).
  2. First, fresh aloe juice is extracted, then St. John's wort is introduced, which is pre-crushed in a blender.
  3. Strawberries are kneaded until puree, then added to the composition and peach oil is added.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the skin of the face.
  5. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes with warm water.

Aloe is a valuable and all-natural remedy that helps maintain the beauty, health and youthfulness of the skin. Most importantly, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to apply cosmetic masks regularly, and besides, they can be easily and quickly prepared on your own at home.

The recipe and action of the mask for wrinkles around the eyes with aloe in the following video: