How to properly care for your lips at home

How to properly care for your lips at home
How to properly care for your lips at home

Women's lips always catch the eye of men, but chapped, cracked skin will never arouse admiration. Therefore, it is useful for girls to know the secrets of lip care, what masks and exercises to do. More details about this are written in this article. Content:

  • Reasons for the loss of attractiveness
  • Cosmetic care products
  • Lip massage
  • Lip exercises
  • Daily care
  • Lip masks

Nature has not endowed all girls with bright and plump lips, but with just a little effort, you can independently achieve such a result, and you do not have to seek help from plastic surgery. It is enough to regularly perform a simple set of exercises specially designed to maintain the beauty of the lips, as well as use homemade masks and modern cosmetics.

Causes of loss of attractiveness of lips

Excessive lip licking
Excessive lip licking

Every girl needs to know the reasons that can ruin the beauty of her lips. The most common are the following:

  1. Bad habits such as smoking. In stressful situations, some girls begin to bite their lips or nails. As a result, microscopic cracks appear on the surface of the delicate skin of the lips, through which harmful microbes penetrate into the body, which in turn provokes the onset of inflammation.
  2. Even with severe dryness of the skin of the lips, you cannot lick them, otherwise they will begin to peel off and crack even more. The ideal option would be to use chapstick or cream.
  3. Frost and cold winds lead to cracks in the skin of the lips. Therefore, it is useful to lubricate them with natural honey, which perfectly refreshes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin and becomes simply irreplaceable with the onset of cold weather.

Cosmetics for lip care

Applying hygienic lipstick
Applying hygienic lipstick

The regular use of cosmetics has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin of the lips. They perfectly moisturize and nourish. For this purpose, you can also use cosmetics designed to care for the skin around the eyes, because in this area it is very delicate and thin. Modern creams not only quickly eliminate ugly dark circles and bags under the eyes, but also remove visible defects of the lips.

To prevent dry skin of the lips, to cure the cracks that appear, it is recommended to use special oil solutions of vitamins E and A. Approximately 30 minutes before going outside, the solution is applied to the lips, after which the remnants of the product are removed with a clean napkin.

It is also recommended to use a variety of balms, scrubs, creams and serums, which contain caring substances. For example, shea butter can help save the lips from severe dehydration. Sea buckthorn oil is no less useful, which has a powerful healing effect.

It is useful to use cosmetics that contain collagen, as it prevents the onset of premature aging of the delicate skin of the lips. It is worth stopping the choice on products containing peptides, due to the effect of which the skin becomes elastic, soft, soft and velvety. Hyaluronic acid will help to retain life-giving moisture inside the skin.

It is advisable to use caring cosmetics in the evening, because some creams need to be kept for at least half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Before using any tool, you must carefully read the annotation attached to it.

No girl can imagine lip care without the use of hygienic lipstick, which contains a variety of caring substances that perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. They can be used not only at any time of the year, but also during the day, therefore, they become simply irreplaceable and take the first place in every girl's cosmetic bag.

Decorative cosmetics, for example, gloss or lipstick, also provide gentle care for the skin of the lips. It is advisable that they contain not only caring components, but also various vitamins, thanks to which your sponges will remain well hydrated throughout the day.

Special attention should be paid to the selection of decorative cosmetics, giving preference only to well-known brands, because low-quality products can do more harm than good, and only worsen the condition of the lips. Before buying lipstick, look at the expiration date, which should be at least 3 months.

Massage to improve lip circulation

Lip massage
Lip massage

The massage is very beneficial for the lips, because it improves blood circulation, therefore, the lips acquire a brighter shade. To achieve this result, massage can be performed independently at home - light tapping movements are made for several minutes.

A good effect is given by massage using a toothbrush, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get a completely opposite result. Specially designed massagers can also be used for massage.

After the massage is performed, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the lips with any hygienic lipstick, a cream or simple vegetable oil can be used, which is applied with a clean cotton pad.

Exercises for beauty lips

Lip exercises
Lip exercises

You can achieve an amazing result with the help of fairly simple exercises that you need to do regularly:

  • The lips are pulled out with a tube, then you have to blow, then they relax. The exercise is performed at least 5 times.
  • Motor movements are performed by the lower jaw, while lips move to the right and left along with it. You need to do 10 repetitions in one and the other direction.
  • The deepest breath is taken, full cheeks are inflated. Exhale as slowly as possible and then quickly. Requires at least 10 repetitions.
  • The lips are stretched as far forward as possible, after which they make movements first down and then up. You will need to do 6 repetitions.

Daily lip care

Applying oil to lips
Applying oil to lips

For the beauty of the lips, it is recommended to perform simple procedures every day:

  1. At night, it is useful to apply sunflower, olive or castor oil to the skin of the lips, a simple hygienic lipstick is suitable so that the skin is well moisturized.
  2. If ugly red spots appear on the surface of the lips, in order to remove them, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy - 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water. The mass is cooked over low heat until it acquires the state of porridge. Then the ointment is left on for a while until it cools down and is applied to the lips.
  3. To soften the skin of the lips, it is recommended to use a glycerin-egg ointment. It is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. glycerin is mixed with 1 tsp. boric acid and egg yolk. During the day, it is helpful to wipe your lips with fresh cucumber juice.
  4. To solve the problem of peeling the skin of the lips, you must use the following tool - mix 10 g of sunflower oil and 5 g of cocoa powder. The resulting mixture is slightly warmed up, poured into a porcelain container and left until completely solidified. This ointment can be applied to the skin of the lips before going to bed, leaving it on overnight, or before going outside.
  5. Painful cracks on the skin of the lips are removed with homemade ointment - 2 g of boric acid are mixed with 10 g of petroleum jelly and 8 g of lanolin.
  6. Chapped lips can be smeared with a little liquid honey, which is left on for about 20 minutes. The curd-plum mask also brings benefits: the components are mixed in equal quantities, the resulting mass is applied to the sponges, covered with a paper napkin and left for 10 minutes.
  7. The following cream will help against cracks on the lips - 5 g of cinquefoil rhizome powder is stewed in 20 g of butter. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas. The positive result will be noticeable literally after the first procedure.

Lip masks

Applying a mask to lips
Applying a mask to lips

Subject to regular use of masks for lip care at home, they become soft, elastic, rich and bright natural color returns. Homemade masks will be an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics that do not always give the desired result:

  • To give the skin shine and smooth it, it is recommended to use the following mask - 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice is mixed with the same amount of sour cream. The finished mass is applied to the sponges, after 7 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
  • Against the problem of increased dryness and peeling of the skin of the lips, you need to regularly use such a remedy - cottage cheese, honey, sour cream, cucumber and carrot juice are mixed. After using such a mask, a small amount of olive oil is applied to the lips.
  • The following composition softens the skin of the lips and heals cracks - butter and grated apple mixed in equal amounts. Lips are lubricated with a ready-made cream, the product is washed off after half an hour with warm water or a clean cotton pad.
  • A mixture of lard (0.5 tbsp) and honey (5 g) perfectly nourishes and cares for the skin of the lips. Lard must be melted in advance in a steam bath.

With special attention, you need to care for your lips with the onset of cold weather and before going outside, you should definitely use protective and moisturizing lipsticks, and lip gloss should be abandoned until spring, because they contribute to skin dehydration and can cause severe flaking. How to care for your lips - watch the video:

So, the most important thing is to remember that just like your hair, your lips need daily care. Before proceeding with the procedures, all cosmetics are removed. Special exercises and massage will make your lips look attractive, soft and soft. In this case, special attention should be paid to chapped or chapped lips.