Beetroot - what is the use?

Beetroot - what is the use?
Beetroot - what is the use?

Everything about beets: description, composition (vitamins), calorie content, which diseases are prescribed for the treatment, what are the health benefits of juice, when it can be harmful, are there any contraindications. Boiled beets: that is why it differs from other vegetable crops, that during cooking it does not lose its useful properties. And all due to the fact that mineral salts and vitamins of group B are not as susceptible to heating as, for example, vitamin C. Therefore, boiled beets are no worse than raw beets - the same benefit.

Beet juice
Beet juice

Beet juice:

is considered the number 1 juice to improve blood composition. However, you need to drink it gradually: 1 glass of wine juice can cause nausea or slight dizziness. At first, it is better to consume the mixture along with carrot juice, gradually increasing the amount of beetroot juice. So the body will better perceive the cleansing effect of a useful root crop.

In addition to anemia, it is useful to drink juice during menopause - so the effect will be much greater than from taking medications based on synthetic hormones. It is also indicated for thickening of the blood, which contributes to high pressure, when veins are dilated or hardened.

The benefits of the juice are invaluable in traditional medicine for the treatment of sore throats, rhinitis and pharyngitis. The drops help improve hearing and relieve deafness. Read more in the article: "The use of beets in medicine."

Harmful properties of a vegetable

Limit the use of beets should be in case of urolithiasis, due to the content of oxalic acid in it.

In its raw form, it should not be consumed in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), since fibers cause intestinal upset. Hypotonics should also be careful: substances in the root vegetable and its juice lower blood pressure, which can cause nausea and dizziness. To prevent this, it is recommended to drink beet juice with apple and / or carrot pulp.

Video about the benefits of a vegetable (watch video from 16 minutes 30 seconds):
