Peeling for lips

Peeling for lips
Peeling for lips

Lip exfoliation helps maintain the beauty of the lips and has a rejuvenating effect. But for this it is useful to know all the intricacies of carrying out this cosmetic procedure at home and precautions. Well-groomed lips are not only important aesthetic value, because it also depends on how smoothly the lipstick will lie. In addition, subject to the constant use of modern lip glosses and lipsticks, in the absence of appropriate care, the delicate skin of the lips will become very dry, which in turn can cause infection. That is why it is important how carefully the girl monitors this part of the face.

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You can use the services of an experienced beautician and spend quite large sums of money on caring procedures, or you can periodically peel your lips at home on your own. Thanks to this procedure, the skin of the lips becomes tender, soft, rejuvenated, all dead cells are removed, and peeling is eliminated.

Lip care
Lip care

It is very easy to take care of your lips at home on your own - sometimes you need to do a light massage, moisturize regularly and use only high-quality cosmetics. It is strictly forbidden to use stitched lipsticks and very cheap products.

First of all, you need to determine what has a positive and negative effect on the condition of the lips. After knowing this, you can significantly extend the "life" of female lips:

  • Each person has certain bad habits - someone smokes, and someone in stressful situations begins to bite their lips strongly. That is why you need to throw all your strength into the fight against this not the best feature. It is worth remembering that as a result of constant biting of the lips, microcracks form on the skin, due to which microbes enter the body, therefore, inflammation develops.
  • The massage is very beneficial for the condition of the skin of the lips. You need to perform this procedure several times a week. For this purpose, you can take the simplest toothbrush, the main thing is that it has soft bristles. The massage helps to improve the blood circulation process, removes all dead particles. After completing the procedure, a little nourishing cream should be applied to the skin of the lips. For this, you can use other means - sunflower, olive or other vegetable oil.
  • If there is an unpleasant sensation of severe dryness of the lips, it is strictly forbidden to lick them. You need to apply a little nourishing cream as soon as possible, a special hygienic lipstick is also suitable. If you do not do this and just lick your lips, the skin can begin to crack strongly, and peeling forms.
  • Proper care is essential in the autumn-winter period, since severe frosts and cold winds provoke the appearance of cracks and peeling of the skin of the lips. To this end, it is useful to periodically lubricate the skin with natural honey, which not only nourishes, but also refreshes the skin. The honey is applied for about 5 minutes, then rinsed off.

Only under the condition of carrying out the correct, as well as careful care of the skin of the lips, they will retain their freshness and shape for many years.

Types of lip peels

Today there are two main types of lip shugaring:

  1. Chemical - during the procedure, fruit acids are used, due to the effect of which the surface of the lips is gently cleansed from dead scales.
  2. Mechanical - a light massage and patting on the surface of the lips is performed. During this procedure, abrasive particles and a variety of scrubs are used, which can be prepared independently using simple components.

These two treatments have a stimulating effect on cell renewal, which in turn significantly improves the appearance of the skin of the lips, making it softer and softer.

Peeling and lip masks

Peeling and lip masks
Peeling and lip masks

It is necessary to carefully look after not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the lips. Today, modern cosmetology offers a large number of different ready-made masks, but many of them do not give the desired effect. Therefore, it is recommended to stop the choice on various home methods:

  • To return freshness, shine to the skin of the lips and smooth it, you need to make the following mask - sour cream (2 tablespoons) hangs with fresh carrot juice (2 tablespoons). The prepared mixture is applied to clean lips and left on for about 7 minutes. Then you need to wash off the mask with warm, but not hot water.
  • For girls who constantly suffer from dry lips and peeling, it will be useful to apply the following composition - sour cream, cucumber and carrot fresh juice, cottage cheese and honey are mixed. The mixture is applied to the sponges for a couple of minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water, then olive oil is applied to the skin.
  • A mask with butter and grated apple brings benefits. All components must be taken in equal proportions and mixed. The mass is applied to the skin of the lips, left for a couple of minutes, then removed with a cotton pad. This mask helps not only soften delicate skin, but also speed up the healing process of painful cracks.
  • The most effective is a mixture of pork fat and honey. Take lard, melted in a water bath (0.5 tbsp. L.), Then mixed with natural honey (5 g).
  • The mask with cottage cheese and cream gives elasticity to the skin of the lips in just a couple of minutes. It is necessary to wash it off with not very hot water, and then the lips are lubricated with any hygienic lipstick.

Under the condition of regular use of natural home cosmetics, the skin of the lips becomes more delicate, acquires a bright color, and elasticity returns. For lip exfoliation at home, the following techniques are recommended:

  • Sugar (1 tsp) is mixed with liquid honey (1 tbsp). The finished mass is placed in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Then a warm scrub is applied to the sponges and a gentle massage is performed for a couple of minutes.
  • Ground rolled oats (1 tsp.) Is mixed with cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.). You can use ground rice instead of rolled oats. You need to dip your finger into the resulting mixture and begin to gently massage the skin of the lips. Movements are directed to the corners from the center.
  • Take 1 tsp. honey and baking soda, then add a couple of drops of olive oil. The ready-made mixture should be applied to the skin cleaned of cosmetics, then left for a few minutes, then a gentle massage is done.
  • Sugar (2 tablespoons) is mixed with honey (1 tablespoon). The finished pasty mass is applied to the lips, then left for about half an hour. After 30 minutes, the remaining sugar is removed with a damp cosmetic napkin.
  • You will need to mix salt and cream in equal proportions, then apply the resulting gruel to the lips, lightly massage the skin, removing all dead scales. At the end of the procedure, the mixture is washed off with warm water and a little olive oil is applied to the lips.
  • Cane sugar and aspirin, ground to a powder, are mixed in equal amounts. Glycerin and jojoba oil are added (a few drops each). The mass is applied to the lips, then left for 10 minutes, a gentle massage is done, then the mixture is washed off with slightly warm water.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the peeling procedure in case of herpes, deep cracks and bleeding wounds. After completing the procedure, a little nourishing cream is applied to the skin or a moisturizing mask is applied. Watch a video on how to make a lip scrub at home:
