Diet for 7 days - effective for reducing the volume of the abdomen and hips

Diet for 7 days - effective for reducing the volume of the abdomen and hips
Diet for 7 days - effective for reducing the volume of the abdomen and hips

The presented diet for losing weight on the abdomen is quite gentle, since, using it, you do not have to starve. Carbohydrates give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, protein foods are also good for filling. It's nice, looking at yourself in a full-length mirror, not to find flaws. But not everyone is satisfied with their own figure. Sometimes, in order for the appearance to be satisfying, you have to go on a diet and use physical activity.

What can not be eaten on a diet for 7 days?

Measuring your waist with a tape measure
Measuring your waist with a tape measure

Few people manage to indulge in food, consume high-calorie foods and still remain slim. The belly is one of the most problematic places for women. After all, nature has laid such a feature: the fair sex is the continuer of the genus, and so that they can bear children even in conditions of insufficient nutrition, a fat reserve is deposited in the abdomen. If you want to get rid of it, then look at which foods you need to reduce or completely abandon them in order to remove the extra centimeters at the waist. It:

  1. Sugar. Once in the body, it gradually turns into fat.
  2. Salt. It interferes with the normal metabolism, retains water.
  3. Smoked meats, pickles, fried foods, various fast foods.
  4. Coffee, alcohol.
  5. Sweet carbonated drinks, juice bags. They are high in carbohydrates.
  6. Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and other high-calorie sauces.
  7. Pasta (except those made from durum wheat), pasta. These foods contain a lot of heavy carbohydrates that are converted to fat.
  8. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, beets.
  9. Fat meat.
  10. Canned food.
  11. Sweet fruits: grapes, peaches, bananas, figs.

What can you eat during the 7 days diet?

Skinny girl and a plate of fruit
Skinny girl and a plate of fruit

To remove fat from the abdomen and sides, you need to give up the above products, include the following food in the diet:

  1. Low-fat fish.
  2. Vegetables. These include: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, green peas, cabbage, lettuce, herbs.
  3. Fruits, berries. These are: apples, plums, apricots, cherry plums, pears, any berries, etc.
  4. Dairy products. Preference should be given to low-fat or low-fat.
  5. Poultry, lean beef.
  6. Groats: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and some others.
  7. Seeds, nuts, dried fruits, but in limited quantities.
  8. Lean fish.

Having purchased permitted products in the store, the fair sex can begin her journey to harmony. A balanced menu for the week will help with this. If you wish, you can include other "permitted" dishes in your diet, but their total calorie content should not exceed 1700 Kcal per day.

Diet for a slim belly for 7 days: a menu for every day

Girl measures her waist in the kitchen
Girl measures her waist in the kitchen

Eat no more than 200–250 g of food at a time. Do not add salt to food, do not season it with soy sauce, which contains a lot of this substance. The presented menu is varied, it will saturate the body with useful substances and at the same time lose weight. Of course, physical activity is necessary for greater effect. Then it will be possible to lose weight by 3-5 kg in one week.


This day is based on protein foods. Breakfast includes:

  • 150-200 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • tea without sugar, to which you can add a little milk of low fat content;
  • one pear.

Between breakfast and lunch, you should eat 200 ml of low-fat natural yogurt. Lunch: salad of grated raw carrots, flavored with kefir or yogurt and boiled chicken fillet. For an afternoon snack, eat 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, two slices of any of the citrus fruits. Dinner consists of a piece of fillet and fresh cucumber.


This day's menu is based on fruits, non-starchy vegetables and cereals. Breakfast relies on:

  • boiled rice;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • compote without sugar.

The snack consists of pineapple slices.

Lunch includes vegetable stew without oil and boiled rice.

For an afternoon snack, you can enjoy pineapple.

Eat rice and vegetable salad with olive oil for dinner.


On Wednesday, as well as on Monday, protein foods predominate. This diet is quite gentle, the products used in it are balanced, give a feeling of fullness.

Start your morning with a salad made from one hard-boiled egg and 50 g feta cheese. Finish your meal with a glass of green tea without sugar and an apple.

An afternoon snack includes one grapefruit.

For lunch, steamed pink salmon with green vegetables. This can be zucchini, cabbage, including broccoli, green beans, and so on.

An afternoon snack consists of 200 ml of kefir 0% fat.

Dinner is amazing. Choose your favorite recipe that includes an ingredient like rabbit meat. But it should be boiled or stewed. For a side dish, prepare yourself a salad of boiled beets, add a little prunes here. Sprinkle a pinch of chopped nuts over the vegetable dish.


On this day, carbohydrates predominate. As you can imagine, protein days alternate with carbohydrate days. This proper nutrition is effective, it will help to reduce the waist in a week.

So, for breakfast on Thursday, it is supposed to eat boiled buckwheat, as well as a salad made from fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

The snack will appeal to lovers of apples and oranges. You can eat one of these fruits or half each.

Lunch consists of buckwheat, vegetable hodgepodge, cooked with a minimum amount of vegetable oil, or better without it.

An afternoon snack includes two kiwis or one pear.

For dinner, you can eat boiled buckwheat, finish your meal with a glass of tomato juice.


On Friday girls, women, weight watchers are allowed to cook an omelet for breakfast. It is made without oil and consists of two eggs. Treat yourself to a small slice of low fat cheese. Finish your breakfast with unsweetened tea.

You can take your daily snack with you to work or school. It consists of a salad made with fruits. The dish is flavored with unsweetened low-fat yogurt.

Lunch is also not difficult to put in a plastic container, bring to service. Then you can taste:

  • steamed beef patties;
  • beans;
  • half a grapefruit.

An afternoon snack relies on 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, which must be mixed with berries. You can pour this delicious snack with a small jar of low-fat yogurt or with a glass of low-fat kefir.

At home you will be greeted with a dinner consisting of:

  • steam pollock or cod;
  • fat-free kefir;
  • apples.

The evening meal can be divided into 2 meals, having drunk kefir and eating an apple a little later. If you stick to this diet, you will see the first results of losing weight on the sixth day. Visually, they will not be so noticeable yet, but the scales will show a decrease in body weight. Do not stop there, continue to act so that a simple weekly course will bear even greater benefits.


Start this day with breakfast with oatmeal cooked in water along with a little dried fruit. Enjoy a cup of aromatic tea with a little honey.

Eat an orange or apple for a snack.

For lunch, indulge in sunshine puree soup made with pumpkin and an apple.

The afternoon snack includes: a salad of grated carrots, which is seasoned with kefir or yogurt.

Finish the day with dinner and some buckwheat. It is an excellent unloading product. A glass of tomato juice containing vitamins will also please.


If you survived until Sunday, the method of losing weight seemed quite easy to you, then prepare a vitamin salad of bell peppers and tomatoes with boiled beef for breakfast that day.

Make homemade cottage cheese in advance, treat yourself to it during your Sunday snack, adding your favorite berries to it.

For lunch, make a chicken fillet with stewed eggplant and zucchini.

The afternoon snack consists of your favorite low-fat yogurt.

Round off the Sunday afternoon with a dinner that includes chicken fillet and citrus fruit.

To make the abdominal area shrink even more efficiently, try to move more. This free tip is very effective and effective. You also need to drink enough water - two liters a day.

With vigorous physical activity, the results will be even more noticeable.

Exercises for slimming the abdomen during the 7 days diet

A graphical depiction of beneficial exercise for weight loss
A graphical depiction of beneficial exercise for weight loss

First, do a short warm-up for 15 minutes.

After it, it's time to move on to exercises aimed at stimulating the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. This can be the well-known "scissors", "bicycle", raising and lowering the legs from a sitting position. Hold a plank, swing your abs, push up off the floor or higher surface.

According to some reviews, breathing exercises help well. You just need to do it correctly. If you have good willpower, then include fasting days in the menu. If you wish, you can use the diet of Elena Malysheva. This power system has had good results.

The main thing is to eat in small portions, fully, include daily physical activity. Then you will become even more beautiful, and men will not get tired of complimenting you!

Another 7-day diet option:
